Poorer, stupider gator…

On another note, the 8 suspected terrorist that were arrested are here doing exactly what type agricultural work ? Harvesting watermelons maybe !
lol has there been a more wrong person than gator?
You? Don’t make me count.

Did Biden beat you Comrade Felon Trumpsky ? I said blowout. It was.

Did the stock market crash on his Election? I said it would boom and it has. Greatest economy on the planet… as I said.
Thank you President Benjamin Harrison for providing Gator the single dumbest talking point currently used on AL Gore's interweb.
I can’t respond to his stupidity anymore. I’ll point and laugh, that’s about it.

He’s voting for Joe Biden again with no shame, but he’s a lifelong Republican. That’s akin to a racist telling you they have a black friend.
I can’t respond to his stupidity anymore. I’ll point and laugh, that’s about it.

He’s voting for Joe Biden again with no shame, but he’s a lifelong Republican. That’s akin to a racist telling you they have a black friend.
I am a lifelong Republican. As many others formerly on his staff and cabinet- I will vote the least worst.
FELON Trumpsky is a lunatic RINO and was a life long Democratic who supported the Clintons and Cuomo Mafias for years. They were guests of honor at his wedding to the stripper and illegal immigrant. Isn’t that all true?

I can prove it… but it’s better for you to deny it and further prove my assertion that you are all blind lemming- go ahead.
I am a lifelong Republican. As many others formerly on his staff and cabinet- I will vote the least worst.
FELON Trumpsky is a lunatic RINO and was a life long Democratic who supported the Clintons and Cuomo Mafias for years. They were guests of honor at his wedding to the stripper and illegal immigrant. Isn’t that all true?

I can prove it… but it’s better for you to deny it and further prove my assertion that you are all blind lemming- go ahead.

Seriously, what the absolute fvck do you think least worst means?

I’ve been as critical as anybody of Trump. I was (and still am) beyond pissed that the Republican primary voters were stupid enough to choose him when there was a 10000x better option available.

None of that changes the fact that the Dems are certifiably insane and Biden is just a figurehead that doesn’t know where he is or who who’s talking to 95% of the time. There’s nothing he’s done since he took office that makes a sane Republican/Conservative look at him and go “you know, these policies align more with mine than the previous president’s did”.
I am a lifelong Republican.


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