Crispy Cream Chris needs to…


All District
Oct 25, 2017
put down the donuts and quit hanging out with the Marxists….and Gator-like TDS goons.
put down the donuts and quit hanging out with the Marxists….and Gator-like TDS goons.
LOL at Trump trying to say he’s doing anything for us. It’s all about him and the glorification of his massive ego. I just take pleasure at all the reeeing done by democrats over him and the things he did as president. The rest of him and what he’s about can Fvck off.
LOL at Trump trying to say he’s doing anything for us. It’s all about him and the glorification of his massive ego. I just take pleasure at all the reeeing done by democrats over him and the things he did as president. The rest of him and what he’s about can Fvck off.
From a strategy standpoint, Christie isn’t making a very smart move by pissing off the Trumpers.
LOL at Trump trying to say he’s doing anything for us. It’s all about him and the glorification of his massive ego. I just take pleasure at all the reeeing done by democrats over him and the things he did as president. The rest of him and what he’s about can Fvck off.
You need to get RFK, Jr.'s member out of your mouth...You've been on Cape Cod too long.

BTW, you've got to take the good with the bad. None of them are perfect.
You need to get RFK, Jr.'s member out of your mouth...You've been on Cape Cod too long.

BTW, you've got to take the good with the bad. None of them are perfect.
Didn’t say I won’t vote for him. I won’t in the primary but I will in the general. I don’t have to like him. I never have.
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put down the donuts and quit hanging out with the Marxists….and Gator-like TDS goons.
It’s Krispy Kreme… a sacred American institution. At least get the spelling correct.
Not being Trump is all it takes. That’s why they hate DeSantis so much. He’s actually better, he just has what I think are inexperienced people running his campaign.

He has surrounded himself with and indebted himself to the establishment swamp people though. That's been disappointing for me.
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