It has been pointed out that ICR "plays up" for their non district games yet stays in 1A for their district and playoff games. Other private schools such as Sioux CIty Heelan and Cedar Rapids Xavier have at times petitioned and played up in football for the whole season including playoffs and probably left a state title or two on the table.
After 5 straight titles is it time for ICR to voluntarily "play up" their other games?
FWIW my thoughts are by playing their non conference up (including a couple 3A opponents) that is where they should be
If you voted yes, what class should they play at?
(You owe me a coffee undead one for including your response).
After 5 straight titles is it time for ICR to voluntarily "play up" their other games?
FWIW my thoughts are by playing their non conference up (including a couple 3A opponents) that is where they should be
If you voted yes, what class should they play at?
(You owe me a coffee undead one for including your response).