Who had the most impressive first round victory?

Originally posted by UnionFootballFan:

NFV - Dominating performance.
Using Quick Stats info:

Total offense:
NFV - 732
Monticello - 98

Rough night for Monticello... Didn't expect them to win, but thought it would be a closer game.
Cascade 42-0 over WB/ND is pretty impressive. It was basically 35-0 after 3. Cascade had some better offensive games but basically shutting down a team that has had over 3600 yards offense on the year is getting it done.
Sioux Center played a hell of a game against a very good CL/GLR team. Sioux Center, Clear Lake, and Spirit Lake are all semi final teams. To bad only 1 will make it. Just doesn't seem right.
Cascade played a darn good game. I give em props for that and I am a WB/ND supporter. Just the only bush move that happened at the game was. Was when the National Anthem was played it was a good eight minutes before the game. Heck the Falcons were still in locker room. Every other game we had been to they do it with about three minutes before kickoff. We came out and lined up for it. Not trying to take away from the kids cuz Cascade did a damn fine job.

This post was edited on 10/30 9:49 PM by rogerfrank
I can assure you it wasn't an intentional snub. The band and color guard just so happened to be on the field ready to go. Normally they put 30 on the clock for warm ups and that night they put 35. Maybe the band director simply been going off his own timing.
I was a little harsh with the bush move commit sorry for that. Understand stuff happens. And good luck in rest of the season.