So apparently whenever a lib gets busted for something they said or wrote -

I agree, just like now, when they and the lib media are blaming Trump for the border "thing" (aka-crisis) saying that Biden is having a difficult time in correcting the "past administration's" actions that created the "thing" (aka-CRISIS) - so this "thing" is never going to be called a crisis? Mean time, peanut brain has signed another "executive order" to eliminate all steps/stairs to the WH, Air Force 1 and every toilet near him - if he's not wearing a depends.
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I agree, just like now, when they and the lib media are blaming Trump for the border "thing" (aka-crisis) saying that Biden is having a difficult time in correcting the "past administration's" actions that created the "thing" (aka-CRISIS) - so this "thing" is never going to be called a crisis? Mean time, peanut brain has signed another "executive order" to eliminate all steps/stairs to the WH, Air Force 1 and every toilet near him - if he's not wearing a depends.
Do you think Trumpsky and his lemmings are still embarrassed going 0-3 in face to face televised debates against such a retard? I would be.
He didn’t go 0-3 so nobody knows what you’re babbling about, troll
If two POTUS candidates debate and the challengers polling lead increases after each one- I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that he won. That’s what actually happened . Trumpsky even raged against Fox for saying it was a stalemate . How about you?
If two POTUS candidates debate and the challengers polling lead increases after each one- I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that he won. That’s what actually happened . Trumpsky even raged against Fox for saying it was a stalemate . How about you?

Polls? 😂
Yes... several demographic samples.. all groups outside the Q-MAGA cult voters agreed Biden smoked him., I can’t recall any other polls being within 10%. Most here were even saying he just lost the election you were right!

What were people from your kiddy-cult Lincoln Project saying?
haha - again - like what opa would say about the people with loose mouth - dein esel muss eifersuchtig werden auf all die scheise, die aus deinem mund kommt
It’s amazing Biden even got a fair shot with the ultra-conservative Chris Wallace moderating...
So he got frustrated like a 5 yr old with tough questions that he had been asked in interviews and press conferences. No problem there ! What about the other two?
If you think Biden won all three debates, there’s no helping you...

80 million voters apparently did in a beatdown ... but whatever makes you feel better about the next 3 yrs 10 months. That’s a long time to be in denial.

And you attribute all that to the debates?
Not at all. Most of the margin was realization that Trump was a corrupt liar and mismanaged the pandemic response by his denials.

The point being that you people have this narrative that Sleepy has a cognitive disorder... and Trumpsky does not. However the fact is that he matched or exceeded Trumpskys ability to debate a point. Lemmings were so disturbed by this reality that they rationalized that Sleepy had radio ear pieces to help him through. It’s just humorous to me.
I remember this one - it's too bad the liberal press doesn't bring these back like they would if it were Trump - here's Biden then when he called us stupid bastards - - -
“You Stupid Bastards,” 2016
A peevish Biden scolded American troops for their tepid response to a set-up applause line in 2016.

“Clap for that, you stupid bastards,” the vice-president barked, minutes into his speech to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing stationed in Abu Dhabi.

Biden was seeking kudos for his “incredibly good judgment” in having nominated one of the group’s officers to the Air Force Academy — but his pronouncement was met with crickets.

“Man, you are a dull bunch,” he complained, as service members standing behind him gave him the side-eye.
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The point being that you people have this narrative that Sleepy has a cognitive disorder... and Trumpsky does not. However the fact is that he matched or exceeded Trumpskys ability to debate a point. Lemmings were so disturbed by this reality that they rationalized that Sleepy had radio ear pieces to help him through. It’s just humorous to me.

You must be feeling pretty stupid about this

it's all Orange Man's fault and not theirs.

Talk about a deflection of blame from her to Trump. This ranks with the top efforts I have ever seen of such a thing. How is Trump responsible for any tweets se makes?

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