Best looking woman in NV is….


All District
Oct 25, 2017


OP is triggered that he’s yet again found he’s masterbating to a man. Conversion therapy was such a waste!

Is there anything so inconsequential you losers WON’T cry about it? A beauty pageant no one watches, FFS?
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Ok .. I’ll play just to prove that Sleepy Joe is deep in your noggin. You have severe BDS.

So LGBQT issues just came up in the last 6 months??
When would you say it started?
Are you aware of any GOP LGBQT ?

you’ve already stated you are quite bigoted. Which party supports Trans in the military?
ANYONE willing to fight for this country with their life, and do so with skill and class, deserves not only the right to, but our unwavering respect.

I bet you feel the same way about guys taking off their dresses at the women’s gym locker room

Republicans would rather not have their wives and daughters being exposed by a man walking around nude in the women’s locker rooms
Your idiot side wants to sacrifice skill to hit a quota, you racist fück. Lol I refuse to believe someone is this stupid in real life.

Good example of why I think he’s just a shitass troll.
Where did I say that? There’s no such thing as MAGAt logic without straw men arguments, is there?

Besides, you’re passing up a perfect opportunity to see Islamic terrorists get humiliated by being captured by someone with acrylic nails and a weave. Talk about a PR disaster for them!

DAMN! I almost didn’t **** “her”.....
Lol. Reminds me of the ex navy guys I worked with a few years back when they told me about the “rules” for shore leave in Manila.

1. check for adams apple (pre-screen)
2. Make them swig a drink of OJ (oral sores)
3. Package check (confirmation from step 1, because some were that convincing)

If they passed all three you were good to go and could use the rubbers the Chaplin gave you when you left the boat. If not - wave off unless “you were into dicks or disease”
Lol. Reminds me of the ex navy guys I worked with a few years back when they told me about the “rules” for shore leave in Manila.

1. check for adams apple (pre-screen)
2. Make them swig a drink of OJ (oral sores)
3. Package check (confirmation from step 1, because some were that convincing)

If they passed all three you were good to go and could use the rubbers the Chaplin gave you when you left the boat. If not - wave off unless “you were into dicks or disease”
That’s pretty accurate! Not much different in NOLA for the last 50 yrs. Thats why I responded that it’s not a political issue. Find something else.
I bet you feel the same way about guys taking off their dresses at the women’s gym locker room

Republicans would rather not have their wives and daughters being exposed by a man walking around nude in the women’s locker rooms

Are you referring to the 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS ruling during the Trumpsky reign?

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