What A Joke

Hey are the source for NFV athletics...any insight on the upcoming seasons for girl's and boy's basketball or NFV wrestling? If you want to post on the basketball or wrestling forums that is OK. I'll hang up and listen now. Thanks for any info.
Ok...well thanks for that...lots of good info there. And basically the response I expected!! Trust me I understand. And Hettybumptster...replaced #3 in your top 8 because it was lame. Outside of Spirit Lake, too many tears by all the 2A teams, especially those who thought they were contenders. Have a good Donald Trump's hair for real? Have a good Holiday everyone...Peace. Sports are truly overrated in our society.
Are you still talking...?? Dirtbag can I ask you what team you support? Maybe New Hampton? Maybe Waukon? CPU? Im guessing they got their a$$e$ handed to them since all you do is talk crap about certain teams and specifically NFV.. You know you can talk crap in the basketball thread too right? You say sports are overrated but you're the one who just made two consecutive posts without anyone responding to you......
Have a good Christmas tigerfoolishpride...not sure why you're so upset. It's basketball and wrestling season, time to dig in.

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