Meanwhile, the clown show administration...

There you go! See, the Balloon Butcher is there to keep us safe……shoot first and ask questions later.
Use a $400k missile… kill a $100 balloon 🤔

All you have to do to know what a clown show the admin. is listen to the people being sent out to talk to America,. A senile, draft dodging, child diddling, serial liar, a whore who can't put a complete sensible sentence together. a fag that spends more time not doing his job and taking taxpayer paid for flights overseas and lastly the WH spokesqueer that can not answer a question.

But, hey, at least there is no more mean tweets.
There was a time when we actively defended our northern border, Alaska, etc. I guess the southern border isn’t the only one Dems want porous.

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