REALITY - As I said - (again)

Stock market is soaring now that Trumpsky has been beaten down in a landslide.

As all of you said 3-4 yrs back “I’m very happy with my 401k” How about now? “Market would crash if Trumpsky lost. “

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe? And not the bankrupt business man?

Who was the only person on the board who stated that Trumpsky would lose HUGE and the market would skyrocket??

Thanks Gator.. dumbass

So is this the future….

of the Democrat playbook, no longer having to interview for the job of serving the unwashed masses?

So why even have elections?……🫢 oops, let the cat out the bag huh you Marxist’s.
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Individual 1 or Individual 2? Pick one.

Both are going down for obstruction and disbarment after lying on their affidavits to the DOJ subpoenas.

which one rolls on Trumpsky first?

