sure, sure, delete that statement, how do you feel about the points before that statement?HIS spot?
Playing time is a privilege not a right. You aren't just given a spot. I vehemently disagree with you on your statement above
sure, sure, delete that statement, how do you feel about the points before that statement?HIS spot?
Playing time is a privilege not a right. You aren't just given a spot. I vehemently disagree with you on your statement above
Hemp, you make it sound like its OK for kids to go out and commit personal fouls with no further consequence than the yardage accessed. Well it's not.
Kids get hurt from chop blocks and facemasks and refs better have the ability (at their discretion) to eject kids if they feel it is for the safety of all.
I was once at a game where a player whipped another player down by his facemask. The ref threw the flag and walked the offender over to his sidelines while the other player was being assisted off the field. After a discussion between the ref and coach the player sat down.
After the game I had a discussion with one of the chain gang and asked if it was an ejection or the player was pulled by the coach at the refs suggestion. His reply was that the ref was going to eject but the coach pleaded him to let him handle the situation and bench the kid. The ref agreed but warned the coach that if the kid steps foot on the field he would hit both the player and coach with unsportsmanlike conduct penalties and eject both. If you saw this "facemask" you would know that whether he had the authority to do so or not....the ref was taking the appropriate action for the instance.
HIS spot?
Playing time is a privilege not a right. You aren't just given a spot. I vehemently disagree with you on your statement above
Again, 1 personal foul can be enough for ejection if it is deemed to have intent to hurt the opponent. Stickman, were you at this St Ed's game? Do you know for fact that the kid was purposely trying to injury the other players?
I also HIGHLY question your story. Either the "chain crew" you spoke to lied, the officials were spineless, or you just entirely made the whole situation up. You either eject a kid or you don't. There is NO penalty for a coach playing a player that was not ejected, and the CREW would have ZERO grounds ejecting the player and/or coach if a player re-entered the game. Just let it go already. If you have been to a lot of high school football games, you would see many games when a player is just playing aggressive and gets more than one personal foul a game. You seem not to like the rule, yet you seem to stand by when officials just make their own rules up? Interesting
sure, sure, delete that statement, how do you feel about the points before that statement?
the other points are:
a) ridiculous if that actually happens
b) not germane to anybody/anyone at WB
Hemp, it has already been mentioned in the other thread my multiple people when a player picks up multiple personal fouls that can easily be construed that he is: either trying to hurt others, doesn't care if he hurts others, or is out of control with his aggression. He does not have to intend to hurt others for the refs to feel they need to take action for the safety of others. I'll fill you in on a secret you won't find in your precious rule book. The officials do have a responsibility to keep control of the game (regardless of sport) for the safety of all concerned.
Not made up on the facemask whip but I will add that it happened approx. 8-10 years ago when more common sense was displayed in all facets of life, especially sports. Refs had more sovereignty then (and consequently bigger testicles) and weren't afraid to let people know it. They were in charge....perhaps that is part of the reason why it has become a struggle to find officials. I didn't question the report I heard from the chain gang for 2 reasons.
1. I know the person giving the report. Never questioned what he has told me before or since this incident.
2. I know a LOT about body language. Even from across the field I saw someone pleading their case to the official and the body language of an official who was in control throughout the situation. What I saw didn't conflict with what I was being told so why would I question the report I was given.
"the point that is bothersome to me is that a kid can play for Team A one season, play for Team B the next, and go back & play for Team A again the 3rd season."
Is this the point that you feel is ridiculous if it actually happened and is not germane to anybody/anyone at WB? Just want to make sure I understand the discussion point.
looks like you've been had somehow WBBF. but I am guessing cyard31 is going to stand by his other point of bitching about his kid being beaten out by a better player. it happens. thats sports and thats life.
Nah, stick and friends don't necessarily believe every single bit of bull sh** they write. A lot of it is simply to fit their agendas and stir the pot. Everyone is well-aware that they've had an agenda in this from the beginning and the fact that he keeps talking about the issue only further proves that point, because there's really no other reason to keep that discussion going and stick knows this even if he and/or his buddies want to play it off (just watch rkhemp...)I have never met a person who feels you should be ejected after 2 personal fouls, but it is evident that you fit the bill
Am I suppose to answer rhetorical questions?.....Since you are lurking Thunder I have a question for you and just as well ask it here.
Who is St Ed's preparing to play on Friday night? Hopefully the coaches aren't looking to Quick Stats to make their preparations.
yep, yep, not the point I was trying to make. I gave WBBF an out. & that is what he focused on. Not my main concern with HS sports these day.looks like you've been had somehow WBBF. but I am guessing cyard31 is going to stand by his other point of bitching about his kid being beaten out by a better player. it happens. thats sports and thats life.
Nah, stick and friends don't necessarily believe every single bit of bull sh** they write. A lot of it is simply to fit their agendas and stir the pot. Everyone is well-aware that they've had an agenda in this from the beginning and the fact that he keeps talking about the issue only further proves that point, because there's really no other reason to keep that discussion going and stick knows this even if he and/or his buddies want to play it off (just watch rkhemp...)
Stick isn't even arguing about the incident in question from several weeks ago now, not that he and his buddies ever truly cared in the first place (true story btw). He's simply just grandstanding to try and prove his opinion on the issue of refs having the ability to eject a player because of personal fouls is the right one.
Baby steps CID, I'm still trying to figure out "vehemently" & "germane"Will you be sharing your agenda for those of us less enlightened folks?
"minutia' Cid - come on man!Work is annoying me today so I decided I wanted to address something that has been presented as fact and accepted as such by many, including me. But as it so often happens when I am annoyed I dig a little further into minutia and look at things from a different perspective, so after reading the following from wbfollower
"For more transfer stats go to www.quikstats and find the Regina stats page.
Every kid on the team is a transfer by definition."
I decided to go to Websters and see what it has to say about 'transfer' in their definition?
" to move to a different place, region, or situation; especially: to withdraw from one educational institution to enroll at another"
so nice of them to address this in their definition. So in looking at this from a Regina perspective, which I will since Regina is a K-12 school with a pre school as well and since the vast majority of the players that go through the program have attended since kindergarten they have never "withdrawn from one educational institution to enroll at another" so by definition very few if any kids on the team is a transfer 'by definition'. Now if you want to call them open enrollment kids or present some other term for them or maybe you can find another definition of transfer that fits what you are trying to present.
Yes.Will you be sharing your agenda for those of us less enlightened folks?
Work is annoying me today so I decided I wanted to address something that has been presented as fact and accepted as such by many, including me. But as it so often happens when I am annoyed I dig a little further into minutia and look at things from a different perspective, so after reading the following from wbfollower
"For more transfer stats go to www.quikstats and find the Regina stats page.
Every kid on the team is a transfer by definition."
I decided to go to Websters and see what it has to say about 'transfer' in their definition?
" to move to a different place, region, or situation; especially: to withdraw from one educational institution to enroll at another"
so nice of them to address this in their definition. So in looking at this from a Regina perspective, which I will since Regina is a K-12 school with a pre school as well and since the vast majority of the players that go through the program have attended since kindergarten they have never "withdrawn from one educational institution to enroll at another" so by definition very few if any kids on the team is a transfer 'by definition'. Now if you want to call them open enrollment kids or present some other term for them or maybe you can find another definition of transfer that fits what you are trying to present.
Well, it's probably a good time to review what IAHSAA says about transfers as well:
not solely for school or athletic purposes.
Upon contemporaneous change in parental residence
if with a contemporaneous change in parental residence
and his family are indeed physically present
Is there evidence the family has only one residence?
Bottom line...don’t let a student participate solely because he lists an address in your district. Verify the information indicated above to ensure the student and his parents (or custodial parent in the case of a split family) have indeed completed a bona fide change in residence into your district before he is allowed to participate at the varsity level.
Let me ask a real football question. Does anybody think West Branch would not be 7-0 right now without their new additions? Pure speculation, but I personally think they would be sitting in the same situation, so not sure why the argument.
Those 'quotes' are straight off of the IHSAA website. It is their published transfer guidelines, not my opinion.
The other side of that question is 'does anybody think West Liberty would be 1-6 right now without losing their starting QB?'
Were those quotes highlighted on the IHSAA website or does that imply that you are implying something?Those 'quotes' are straight off of the IHSAA website. It is their published transfer guidelines, not my opinion.
The other side of that question is 'does anybody think West Liberty would be 1-6 right now without losing their starting QB?'
big win over Wilton, single game passing TD record broken by new player to the programDon't poke the bear on this one. Literally and figuratively![]()
big win over Wilton, single game passing TD record broken by new player to the program
we looked really good on both sides of the ball... hope to get the Bears & Regals together this year.To a player who came to their senses and returned home.
tough loss for the Regals.
Their team of open enrollees played well. Hope to see the game on replay on MC22 soon
yep. All the Regals have been there for their whole life. Paying to go to school together at a school that has no district boundary. Nobody wins in this argument cidhawkeye
but they give them scholarships... it has to be true because I read it on a message board.. LOLI don't believe I said at all, there are some that arrived in 7th grade. Can't really think of a starter that came later than that. Do you really think someone is going to pay 12 years of tuition to be part of a football program? So no transfer only OE at Regina.... Oh and Regina doesn't get paid for their OE students like public schools.
but they give them scholarships... it has to be true because I read it on a message board.. LOL
we can get you in... how many kids/years you got left? All-Staters?I would take housing instead.
if he is only a soph, I would suggest testing the waters & then he could always go back for his senior year.Will the apartment be open next year? He isn't an all stater but he has been approached by a coach in the vicinity about attending another school...Edit to clarify, by a public school....who would get paid to have him go to school there.
if he is only a soph, I would suggest testing the waters & then he could always go back for his senior year.