I post this in hopes that gator will start listening...


Dec 20, 2009

Classical Music Alters the Brain–Here’s How​

By Flora Zhao
May 07, 2024
May 08, 2024

... and find his IQ will get back above 80. Further, as (you guys know) I like to post significant PSAs to help my fellow wanderers. Listen to this and you will feel your brain go 'aaahhhhhh'....

A gray-haired older woman sat motionless with her gaze lowered. In the late stages of dementia, she no longer spoke to others or made eye contact.
When Ayako Yonetani started playing the violin, the woman slowly lifted her head.
“Her mouth moved, and her eyes brightened as if she heard my music and was trying to follow it,” recounted Ms. Yonetani, a concert artist and professor of violin and viola at the University of Central Florida School of Performing Arts.
Those who spent time with the older woman were astonished. “They had never seen her react like this before,” she said. But this was only one of many times that Ms. Yonetani had seen such a thing.

Clear Evidence

One study published in the 1990s in the journal Nature drew people’s attention.
Three groups of participants were instructed to either sit in silence, listen to a relaxation tape, or listen to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D major (K448).
Ten minutes later, the group who listened to Mozart’s music showed a significant improvement in spatial IQ score—nearly 10 points higher than the other two groups.

Clear evidence

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