Should Manson Northwest Webster Recruiting in Fort Dodge be allowed?

Iron Doc is going to have to see just how "cheesy" the signs are and render an opinion (as to their estimated effectiveness).

Back in the day when I went to ICCC wrestling meets, I would drive down from Britt on 169 through Humboldt. Are there any signs in plain view on the NW corner of Ft. Dodge?

If you are coming down 169 hang a left at the Starlight and follow the road/street as it snakes you down by the river. When you get to the bottom before you begin to climb back up you will see it on your right. (It is right across from Amigo's bar).

As I said previously.....this sign is strategically placed for the people who want their kids out of FDSH but can't afford St Eds.

If you see it let me know if they have changed it to a HELP WANTED - QB sign. It'll be a while before I'm back in town to check it out.
Nice shot at a kid out there trying to do his best ghost....but I wouldn't expect anything less from your type.
I certainly hope our soph. Backup does not come on iowapreps...unfortunate you lower yourself to personal attacks on high school kids.

The Manson billboards have already had pictures of football players.....nice job of dumping on the entire team of kids who have already busted their hump only to find their school trying to entice more student athletes who may be interested in football.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
It's extremely unfortunate that the injury to the Manson QB occurred. It's a shame that happens to anybody just trying to go out there and have fun playing a game every Friday night. I ask that we tread very carefully when regarding the students. The QB needed was a shot at the recruiting practices, not at the talent level of the back-up. The pictures of the team do not insinuate they are not good enough, but that others can share the same positive experiences.

Hopefully we have that settled and can continue to focus on the issue at hand: advertising in a another schools district. While the shirts was a clever analogy, it is not the same because as you mentioned all the schools have shirts. Only Manson has the billboards (in Iowa). Personally, I understand why they do it, and think it should allowed as long as FD agrees to it.
Sometimes it is just as simple as trying to get the best education you can get and be happy getting it. Check out the Iowa scores sometime taken at the 11th grade level. All area schools score much higher than Fort Dodge. I think Fort Dodge is about 340 out of 370 schools.
Well if they can't place a bill board in a metropolitan area, then I guess all schools should take them down. In the IC area there are billboards and ads placed all over for schools. CR area as well. What does it hurt to place a billboard in a larger city? I just do not get the argument here, its common business practice. Smaller school districts need something, otherwise they will just shrink and end up consolidating.

MNW is a great school and I have had the privilege of competing against them growing up. There were several students who I knew open-enrolled from FD district and it was the parents choice. Their parents were unhappy with something in the district and chose to open-enroll their child.

Where I currently live open enrollment is happening every day. There are kids changing schools almost daily because of different issues (class sizes, schedules, etc). Its the choice of the parents, where they want to send their children to school. Some parents have sacrificed a lot to send their kids to Private schools, other parents have changed their work schedule to transport their child 45min away to go to a public school that offers tennis as a sport. Its a free country and if a school is advertising, I say let them advertise.

Im also not very bright, but if it was illegal I am sure the IAHSAA/IGHSAU would be all over it. Since you haven't heard anything, I am assuming they really don't care about it and its a non-issue.
What billboards of public schools are all over the place in other school districts in the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids area and where are they located? If you are referring to Regina, they have no borders.
I was talking more about signs, than billboards. Regina has the billboard, but there are signs posted. They also have signs in people's yards. I also noticed CR Xavier, CR kennedy, Wash, and Jeff signs posted throughout the town. Im sure the boundaries that are set within that district, but Im sure some of the WASH signs were close to Xaviers neighborhoods.

Davenport Public Schools put up signs all over the place (some in Bettendorf & Eldridge) with their schools slogan. I have seen IC public School signs posted in people yards (some close to Regina). Schools should be allowed to put their information on a billboard/sign/flyer/etc. Its advertising. Who cares where it goes, as long as it gets out to the public I do not have a problem with it.

If a school is losing students to a rival district than its that district fault for not performing better or making changes to improve. Im sorry but if this was/is an issue the IGHSAU/IAHSAA would be taking care of it. Obviously it isn't, so who cares.

Even the private schools don't recruit. 95% of those students were in private schools from Kindergarten. Its just funny to see the way people react.
Citizens putting up signs in their yards and a billboard for a school district are 2 completely different things, nice try though
Originally posted by WadeWubben:

My guess would be that there are quite a few private schools in the top 20 academically.
It would be tough to tell from looking at the Academic All-State lists for football. However, FDSE is represented well year after year in those regards compared to other schools. Perhaps the argument could be made other schools "smart" kids don't play sports.

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