Sleepy Joe is hopping in his Time Machine and

How’d he do tonight with Stephanopoulos?
As true conservatives, we really need a strong performance from him. I know it’ll be highly edited unless the libs are truly trying to usher him out. In which case, I assume he got excoriated by lib George.
Honestly, I was surprised George (son of Joseph Goebbels) hit him with those hard questions, so kudos to him.

'Bad night, I had a cold, I was exhausted even after 7 days at Camp David, blah, blah, blah...'. If anyone is not yet convinced that the word from Mt. High (nObama) in the DEM party to shytcan houseplant Joe, this is proof. Normally George would be gobbling joe's little worm, but he stuck to his guns and repeatedly hit him with his bad poll numbers from many different pollsters.

He even said 'I've never seen a POTUS with a 37% favorable rating get re-elected'... joe said 'well, I don't believe those numbers'... of course. The party of gator is in a bind, and I love it... stick with joe and there aren't enough Trump haters to overcome the independents who will probably sit out this election; or put in Cuntmala, who has LOWER favorability numbers :D than Mr. Dementia! At least she won't be 'burdened'... throw in RFK siphoning off DEM votes and this portends to be a landslide. 👏

Watch this until the end... hilarious!

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I’m in favor of whatever results in Trump wiping the floor with Biden.

Trump is not my ideal candidate but the idea of him trouncing Biden in a rematch - given all that has transpired since 2020 - just makes me happy.
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Feel badly for the 'superfan' black girl who got totally dissed... AND, they moved her from the top row to the bottom row (more black peeps for the cameras) before racist joe showed up. THEN he goes right past her like she's not there... every 4 years the DEMs grovel and pander blacks then kick them to the curb after any election. You'd think after 50 years they'd know better... shame.
2 great paragraphs from the WSJ....

How democratic is it to ask us to vote for a man they know is unable to finish a sentence, let alone another four years? What exactly will we be electing in November if we vote for Mr. Biden? A year or two of an administration in which unelected advisers, party hacks, scheming family members and random hangers-on make critical daily decisions about war, peace, the composition of the judiciary and the boundaries of state authority—followed by President Kamala Harris, who has the ineptitude without the excuse of senescence (growing old).

The contempt all this reveals for the democratic process is almost on par with that represented in trying to overturn an election. So much for the moral high ground Democrats have claimed to occupy. The events of the past week have exposed the depth of the Democrats’ deception and disregard for democracy. In inadvertently revealing its hypocrisy, Mr. Biden has improbably done his party one final service, one they don’t want but the country urgently needs.

Here, here...
2 great paragraphs from the WSJ....

How democratic is it to ask us to vote for a man they know is unable to finish a sentence, let alone another four years? What exactly will we be electing in November if we vote for Mr. Biden? A year or two of an administration in which unelected advisers, party hacks, scheming family members and random hangers-on make critical daily decisions about war, peace, the composition of the judiciary and the boundaries of state authority—followed by President Kamala Harris, who has the ineptitude without the excuse of senescence (growing old).

The contempt all this reveals for the democratic process is almost on par with that represented in trying to overturn an election. So much for the moral high ground Democrats have claimed to occupy. The events of the past week have exposed the depth of the Democrats’ deception and disregard for democracy. In inadvertently revealing its hypocrisy, Mr. Biden has improbably done his party one final service, one they don’t want but the country urgently needs.

Here, here...
The second paragraph really hits home at a question that should be asked more frequently… isnt the attempt of deception of the American people that their president is not brain dead worse than challenging or denying the results of an election? If Trump’s classifying a payment to a pornstar to be quiet about sex as a campaign expense because of the “underlying crime” of trying to influence an election, then every single staff member should be charged with what they’ve been trying to do with Joe to prop him up for an election…
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The second paragraph really hits home at a question that should be asked more frequently… isnt the attempt of deception of the American people that their president is not brain dead worse than challenging or denying the results of an election? If Trump’s classifying a payment to a pornstar to be quiet about sex as a campaign expense because of the “underlying crime” of trying to influence an election, then every single staff member should be charged with what they’ve been trying to do with Joe to prop him up for an election…
Yeah, but it’s different because it’s not the orange boogeyman.

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