Biden’s America

This is what happens when a whole generation gets its "news" and world views from a fvcking app controlled by your biggest enemy. This isn't a failure of an administration. This is a failure of an entire people. The fecklessness of this administration doesn't help, but the shit we are seeing now could've been mitigated at home.
This is what happens when a whole generation gets its "news" and world views from a fvcking app controlled by your biggest enemy. This isn't a failure of an administration. This is a failure of an entire people. The fecklessness of this administration doesn't help, but the shit we are seeing now could've been mitigated at home.

Gotta disagree... Clinton, Obama and Briben cater to the horse sh@t. Several administrations bolstered where we are today. I wonder how many of the "Free Palestine" crowd crossed an open Joe Briben border?
Gotta disagree... Clinton, Obama and Briben cater to the horse sh@t. Several administrations bolstered where we are today. I wonder how many of the "Free Palestine" crowd crossed an open Joe Briben border?
We've got a whole generation who does virtually nothing but watch YouTube and Tik Tok. They get talking points from people who have no American values whatsoever. Have there been policies put in place, or at least talked about, that have exacerbated the issue? Absolutely. However, shit starts at home. Parents can, and should, talk to their children. The kids who are staging walkouts because of liberal bathroom policies have parents who have talked with them. The kids who are staging walkouts and harassing Jewish students don't have parents talking to them. Let me put this in a different way. If my son came home from college espousing the "from the river to the sea" bullshit, I'd beat the shit out of him and jerk him out of school.
The Capitol Police should go all Richard Daley on them... put out the word orders are 'SHOOT to KILL' in 2 hours... Bet that would clear that mob out.
Actually I think they would welcome that. One thing I've seen from the radical Arabs - they are fine with being killed if they can be treated as martyrs to further the cause.

But I like where you are coming from. Tired of coddling this shit.
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We've got a whole generation who does virtually nothing but watch YouTube and Tik Tok. They get talking points from people who have no American values whatsoever. Have there been policies put in place, or at least talked about, that have exacerbated the issue? Absolutely. However, shit starts at home. Parents can, and should, talk to their children. The kids who are staging walkouts because of liberal bathroom policies have parents who have talked with them. The kids who are staging walkouts and harassing Jewish students don't have parents talking to them. Let me put this in a different way. If my son came home from college espousing the "from the river to the sea" bullshit, I'd beat the shit out of him and jerk him out of school.
Fukkin social media is by in large trash. We definitely have a problem with our younger generation's addiction to that shit. Just wait till the big gubbermint forces REALLY take full control of it. Given their proclivity to filter out dissenting views as "misinformation" we gonna be in trouble. Already halfway there if you ask me.
Fukkin social media is by in large trash. We definitely have a problem with our younger generation's addiction to that shit. Just wait till the big gubbermint forces REALLY take full control of it. Given their proclivity to filter out dissenting views as "misinformation" we gonna be in trouble. Already halfway there if you ask me.
Precisely why parents have to be hands on. I've told both of my kids that I "have several jobs, but only one that I can't afford to fail at....being a father."