
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
And what advantages have been added that weren't potentially available then?

Don't you read the paper or watch the news?

Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
And what advantages have been added that weren't potentially available then?
I would say the greatest being their ability to have the coaches they do because of their location. You don't see 1A schools with a) the sheer number of coaches, and b) the "quality" of coaches Regina has. In fact, you don't see 2A or 3A schools with that either.

When you have 4 former Hawkeyes as coaches one would assume a greater knowledge base as well as the ability to create more excitement/buy-in for the program. When you have 72 coaches (sorry don't know exactly how many so I shot high
) there are more opportunities for 1-on-1 instruction and general assistance.

I do not accuse Regina of recruiting. When you can provide a small-school atmosphere within a large city, have the number/quality of coaches they have, and add in the extra benefit of removing your children from "inner-city problems" Regina doesn't need to recruit.

None of this is wrong, or illegal. These are just advantages that every other small school in the state has a hard time competing against.
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
And what advantages have been added that weren't potentially available then?

professional players as coaches :)
Originally posted by DarkThunder#61:

Originally posted by Vroom_C14:

Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
I know that the crowd doesn't stay real engaged in the game when they are lopsided like that. The close games have been more exciting to watch for sure. The 2A teams at Regina had the same problem with the scores getting out of hand. Were people asking Solon these same questions when Morris was there? other dominant teams throughout the years? In the not very crazy long ago time Regina was everyone's desired homecoming opponent, got the 50 point termination rule put on them routinely and had school board meetings about giving up football as a high school sport. All with the same potential advantages that they have now
Well I guess this kind of an answer... more a deflection to Solon...

Solon knew their enrollment was going to bump them up (the 2014 class was the largest in school history) so there was no worries about it. Solon is now bouncing at the edge of 2A for enrollment.

I will say that the games now are much more competitive than when Solon was running amok over everyone. I hope they opt to stay in 3A.
How did they determine the bottom of 3A? I think Solon (3A) and MOC-Floyd Valley (2A) both have a BEDS of 315. Algona does too, but they share with C-W-L. So did they flip a coin or did one request to stay or drop down, etc? I don't think either share with another smaller school.
From the sounds of it the State looked at all 3 and picked the most competitive to stay in 3A; Algona vs MOC vs Solon. They may have confided with the coaches\AD's I do not know for certain.

Again, the games are more competitive\interesting so I would like to see Solon remain in 3A.
Going in the way back machine I believe that I only had 3 former Hawkeyes as coaches, a former UNI Panther and a former Nebraska Cornhusker as coaches so that advantage has been around as long as the school has been in place.
Only had teachers as coaches when I played... still were pretty good.

Some teams will get a "Pro or College" player here and there, but to have a staff full - is an exception. Especially with coaches that do it strictly for the love of the game (no money since private schools are so poor and can't pay them).
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
Going in the way back machine I believe that I only had 3 former Hawkeyes as coaches, a former UNI Panther and a former Nebraska Cornhusker as coaches so that advantage has been around as long as the school has been in place.
I didn't realize. If you don't mind, who were those coaches you speak of? Have there been many? I guess I'm not up to speed on my Regina history.
Dan Delaney, Dave Mattingly, Ernie Sheeler, Rick Clarahan, Steve Wojan, Tom Renn, heck Bernie Wyatt cut his recruiting teeth at Regina....and I am sure there have been others through the years. So the potential for a coaching staff like they currently have has always been there. So time to go to the next huge advantage they have that hasn't always been there.
Dan Delaney? Mattingly? Wyatt???

Holy cow Grandpa!!

All kidding aside, are you really throwing those names out there as a relevant comparison to the coaches Regina has now? I'm not sure when those men coached at Regina, but I'm guessing it was at least 25 years ago. Things have changed a little since then....
originally posted by RoundMound1
Dan Delaney? Mattingly? Wyatt???

Holy cow Grandpa!!

All kidding aside, are you really throwing those names out there as a relevant comparison to the coaches Regina has now? I'm not sure when those men coached at Regina, but I'm guessing it was at least 25 years ago. Things have changed a little since then....

ya like now they are winning & now there is whining
I am definitely old but I sure as heck hope I am not a grandpa yet. I am not sure what the difference is, if you are indicating that because the current coaches achieved at a higher level while playing I can give you a boat load of great players who were poor coaches and boat loads of poor players who were great coaches. It has been thrown out that the advantage of having ex-Hawkeyes is immense, I believe that I just showed that it isn't a new opportunity at Regina, or City High or West High or West Branch or Clear Creek or Solon, Aaron Kampman, Matt Hughes and I am sure the list can go on and next subject....good one Cyard winning now whining...
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
Dan Delaney, Dave Mattingly, Ernie Sheeler, Rick Clarahan, Steve Wojan, Tom Renn, heck Bernie Wyatt cut his recruiting teeth at Regina....and I am sure there have been others through the years. So the potential for a coaching staff like they currently have has always been there. So time to go to the next huge advantage they have that hasn't always been there.
Wyatt- coached in the mid '60s according to the Gazette, how was Regina then?

Renn- when did he coach at Regina?

Wojan- who?....

Clarahan- So I'm guessing 80s or 90s?.....

Delaney- Started in 1974 and coached into the early '80s(?). How was Regina then? I know they were two years removed from their only other State championship game. Delaney first started coaching in Fort Dodge. He was also an Iowa City native......who left to play football at Nebraska.

Sheeler- coached there maybe in the '90s or early '00s? Played at Iowa until 1977, so I'm assuming he wouldn't have started at Regina until the mid to late '80s at the earliest unless he coached there briefly........................(that could be a recurring word in this list)

Mattingly- Same deal as Sheeler, though does Mattingly still reside in Iowa City? If so, that would possibly mean he coached there more recently. Again, I'm sort of throwing out fill-in-the-blank statements......

How many of these coaches were there for longer than Marv currently has been?
So they weren't former Hawkeyes or college players? Now we are going to the 'how long were they there'? The question was what potential advantages are new. Good research on your part, dates are off a little.
Cid I have no idea what you want out of this. It seems you are here just to shoot down any opinion somebody has. You don't think the location of Regina is an advantage? You don't think the coaches they are able to hire because of their location is an advantage?

Now, I will read your mind b/c you are thinking, "this isn't a new advantage. Regina has always been in Iowa city." That's where my "things have changed" comment comes in. First, the 24/7/365 mentality of high school sports wasn't around. Most schools didn't have a strength program. Now Regina has a former Hawkeye running their strength program 24/7. Not an advantage?

Second, Iowa city ain't your dad's Iowa city. There has been a much greater push for people to avoid Iowa city public schools by moving to the burbs (Tiffin, Solon, etc) or to send their kids to private school. Private schools used to be there for the "Christian education." but are used more now as an escape from public schools. And the ones doing the moving tend to be stable, well-off families. Not an advantage?

Again, none of this is WRONG or unethical or ILLEGAL. It just is what it is. And I'm sorry, but I've never whined once, just stated an opinion.
Good job reading my mind. It is pretty easy to know what I am going to say because you guys keep circling around the same subject. I can't spell it out much clearer than I have. Is their location an advantage? Yes, same as it has been since 1959. Former players as coaches? Since 1959. The 24/7/365 mentality? Probably not unique to Regina. Strength program by a former Hawkeye? Hmm our strength coach came from Nebraska but not nearly the emphasis as Regina and other schools of today. Not unique to Regina. Kids getting pushed out to suburbs and private schools as an escape? that explains Reginas declining enrollment.

I am here to refute opinions that really have little substance. People do a discredit to the players and coaches at Regina when they credit it to location, ex Hawkeyes, strength coach etc. you diminish their work and accomplishments. You know what you can do? Hire a strength coach, my guess is Regina as a school spends less on football than most schools.

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