It doesn’t matter what you believe about the virus or who you support, but if you don’t believe this is gonna keep being pushed hard through November I don’t know what to tell ya. There will be backlash with whatever decision the state makes and I fear that our side will be the upset ones
‘It doesn’t matter what you believe or who you support” - a reasonable statement
“They’re just pushing this to get an edge in the election!!!1!1” - batshit conspiracy talk
“It doesn’t matter what you believe” is absolutely true. Science and facts are going to prevail every time.
Here’s some facts:
-This virus is insanely contagious, we’re only starting to figure out ways to treat it, and we don’t have a vaccine yet.
-We know the virus is very dangerous for the elderly and those who have other existing conditions. Thankfully the outcome appears to be less serious for younger, healthier people, but it’s not *absolutely* safe - young people have died from the disease, and there is no way to predict who suffers and who doesn’t.
- We don’t know the long-term effects yet. There’s some evidence that people with a mild case of COVID-19 might still experience long-term problems with their lungs or other organs. Sure, it’s an unknown, but it’s not a definite fact that “kids don’t suffer from getting this” either.
-The virus appears to be spread very often by people who aren’t feeling sick and don’t even know they have it.
So we have a virus that can spread very easily from people who aren’t aware they have it, it can easily kill older people as well as a small number of younger, healthier folks, might have lasting health effects that we don’t understand yet, and we’ve got no good way to treat it. Somehow I don’t think the best response is, “We just have to go about our business and let people get sick, no big deal, it’s just the flu.”
It’s not just the flu, the flu doesn’t kill over 130,000 Americans in five months. Plus if you have the flu, you probably feel sick and try to stay away from other people - not possible if you have no symptoms.
This is not some political game. The world didn’t fake this disease to take down a President. Over a half-million humans didn’t die to stick it to your freedom of choice. Teachers and parents concerned over school opening procedures aren’t doing it to help a political party. Football (as much as I’m going to miss it if it’s gone, not to mention that I’d be losing work if there’s no games, too) is not more important than public health.
The questions need to be “can we get kids back in school safely?” and “are there actions we can take to conduct a football season while controlling the spread of the virus?” and “can we find a scientifically safe way to do this?” If we can’t, then we shouldn’t. If we can, let’s do what it takes.