Why yes it is.
O'Tool was flagged for a late hit out of bounds which was 15 yds but because it was on like a 1st and 17 or something longer like that, the result of the play wasn't a 1st down. I believe his second penalty did give MNW a 1st down though.
His second one was helmet-to-helmet as he dove with his head down as the ball carrier was falling down. T.J. dove late and it wasn't really malicious, just poor tackling form and poorly timed. The far sideline official threw the flag after the play was over.
I didn't have a great look on the late hit, but I don't disagree with either call. I don't think they were unsportsmanlike either. If he was ejected from the game then perhaps that really WAS an error on the officiating crew and maybe that's why SE appealed, IF that is in fact what happened.
To be honest, I really don't know anything about that other than what people in this thread are speculating, but I do know that T.J. wasn't assessed two unsportsmanlike penalties.
Second offense happened in the 4th quarter. IF it was the product of poor form maybe OToole is spending too much time on the field and was tired. But in the end that shouldn't matter relative to the ejection since technically the rule is about on field safety (including the offender) and there is no distinction between intentional and unintentional.