More kids are dead in Chicago from gunshots this year

Why do you think I brought it up. Weird how I see zero conservatives there helping the problem they pretend to care about.

Again, get on my level. You're talking out of your ass have no clue what many of us do.

For starters, I don't refer to black people as tokens if they have different political views. That's something, right?
The point was that cities are WORSE off in MAGAtland. Try to keep up mentally, Willy.
Laughably false.....

liberal Democrats actively and purposefully destroy the fabric of community in metro black areas to enslave black votes, and to empower themselves. They siphon off federal funds to serve black communities, by installing themselves as the gate keepers of those funds, and then turnaround and act like they‘re helping.

Complete filth
Laughably false.....

liberal Democrats actively and purposefully destroy the fabric of community in metro black areas to enslave black votes, and to empower themselves. They siphon off federal funds to serve black communities, by installing themselves as the gate keepers of those funds, and then turnaround and act like they‘re helping.

Complete filth
It’s either too stupid or blinded by ideology to understand your post.

It is sad creature indeed.
Laughably false.....

liberal Democrats actively and purposefully destroy the fabric of community in metro black areas to enslave black votes, and to empower themselves. They siphon off federal funds to serve black communities, by installing themselves as the gate keepers of those funds, and then turnaround and act like they‘re helping.

Complete filth
Wow. You think black people are so stupid as to be enslaved mentally? That somehow, unlike your superior Aryan brothers, they're just easily manipulated pawns? Go tell them, oh woke white Conservative! Geez, I can't imagine how you guys get crushed by the black vote. They must really appreciate such a message!

Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!
Wow. You think black people are so stupid as to be enslaved mentally? Go tell them, oh woke white Conservative!

Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!
What’s wow is thinking they are incapable of obtaining an ID or voting.
Wow. You think black people are so stupid as to be enslaved mentally? Go tell them, oh woke white Conservative!

Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!
Look at ^^^this thing^^^ projecting it’s own weakness and fraudulent agenda onto others! A lot of words for a piss poor attempt at deflection.

It needs to take the advice I have given it many times: Needs to either troll smarter or delete its account.
What’s wow is thinking they are incapable of obtaining an ID or voting.
No one thinks that. Nice strawman that your Conservative handlers fed you.
Look at ^^^this thing^^^ projecting it’s own weakness and fraudulent agenda onto others! A lot of words for a piss poor attempt at deflection.

It needs to take the advice I have given it many times: Needs to either troll smarter or delete its account.
^ One of his white brothers got caught in blatant and obvious racism red-handed, and now is panicking.
Wow. You think black people are so stupid as to be enslaved mentally? That somehow, unlike your superior Aryan brothers, they're just easily manipulated pawns? Go tell them, oh woke white Conservative! Geez, I can't imagine how you guys get crushed by the black vote. They must really appreciate such a message!

Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!
If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black. Who said that, dumbfvck? It's funny how you are projecting your racism on others. Black people disagree with you or Chairman Biden, then they're not black!
Wow. You think black people are so stupid as to be enslaved mentally? That somehow, unlike your superior Aryan brothers, they're just easily manipulated pawns? Go tell them, oh woke white Conservative! Geez, I can't imagine how you guys get crushed by the black vote. They must really appreciate such a message!

Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!

Also, try telling these guys your opinion, you fvcking racist turd...

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Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!
Look bunky, I’m a lot of things but racist ain’t one of them. Quotes from the dumb@SS Marxist your ilk elected: from this article

Just a few days ago, while lamenting the difficulty in convincing many Latinos and blacks to take the COVID vaccine, he committed a series of racially charged blunders that barely registered in the corporate media’s consciousness.
Biden white-splained that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.”

Biden lectured about the fears that blacks may have of the vaccine, attempting to point to historically shameful episodes when they were subjected to inhumane medical experiments.

“They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden said.

In this, he confused legendary World War II fighter pilots with a long, notorious governmental study of syphilis among black men—the Tuskegee Experiment.

On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!

Then in August 2020, Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

Taken together, these statements clearly suggest that Biden believes all black people think alike. (Sound familiar Sockpuppet?)

In the same interview, responding to a question on whether he had taken a cognitive test, Biden angrily fired back with the suggestion that the black reporter was a drug addict.

“That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” Biden said. “What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Put these words into Mitch McConnell’s mouth and try to envision how long he’d be allowed to remain in the Senate, let alone in a leadership position.

But Biden has been getting away with this for years.

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”

Ahh but there’s more….

In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.

And over the course of his entire career, he had kind words to say about staunchly segregationist senators.
Wow. You think black people are so stupid as to be enslaved mentally? That somehow, unlike your superior Aryan brothers, they're just easily manipulated pawns? Go tell them, oh woke white Conservative! Geez, I can't imagine how you guys get crushed by the black vote. They must really appreciate such a message!

Always fun when racists accidentally reveal their true biases against blacks. Looks like @Reasoned @dustinator @dhetiger all co-signed on as bigots too. Nice!

Standard socialist progressive procedure - deny the accusation and try to return the charge.

The socialists have been destroying the metro areas with their mismanagement of the poor and black sectors, and found care less as long as they syphon federal and state funds to enrich themselves. BILLIONS of dollars have been sent to the bastions of Dem control and it barely pays lip service to poor communities and Economic development.

Spending the vast majority of the municipal corporate funds, like the DIRTIEST of non-public corporations, wasting money and taking their cuts that get spread around their peeps. All feel good crap, self-agrandizing wastage that does NOTHING for the poor communities which need economics and pride.

How many shithole high rises in the metro areas did the major Yankee Dem cities rush building to shove their inadequate housing issues, and with Johnson’s Great society blank check. Completely destroyed the community pride and fabric of those folk, all with cheesy “we are here to help you” smiles

while the poor live amidst empty businesses and shell structures with no way to ever turn them around, and build their OWN damn community - depressed metro areas should be allowed for the actual RESIDENTS to secede from your broken azz phucked Democrat shitholes

Standard socialist progressive procedure - deny the accusation and try to return the charge.

The socialists have been destroying the metro areas with their mismanagement of the poor and black sectors, and found care less as long as they syphon federal and state funds to enrich themselves. BILLIONS of dollars have been sent to the bastions of Dem control and it barely pays lip service to poor communities and Economic development.

Spending the vast majority of the municipal corporate funds, like the DIRTIEST of non-public corporations, wasting money and taking their cuts that get spread around their peeps. All feel good crap, self-agrandizing wastage that does NOTHING for the poor communities which need economics and pride.

How many shithole high rises in the metro areas did the major Yankee Dem cities rush building to shove their inadequate housing issues, and with Johnson’s Great society blank check. Completely destroyed the community pride and fabric of those folk, all with cheesy “we are here to help you” smiles

while the poor live amidst empty businesses and shell structures with no way to ever turn them around, and build their OWN damn community - depressed metro areas should be allowed for the actual RESIDENTS to secede from your broken azz phucked Democrat shitholes

Socky could learn a lot from this. Sadly it’s too stupid to do so.
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