I have never buried a former Regina player bad enough to have to apologize and I have never left when things didn't go my way. Could be a stand up thing or it could be stupidity. I just know that if I dish it out I probably should be prepared to take it and not run and hide.
yes, what Blame said about Cade Jones was a bit bush league. But what you say about him "leaving because he didn't get his way" is pretty comical.
He told you what he knew and you choose to tell him "BS". You talk about Jacob Giese like he was recruited. Ballocks. Giese and his family didn't want to be in West Branch to make West Branch better. They moved for a change of culture and a better place for their son. They moved because of some things that were happening at his former school that he didn't like. Giese will tell anybody to their face that he is a Bear and a Bear only and will always be a Bear. His parents will tell you the same.
Perhaps it is a similar case for Koenig. His GF attends school at WB, and I am sure that helped play a role in his move to Cedar County. Like myself, and Blame, have both told you: The WB Football staff had zero contact with the kid before he moved into town. In fact, no coach had any contact with he or his family before he moved to WB/WBHS. So you can try to make anything out of it you want.
Yes he broke a Long Jump record. Applaud him rather than making a big deal out of it. I would applaud a Regal for breaking a 60 year old record. That's pretty impressive that it broken and that it stood that long.
Yes he may have a shot at playing QB or somewhere else for WB next fall. He played for a team that was 0-9 last season. One player does not a winner make. YOU should know that, CIDHawkeye.
You want a truce, fine. If you break the truce, all bets are off and so are the kid gloves I've been using.
Happy weekend.