Yes, from what I've read, Van Meter has OE closed for grades 1-12. Students can still be admitted via OE for the incoming kindergarten class only. Most likely this is done to help keep the numbers in each grade level fairly consistent. So I'm guessing, a lot of those 179 OE in would be from kindergarteners being admitted the last 7 years or from students who were admitted most likely in elementary school before OE was closed for grades 1-12.
One more yes would be that siblings of students who are approved for OE will then also be allowed to OE in. Again, this is most likely a result of an older sibling already being approved for OE in, so then the younger sibling is approved as well.
So again based on what I've seen and read, the Van Meter players on this year's roster have been there for 4 years or more or if they are new this year, that is because the family moved into the district.