Caucus day and it’s….


All District
Oct 25, 2017
-12 🥶
Looked and found mine was moved to the local high school 4 miles away so I might go. Most of the school district is included, might be interesting. I kind of lean Haley because per poles she wins the biggest and that might drag some senators and house members with her.

But I'm often tired as heck by then and they didn't chemo me last week because WBC was too low. Trying again Thursday.
Looked and found mine was moved to the local high school 4 miles away so I might go. Most of the school district is included, might be interesting. I kind of lean Haley because per poles she wins the biggest and that might drag some senators and house members with her.

But I'm often tired as heck by then and they didn't chemo me last week because WBC was too low. Trying again Thursday.
Man, I feel for you…. Sounds
Like you’ve got some challenges on your table - best thoughts with you and your
Looked and found mine was moved to the local high school 4 miles away so I might go. Most of the school district is included, might be interesting. I kind of lean Haley because per poles she wins the biggest and that might drag some senators and house members with her.

But I'm often tired as heck by then and they didn't chemo me last week because WBC was too low. Trying again Thursday.
Prayers for you, bud
Looked and found mine was moved to the local high school 4 miles away so I might go. Most of the school district is included, might be interesting. I kind of lean Haley because per poles she wins the biggest and that might drag some senators and house members with her.

But I'm often tired as heck by then and they didn't chemo me last week because WBC was too low. Trying again Thursday.

That's frustrating as hell I'm sure. Keep your chin up and fight like....well, a naked meth head covered in poop is the best I can come with at the moment. 🤷‍♂️
Looked and found mine was moved to the local high school 4 miles away so I might go. Most of the school district is included, might be interesting. I kind of lean Haley because per poles she wins the biggest and that might drag some senators and house members with her.

But I'm often tired as heck by then and they didn't chemo me last week because WBC was too low. Trying again Thursday.
Keep up the good fight brother.
Unfortunately Republican primary voters remain one of the dumber voting blocks in America.

I can’t really crack on Iowa, given I’m from Alabama. Alabama Republican primary voters may be the dumbest voting block in America.

(When I say dumb/dumbest, it means of voting blocks with some semblance of a brain. So it rules out 75%+ of Dem voting blocks)
Nothing personal, but that whole system just seems fvcked up and stupid.
Well it’s certainly a tribute to another time in our nation’s history that’s for sure. I must say, getting over a hundred people in a room and listening to them passionately discuss their love for this country…… and complete disgust with the direction its headed, is heartwarming.
Well it’s certainly a tribute to another time in our nation’s history that’s for sure. I must say, getting over a hundred people in a room and listening to them passionately discuss their love for this country…… and complete disgust with the direction its headed, is heartwarming.
Yeah but those 100 decide it for everyone else? Not that our votes really matter anymore but still.
Yeah but those 100 decide it for everyone else? Not that our votes really matter anymore but still.
I was going to say, I’d MUCH prefer those 100+ making decisions over the collection of malcontents in DC……both elected and unelected.
Unfortunately Republican primary voters remain one of the dumber voting blocks in America.

I can’t really crack on Iowa, given I’m from Alabama. Alabama Republican primary voters may be the dumbest voting block in America.

(When I say dumb/dumbest, it means of voting blocks with some semblance of a brain. So it rules out 75%+ of Dem voting blocks)
Lay the hay on the ground where the goats can eat it, Hux
At least there is some hope for the future Republican Party, in the 30 and under demographic Trump only got 22% of the vote in Iowa.
At least there is some hope for the future Republican Party, in the 30 and under demographic Trump only got 22% of the vote in Iowa.

I don't agree. Nikki Haley isn't a conservative imo and of course Christy isn't either. So the people who voted for them don't give me a great deal of hope either.

As for Vivek, I don't 100% know what he is....other than pretty slick.
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I don't agree. Nikki Haley isn't a conservative imo and of course Christy isn't either. So the people who voted for them don't give me a great deal of hope either.

As for Vivek, I don't 100% know what he is....other than pretty slick.

It’s better than sticking your fingers in your ears and saying “Trump will fix everything!” while ignoring that he stands for basically nothing that that crowd claims to stand for.

But yes, Haley getting a decent bit of the vote is discouraging too. It also shows that the “old guard/Neocon” Republicans don’t really give a damn about the Republican Party, or they never would’ve pushed Haley so hard when it was clear that it needed to be a 2 man race to try and beat Trump’s cult like following.
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At least there is some hope for the future Republican Party, in the 30 and under demographic Trump only got 22% of the vote in Iowa.
Well I know for a fact that due to Iowa allowing crossover voting in primaries, there was a significant number of Dems voting for Haley
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I don't agree. Nikki Haley isn't a conservative imo and of course Christy isn't either. So the people who voted for them don't give me a great deal of hope either.

As for Vivek, I don't 100% know what he is....other than pretty slick.
Vivek is a deep state plant . Came out of nowhere, just like Barry Soetoro. We know how that worked out
Yeah he’s been a phony since day 1.
I don't know how we see VR so differently... he takes all the questions from gays, trans, media playing 'gotcha', you name it.. and twists them into knots... but in a way that they are almost dumbfounded. I find him a refreshing , younger, better versed version of Trump. I've watched quite a few of his interviews, stump speeches, etc... and I don't get how some people see him as phony or FOS... just don't see it.
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I don't know how we see VR so differently... he takes all the questions from gays, trans, media playing 'gotcha', you name it.. and twists them into knots... but in a way that they are almost dumbfounded. I find him a refreshing , younger, better versed version of Trump. I've watched quite a few of his interviews, stump speeches, etc... and I don't get how some people see him as phony or FOS... just don't see it.

One of the things that concerns me is that he apparently paid quite a bit of money to have his comments scrubbed from social media and the internet in general prior to announcing his candidacy.

Why do that?

I do like his answers to questions from hostile media. There's just something odd there, however.
One of the things that concerns me is that he apparently paid quite a bit of money to have his comments scrubbed from social media and the internet in general prior to announcing his candidacy.

Why do that?
Suppose 1137 decides to run for national office, are you going to be fine with ALL your posts and comments on here…..with a contentious, adversarial media? 😏
I do like his answers to questions from hostile media.
Suppose 1137 decides to run for national office, are you going to be fine with ALL your posts and comments on here…..with a contentious, adversarial media? 😏


Not all of my posts would support a typical political career. I accept that and I knew it as I posted them. I'd be unwilling to hide them in order to run for office while pretending to be something I'm not.

Either my posts garner your vote or they don't...but this is me.
I don't know how we see VR so differently... he takes all the questions from gays, trans, media playing 'gotcha', you name it.. and twists them into knots... but in a way that they are almost dumbfounded. I find him a refreshing , younger, better versed version of Trump. I've watched quite a few of his interviews, stump speeches, etc... and I don't get how some people see him as phony or FOS... just don't see it.

I don’t disagree that he largely says stuff that a particular group wants to hear. I just don’t believe he really believes half of what he says. He’s a good talker, but he feels even less authentic to me than Obama.
I don’t disagree that he largely says stuff that a particular group wants to hear. I just don’t believe he really believes half of what he says. He’s a good talker, but he feels even less authentic to me than Obama.
I have no use for Vivek unless I need a lying, empty shirt, goat-toothed, used car salesman
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I don’t disagree that he largely says stuff that a particular group wants to hear. I just don’t believe he really believes half of what he says. He’s a good talker, but he feels even less authentic to me than Obama.

Again, I've seen a number of these and if he is Obama (or a goat toothed used car salesman), I'm a Japanese pilot.
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