Favorite to win 2A

seems like all I'm hearing is excuses.
explain to me how they can miss a CYO track meet because of the state jazz band championship...when CYO was held a WEEK earlier. ST EDS was done performing by 3 on tuesday, they still had time to get back for the vast majority of the Dodger relays.
(p.s....hats off to them for the jazz chamionship daughter performed there twice and it really is something to listen too)
I sense some envy towards St. Edmond track coming from Spook and Stick. Name some of the successful track accomplishments of any school in the TLC in the past 25 years besides Pocahontas?
Stickman, why are you bringing football preparation into this?

Spook, you're asking why SE isn't winning team titles at irrelevant meets. People have given you answers. They answer and it is an excuse? Typically when any team is missing 3 of their best players/athletes they don't do as well. Call it an excuse, but it is just the facts. Again, come conference, districts, and state it will be a different story. Other than that, it just does not matter.

The level of contempt for SE athletics just boggles my mind.
I totally agree with bdrube.

Also, track is much different that any other sport in that aside from the Conference meet, it is not common for a coach to max out their team in every meet.

Why would a coach have their top track athletes compete in four events at each meet when doing so isn't likely going to benefit them at the end of the season (Districts & State Meet)?
This post was edited on 4/15 6:25 PM by mtdew_fever
The "Dome" comment always makes me surface. Speaking of the "Dome", of all of the 4 major high school sports state venues (football, basketball, track and baseball), I rank the "Dome" as the 4th best state venue; #1 would be Drake, #2 is Principal Park and #3 would be "The Well". Drake stands apart from the rest for attendance, atmosphere,the scoreboard, competition...and the improvements to that facility over the last couple years makes it even better. The "Dome" is a good facility for indoor track.
The envy of the success they've had in their track program over the last 6 seasons. By pointing out that the "vaunted" SE 4x4 lost to a TLC school at an early season meet shows that you've been waiting to gloat for some time. If you went about it a different way, it would be taken differently. But with what you have written, it is clear that you take satisfaction in them not doing as well as they could be doing.

Which again, is fine, we all have our teams we like to see not do well. For example, I hate seeing EG do well. But, to act like your comments are innocent is just ridiculous.

I've been kicking it on this board for roughly 11 years. No one bagged on SE in any sport until about 04 when a majority of the programs started competing at the state level on a consistent basis.

The CK bus that hit a tractor weight (after the tractor had a blowout and dumped a front end weight) and ditched it last week was a soccer bus. They were returning from a match in Creston.

Glad no one was seriously injured. As the mileage continues to increase for all school sports and Iowa is a rural ag state we are lucky there aren't more incidents like this. I joke about a lot of stuff but our kids safety regardless of who they are or where they are from remains a top priority for me.
I'ved been to the dome a number of times in the last 3 years. The facility seems to be in fine shape. In fact all 3 buildings on the west side of Hudson St are top notch. Does the ranking of the venues have anything to do with the fact that SE has never gotten there for football?
Again, what does the lack of a visit to the dome have anything to do with track? And by continually bringing that up, sure doesn't help your case that you are not somewhat envious, jealous, hostile etc... towards SE.

I'm actually going to agree with your statement that SE really didn't have a lot of success on a consistent basis in any sport until about 2004. After that SE began to compete at the state level in a lot of sports (with the exception of football).

Why do you think everything turned around for SE at about 2004? All of your school's local peers have suffered through declining enrollment, consolidations, budget issues, ect while SE has florished. They even increased a class last year without a consolidation. VERY obvious the answer is in what makes SE different?? Could it be back to the private school in the middle of a major metro area? (Major by Iowa's standards.)
Blood is thicker than water so I'd side with Spook regardless, but I do agree with his original post. SE was supposed to dominate in track and so far they are batting .ooo . Have they had other things going on? Yes, a jazz music contest which would have impacted ONE meet.

Should SE panic about how their track team is doing? No. Should they be winning some meets if they really are that good? Yes.

I realize this is a track thread but I feel like the track team is doing the same thing Dark Thunder said about the basketball team early in the season...."No sense of urgency". Maybe that's alright for Track and Basketball but if the football team does the same, maybe that explains why they have never made it to the Dome. In football if you don't have a sense of urgency from week one, you are done.
Not that I want to talk football on here, but from 97-01 SE went 2-43 in football. So, the last few years have been "successful" I would say.

Track is different than every other sport, so when people try and compare regular season, state qualifying etc... it is rather pointless and annoying. Maybe they should be winning more meets at this point. And I do not know why they haven't had all their good guys go at the same meet yet, but it really does not matter. Which is different than basketball, football etc... If you're top 2-3 ball players aren't playing together on a consistent basis come late season there will be some cohesiveness issues. Which, as we all know from watching and playing, does affect a team sport. Track is not the same, it is not a team sport in the traditional sense. Whether the stud 400 meter runner is running early season meets and the top 3200 guy is sitting out will not affect how they compete in those events late in the season. And I mean that in a cohesive manner.

In terms of SE athletics getting better of the last 7-8 years. #1 I would say is better coaching. The track and football teams have had significantly better coaching than the late 90s-early 00s. #2 would be just flat out better athletes. Hell, I was one of the fastest 400 meter runners on the team for 2 years and I was a distance guy. Im faster over 400 now and would bet at least 5 of the current team members would embarass me. That's just track. #3 would be the attitude and work ethic, from what I've witnessed and heard second hand. Back in my day we were all worried about y2k ending the world. ha.

More importantly, success breeds success. When you see the kids in front of you win this or do well at that, you want to continue to do that and improve on that. Every team will have it's lulls of course.
No excuses, but it doesn't help that 5 kids miss the CYO and the Dodger Relays because of Jazz band and illnesses. That being said, 2nd place is not bad when you're up against the likes of Heelan, Iowa Falls, Webster City, Algona, etc....running against Lemke, Malloy, McMahon, etc.
Winning meets this early in the year means nothing, especially if you're trying to stack certain races to qualify for Drake. You can go 0/8 winning meets and it doesn't mean a thing if you go out and win your conference meet, districts, and place well at state. If you used those 8 meets to figure out the best way to piece together your lineup, I'd say you did your job as a coach.

And you have to be a moron to compare rushing yards in football to a timing in track. A guy that normally rushes for 200+ yards per game can much more easily be held back to 50 yards rushing than a 9:45 3,200 just magically turning into an 11:00 3,200 runner.

I'll bet Fort Dodge High is hoping the rumor of St Eds forcing their football players off the track and onto the soccer field is true.

Currently St Eds does not offer soccer so the kids who play do so at FDHS.

After getting demolished by WDM Valley 15-0 Thursday night in soccer I'll bet they'd love to have some SE studs on their soccer team.
I'd like to congratulate Manson NW Webster for qualifying 3 events for the Drake Relays and also congratulate the SE 4x4 for representing SE at the Drake Relays this year.

Good luck to all and sorry if I missed anyone on either of those teams!
I sense sarcasm in that phony compliment of St. Edmond's 4 X 4. Manson's Huseman is the only athlete on that track team and he moved into the district about 6 years ago. Without him, Manson's track would be hurting.
...kinda like St Eds athletics as a whole without Nick Clark...

Ghost were you not being sincere??
Spoon...Pocahontas? Earlier you were talking how noone in the TLC except Poky has done anything in track.

I haven't check the list of qualifiers but since Manson NWW and PV have qualifiers for the Drake Relays I'm curious how your Poky homers did.
I thought he sounded very sincere. Why would anyone think it a bad thing to wish somone well for qualifying for Drake?
I laugh that a distance runner is called the only athlete on the track team. Come on guys, we all know distance runners aren't athletes.
Originally posted by stickman80:
...kinda like St Eds athletics as a whole without Nick Clark...

Ghost were you not being sincere??
Nick Clark will have nothing to do with the Gael's 2A track championship in a month.
Comments like the previous post are what make people hate SE. What is the point in being so cocky? It's too bad that the people running their mouths usually aren't on the team, or don't contribute to the success. Yet, they make a bad name for people that actually are the reasons for the success.
This post was edited on 4/25 9:36 PM by bdrube
Originally posted by bdrube:
Comments like the previous post are what make people hate SE. What is the point in being so cocky? It's too bad that the people running their mouths usually aren't on the team, or don't contribute to the success. Yet, they make a bad name for people that actually are the reasons for the success.

This post was edited on 4/25 9:36 PM by bdrube
Cry me a river.
Congratulations to Huseman and the SE 4x4. They are in an elite class of runners at Drake.
Not crying. Just pointing out that making arrogant comments like that are the reason people attack SE on here.
Why do people have to call out Nick Clark and say he has everything to do with SE athletics, when he clearly doesn't? That's why I make comments like I did before.
Was I being sincere congratulating the Drake qualifiers from Saint Ed's and Manson NWW? Absolutely!! Sorry PV for missing your 4x100. Congratulations go out to you too!

Was I being a wee bit malicious to an individual (not a school) for his idiotic statements about Manson NWW? Absolutely and guess what? He clearly got the message.

Spoon and Soyo, you both need to listen to bdrube. He's a wise man.
I know I'm a little bias being from bondurant but bondurant has the top people in 2A in the open 100, high jump, 3200, 3rd in the 200, 4th in the 1600, 7th in the open 400, 6th in the open 800 and 9th in the medley... not saying we'll win it but we will be in the running at state.
Track times have been slow to date because of weather, but hopefully things turn around soon. Where you rank now may or may not mean too much. We probably need to factor in times from kids returning from last year's state meet. To win 2A, I think you need to score around 50 points to be in the hunt. I think 63 won it last year and 59 took second. With this in mind, what teams out there can get to 50, maybe evan 40?
Congrats to St. Eds making the finals of the 4x4 at Drake for the 4th year in a row. They were dead last in their heat after the first 2 legs; Keston and Flattery made up some serious ground.
I was half joking with that comment, but that is exciting. He's obviously an accomplished long sprinter, but I think he has a ton of untapped mid-distance potential.