This thread has gotten quite off topic. The point was that we need a better system to get the best teams to the dome. I thought the two best teams played today and Bosco showed everyone that it really didn't matter, because they would have crushed any team you put on that field today. Not at all a Bosco person, but how can you not respect what has been done there? As I said earlier, Bosco is not the problem, the playoff system is. Get that thing seeded.
Now, in regards to Bosco moving up to Class A - Why? Because they are good? That's a sad argument. Stay in 8 Player and everybody else get better.
Bosco recruiting - maybe, I don't know. None of us truly do. Regardless, you still have to play the game.
Best coaching staff - maybe. Hard to argue with the numbers. Obviously there are numerous staffs out there that deserve respect for the tradition they have built. Tough to say who is the best without taking in all the factors (enrollment, community support/attitude toward football, socioeconomic status, previous staffs, etc.)