If I’m being honest

So they got to spend more time in their regular environment?

How much more of an advantage does UGA need?
If the regular environment for a 300lb lineman is cramped in to a bus seat for an hour and a half ride to an airport, then yes.
These guys are going to be so stiff and stricken with muscle spasms that it is going to look like they are running in oatmeal Saturday evening.

If I’m being honest

Just another sign the Dawgs of Georgia are doomed. The team flight out of Athens to Birmingham was cancelled. I guess an early season loss won’t hurt us that much.

So they got to spend more time in their regular environment?

How much more of an advantage does UGA need?

If I’m being honest

Worst phucking example of smack talk evah!!

Get the sand out of all y’all’s vag’s, and quit trying to reverse jinx each other and the reverse psychology crap - and let your alls balls drop! Does anyone want and believe their gonna win?
Sigh. Here we were having fun and then you posted this. Some people just want to watch the world burn. 😢

Hurricane Helene

I’ve been following the models for 20 or more years now, and statistically it’s always been the most accurate. It takes its lumps on occasion, but in general it is the best. The others are probably closer to it now than they were 10-20 years ago, but it’s been king for a while.
GFS actually did better overall from beginning to end on this one. Early on, Euro had a weaker circulation and was further to the west. It started coming into line with GFS about 3 days out, and then became the better one.

But, Euro has definitely been the better one for a couple of decades.
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