Oct 2, 2014
Everyone has been really tearing into the IAHSAA and Iowa High School Sports Net this week for basically kicking local sports guys off the mats at the state wrestling tournament, so I figured I'd jump in with a beef I think I've posted on here before....

Where are the replays of sporting events the IHSSN has streamed? I think the live streaming idea is great and all, but where are the full replays? It seems like they are nowhere to be found. Does the IHSSN just delete all their film besides small highlight packages on Youtube? If the IAHSAA is going to basically say the IHSSN and INA photographers are the only people they want covering these games, shouldn't they try to at least get the best coverage they can get? You'd think they would either upload the videos (like the company with the girls' union does) or even sell videos of the state tournament games (more likely they would do that).

It's just kind of weird to me that they would pay announcers and camera guys to do the live streams and then either vault or get rid of all the replays (unless I just can't find them because they are hidden deep within the IHSSN website).
Write the major sponsors of ihssn ( I have recently about their horrible decision to sell the broadcast rights to Chicago). It's the only way to put pressure on these guys.
Write the major sponsors of ihssn ( I have recently about their horrible decision to sell the broadcast rights to Chicago). It's the only way to put pressure on these guys.
I have some old vhs tapes of state tournament games from the early 2000s I'd like to convert. Perhaps also find a way to upload them to YouTube as well. Would that (Youtube) be something the State would frown upon?

If not, then others should just do that as a way to "get games out there".

The Union is definitely ahead of the Association in this aspect.....
I just don't get it. I understand they don't have to release the tapes, but I don't really get why they wouldn't. I actually think they do a really good job at broadcasting the games and you'd think that would be kind of how they further their brand.

Converting the VHS tapes I'm sure would be OK because the IHSSN didn't do it back then. I'm sure they'd take it down if you tried to upload games from the last few years.

Besides the horrible decision of kicking all other media off the mats during wrestling, I enjoy the IHSSN. But I feel like they could use a P.R. guy in a big way.
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Thanks for linking the article. Will be contacting my local superintendent about this brain-dead decision. Great coverage map IHSSN!
(KMAland) -- The Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa High School Sports Network have had a relationship for several years now. I’m trying hard to remember one, but I can’t recall a single reasonable, healthy or practical change or decision they’ve made since that partnership began.

I won’t go through the entire history, but it started with the IHSSN acquiring the rights to broadcast the state tournaments. In doing so, it allowed for them to start gouging radio stations for rights fees. In turn, many radio stations – including this one – cut back on the amount of games it covered at the state tournament. You tell me if that’s a good thing for local communities and athletes.

Years later, the IHSSN struck a deal with Comcast SportsNet Chicago to make them the exclusive television and digital home for 33 Iowa High School Athletic Association Championship events. This seems like it would be a good idea – maybe even great. Now, Iowa high school athletes would be featured on a regional sports network. Except, there was and still remains a complete lack of foresight in this deal. Something that appears to be a staple of the IHSSN.

You see, Comcast SportsNet Chicago is not available with local cable companies in a large portion of the state, namely this side of the state. And if you don’t have a cable company that subscribes then you can’t even watch it on an online stream. Now, you can get DirecTV or DISH Network and be just fine, but not everybody wants to spend an arm and a leg just so they can get Comcast SportsNet Chicago. The IHSSN and IHSAA combined to put it all on cable companies, suggesting Iowans contact those companies and demand they make a deal with Comcast, which is just completely hilarious and rich.
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I heard a radio interview yesterday with Alan Beste (IHSAA) who spoke to the IHSAA side of things regarding the wrestling and boys basketball tournaments.

Below is the summary from Beste. I apologize in advance for the length.


"The IHSAA sold the media rights to IHSSN who provides a right's fee annually back to the IHSAA. It is up to the IHSSN to go to whomever they can to find the best coverage across the state of Iowa. In the past, that has meant going through local affiliates, local cable companies and asking them to provide coverage while the IHSSN helps them find sponsorships.

As TV media has changed, the IHSSN had to re-evaluate how they provided coverage. The IHSSN went to Comcast to see the amount of Iowa households Comcast could serve, and compared it to the amount of Iowa households that be covered through other ways they could put a network together. The IHSSN chose to go with Comcast-Chicago. This allowed the IHSSN to broadcast over Dish, DirecTV and certain Iowa-served cable companies, but not all cable companies.

But that is is no different than in prior years where there has always been gaps in the TV coverage. Last year, certain parts of the state last year could not get the state championships, where this year they can. People in certain parts of the state could get the championships last year, where this year they can't. That's just part of what the local cable company chooses to pick up, or what the Dish / DirecTV [subscriber] chooses as part of their package.

While we (IHSAA) have a contract with them (IHSSN) to provide coverage, the IHSSN has to determine how to go out and provide that coverage for as many people as possible.
I believe they (IHSSN) have a three year contract with Comcast-Chicago.
We (IHSAA) are at the table whenever those [coverage] discussions take place. Can we say, IHSSN you have to do this or that? No we cannot. We are a partner with them. When the three years are up, we'll be sitting at the table. It isn't good for us when people can't have coverage. Again, this isn't the first year some people may not have coverage, it's been that way before. For us it's not only coverage but promotion of the sport. For them, it's not only coverage, but also getting sponsorships. The more coverage they can get, the more sponsorships they can get."
Pizza Ranch, one of the primary sponsors, was founded in Hull, IA.
This fall, 2 high schools from Hull played in the state football championship game.
Almost no one within 100 miles could watch the finals or semi-finals from home.

If you know someone in the Pizza Ranch hierarchy, say something to them.
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I heard a radio interview yesterday with Alan Beste (IHSAA) who spoke to the IHSAA side of things regarding the wrestling and boys basketball tournaments. ...
We (IHSAA) are at the table whenever those [coverage] discussions take place. Can we say, IHSSN you have to do this or that? No we cannot. We are a partner with them. When the three years are up, we'll be sitting at the table. It isn't good for us when people can't have coverage. Again, this isn't the first year some people may not have coverage, it's been that way before. For us it's not only coverage but promotion of the sport. For them, it's not only coverage, but also getting sponsorships. The more coverage they can get, the more sponsorships they can get."
This is such a cop out!

They took down the coverage map from their website almost immediately because it was by far the best evidence of what a bad move this was.

Would be SO simple to just insist that all viewers are given access to watch the games on-line.
A flick of a switch (or a simple hack) is all it would take to let Iowa fans watch Iowa high school sports (like everyone in Indiana and Illinois already can).
You can watch the entire girls' tournament (with replays) for free on Youtube now. It is insane that you can't do that for boys' sports. Even a simple live stream with a camera going back and forth and then cutting to the scoreboard on timeouts would be better. At least the players could watch the games afterwards. I had no idea about the coverage map or that radio stations had to pay the IHSSN. That's such bull crap.
Why can't they go through one of the major network affiliates (ABC, CBS, NBC, or FOX)?

I may not be following you. If I'm understanding correctly, I'm not sure how that would work. Each major network affiliate has a limited coverage/market area and may have different ownerships.

For example, a Des Moines ABC affiliate would only have a certain coverage area and may not reach a Sioux City market. Meanwhile, Sioux City would have its own ABC affiliate and likely a different ownership group than the Des Moines ABC affiliate.

I like the streaming suggestions which would reach any and all. Could the Iowa public television be an alternative?
I would even be 100% ok with having to pay for streaming coverage. If I could pay $10 to watch a game, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have to pay that to attend the game so why not to watch it streaming? Clearly, the heat has been turned up if Beste needed to make a statement about it. To say that their coverage is better with Comcast is a lie. They are trying to make more money. While I don't blame IHSSN for that since they are a for-profit organization, I do blame IHSAA and the sponsors for not being more vocal about the decision. I emailed IHSSN, Comcast, IHSAA, Iowa Farm Bureau, and Pizza Ranch back in November during Football. I encourage everyone to keep doing the same, especially with the sponsors. A pissed off viewer doesn't mean much to IHSSN, but a pissed off sponsor means EVERYTHING to them. Start pinching their funding and changes will happen quickly.
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Could the Iowa public television be an alternative?

From what I've heard, IPTV has no plans to make a play for rights to boys' championships. They already have girls' championships, and don't want to take on any more sports programming.
From today's Dickinson County News:

The IHSSN consultants handed the television rights for high school championship events to CSN Chicago. The Comcast network isn't an option anywhere in northwest Iowa. It doesn't sound like it's even an option in Des Moines.

As football fans who had to stay behind in Lake Park this fall already know: "You must be a cable, DirectTV or Dish Satellite subscriber with the CSN package" to even stream the event over your computer.

Put another way, the Iowa High School Sports Network has an agreement with a broadcaster that doesn't reach a large part of the state. It controls the credentials for the very print reporters who could at least bring the story back to blacked-out regions of the state. And, it's rearranging the furniture at Wells Fargo Arena in a way that makes it harder for people like Matt to cover great kids like Kolton.

The IHSSN is invested in the event. To them, it's business.

The state's sports writers are invested in the kids. To them, it's personal. They shouldn't have to move one inch from the arena floor.

Not one inch.
The IHSSN debacle is reason #78 to combine the boys assoc with the girl's union. Remind me again why Iowa is the only state with separate associations? The girl's union does so many things so much better than the boy's assoc it's not even funny anymore.

Everyone in the world is increasing coverage and access to events - well, except for the IAHSAA thru the IHSSN. They have chosen to decrease coverage and limit access. Great move! I'm certain it's better for the sport and the student athletes to have large sections of the state unable to see state tourney games. It's way better for the kids to remove local newspaper photogs and reporters from mat-side at state wrestling.

How long before the IAHSAA goes after the livestreaming of regular season games at individual schools?
The Comcast network isn't an option anywhere in northwest Iowa. It doesn't sound like it's even an option in Des Moines.

That statement is disingenuous. People in Des Moines most certainly can get access to Comcast - it is an option here. And Comcast is an available option in NW Iowa if people want to subscribe to a satellite or cable service that carries it. Again, it is an option. Just because it's not a network/affiliate channel, doesn't meant the games are not available at all to them. Folks have the option to sign up for a service if they really, really want to see those games. Heck, people could even go to a local establishment that has satellite service and see the games there.

Put another way, the Iowa High School Sports Network has an agreement with a broadcaster that doesn't reach a large part of the state.

Again, not sticking up for the IHSSN -- I too would prefer the games to be on a network affiliate or streaming of some sort. However, I do think there is a point to the IHSAA arguments that no matter what route you go from a TV standpoint, there is likely never going to be a 100% television coverage in Iowa.

The only way to get 100%-absolute-coverage is streaming or podcast. And even then, you'd have the old folks in NW IA bitch and moan because they probably couldn't work it (note the sarcasm).
There are two separate issues at play here. One is the fact that they took the video/audio and sent it to Comcast. And you are correct, if you get the right package on Dish, etc. you can get it (I'm going off information I've seen posted here. I've not actually tried it myself.)

The second issue and, in my humble opinion a bigger issue, is limiting access to print reporters. They don't do video. They don't do audio. They are newspaper reporters. This decision to limit their access is the one that boggles my mind and why I won't pay another dime to attend State Wrestling events nor will I pay anything to IHSSN for any reason.
The second issue and, in my humble opinion a bigger issue, is limiting access to print reporters. They don't do video. They don't do audio. They are newspaper reporters.

Newspapers have branched out. They frequently post video and audio to their websites.
Newspapers have branched out. They frequently post video and audio to their websites.

That specific issue could easily be addressed. "Print reporters are allowed access with condition that any posting of video or audio violates......"
Cluster funk (or a variation of the word.....). That's what this all sounds like to me.

Top notch stuff by all parties involved.

That statement is disingenuous. People in Des Moines most certainly can get access to Comcast - it is an option here. And Comcast is an available option in NW Iowa if people want to subscribe to a satellite or cable service that carries it. Again, it is an option. Just because it's not a network/affiliate channel, doesn't meant the games are not available at all to them. Folks have the option to sign up for a service if they really, really want to see those games. Heck, people could even go to a local establishment that has satellite service and see the games there.

Again, not sticking up for the IHSSN -- I too would prefer the games to be on a network affiliate or streaming of some sort. However, I do think there is a point to the IHSAA arguments that no matter what route you go from a TV standpoint, there is likely never going to be a 100% television coverage in Iowa.

The only way to get 100%-absolute-coverage is streaming or podcast. And even then, you'd have the old folks in NW IA bitch and moan because they probably couldn't work it (note the sarcasm).

I think most folks understand there is an "option". Obviously, another "option" is to attend the games in person - but that's not what we're talking about. The point is that it is a bad option, especially for the folks in western Iowa. Have you seen the map of the cable providers carrying CSN Chicago? It's linked in one of the above posts.

Could I switch to Dish and get a subscription to be able to watch the games - yes. However, I had previously made the decision to go with my local cable company for a number of reasons. I have contacted my cable company and they have no desire to add CSN and I don't blame them. I am in Vikings/Twins/T-wolves territory. Hardly any Bulls/White Sox fans in NW Iowa. I get there are more Chicago area fans in SE Iowa, but that's the point and why it is such a joke for IHSSN to tell me to contact my cable company.

By the way, our local cable company made a large donation to our local school a couple years ago and I know that in a neighboring community, the local cable company has been very generous in supporting projects. I imagine this happens all over the state. How much has Dish or DirecTV donated to Iowa schools? Not to mention the local employees the cable companies have.

Why is it that I can watch all the Iowa girls tourney games online or on TV and can watch all South Dakota (the other state I'm familiar with) bb tournament games online, but have to switch to Dish AND get the extra package in order watch the Iowa wrestling, football or bb games?

There is a pretty big difference between "there is likely never going to be a 100% television coverage in Iowa" and excluding large sections of the state - then blaming it on the local cable companies for not picking up channels almost nobody cares about in the area.
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There is a pretty big difference between "there is likely never going to be a 100% television coverage in Iowa" and excluding large sections of the state - then blaming it on the local cable companies for not picking up channels almost nobody cares about in the area.

When I contacted my local cable company about this, they told me it would cost them over $1 Million to add CSN to the lineup and that CSN was completely unwilling to work with them on purchasing a la carte events.

I will say, CSN did go out of their way to schedule viewing events of the Football Championships at local schools. It was a very nice gesture and had the weather been better I think would have been very well attended. However, the point remains, IHSSN made a bad decision and the very fact that this thread exists is proof that the IASHAA and their sponsors are feeling some heat where they did not before.

IPTV is the answer. Full coverage on literally every TV set in the state.
Good read and a nice summary of what this is all about. I shared it on FB and encouraged people to contact the Sponsors. I can't imagine the heat they are feeling right now in Boone and at IHSSN. Their two-bit explanations about all of this are plastered everywhere on their websites so you know they are trying to cut down some of the email and phone calls protesting their bad decisions.
They sold the rights for only $60k and with no say in what the IHSSN does with those rights?!? Bunch of amateurs running the IAHSAA. Sounds like Krogman at IHSSN is getting a little prickly...
Why do we have two associations?

The $10.4 million combined fiscal 2015 expenses of the Iowa groups nearly matched expenses of the Illinois High School Association, which governs girls’ and boys’ sports in a state with more than four times as many people.

Wulkow, the now retired director of the Iowa boys’ association, was paid more that year than the executive directors from associations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri and Nebraska who oversaw both boys’ and girls’ sports.

The Missouri State High School Activities Association governs not just sports but chess, debate, cheerleading, music, the scholar bowl, target shooting and bass fishing.

By the way, FakeIHSSN (@BoysinBoone) is pretty funny.
I'm told there is a fair amount of work being done in the Iowa Legislature to put an end to separate unions. It's long overdue.
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