New Hampton sportsmanship

That's not poor sportsmanship. That's just one tool on a power trip being a d-bag. Plain and simple.

As for the parking, that has nothing to do with poor sportsmanship and everything to do with incompetence. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy also made the designations for parking.

Of course there was nothing in there about exactly why they were sent to the far side, so it's only speculation as to whether they just planned poorly or sent them there because they were Waukon fans.

I agree in principal that each team's fans should try to stay on their designated sides to avoid any conflicts whatsoever, but when seating won't allow for it, the school should just have to deal with it.
The names in this editorial are incorrect. Which is a moot point, but it was NH superintendent that asked them to move a few times, and they wanted to sit there and argue with him about whether it was his decision to make or not. I'm sure not all fans were okay with them being there as I heard a few fans tell them to go to the visitor sides. I was sitting a few rows up and over from them. When the cop arrived they preceded to argue with him about moving, until he threatened to have them removed.

I don't think NH visitor stands are overly small, they are about average for stadiums that I have been to. When they are full then you are to stand with your fans so you can cheer your team on together. It's just based on respect that the home team and visitor teams sit on opposite sides, no matter how full the home team stands are.
They should not have been asked to move unless they were causing problems. It's understandable that they wanted to sit on the other side if there were no seats left on the visitor side. No harm done there. You say there should be respect an stay on there on side. Well there should also be respect for them to sit where they want if not causing problems. There is no assigned seating and no rule stating they have to sit on a side. It's general admission and if one set of bleachers is full and they want to sit down they have every right to sit down as long as they're respectful.
If there was nowhere else to sit and the opposing fans were not causing issues, they should not have been bothered. Classless move by the NH superintendent and fans if they asked them to move simply because they were from the opposing team. I don't blame them for sticking up for themselves when approached for no good reason.
I would be willing to bet that NH knew in advance that seating issues would arise given the huge buildup for the game. Knowing that... it seems rather negligent to see that the powers that be didn't have the common sense to bring in portable bleachers. Without knowing the exact layout of the complex, I'd think it was a feasible solution. And likely coming at a minimal cost given the revenue from gate receipts and concessions.

I wish the Waukon fans would have "called the bluff" of the officials who threatened them. Given the apparent size of the two crowds, it sounds like NH might have gotten their arse handed to them in addition to getting thrashed in the actual game.

If both schools remain in the current class designation, I think we have quite the rivalry developing here.

This "Mr. Geerts" sounds like a real "db", and I'm not talking about the defensive backfield positions.
The state gets the gate money...that's why they expanded the playoffs in the first place. So, no, adding portable bleachers would not just be a small dip into the gate money.
Originally posted by smallcenter:
The state gets the gate money...that's why they expanded the playoffs in the first place. So, no, adding portable bleachers would not just be a small dip into the gate money.

I know for Union we previously held one game per year in Dysart vs. La Porte City. One reason mentioned in the push to move all games to La Porte City was that the cost of moving in extra bleachers was too expensive. With that said, I can understand the argument about cost but still don't agree with it being a driving force in the Waukon/New Hampton situation.

I was thinking they raised the price from a typical $5/ea to $6/ea come playoffs with the state getting $5/ea and the host school $1/ea. So if true, the host school gets maybe $1000+ from ticket sales, plus the incremental concession stand sales (which I'm sure is well beyond $1K). If not true, the school at least has the concession sales to help offset bleacher cost.

In short, I think that if a school is not willing to make the right accommodations to host a playoff game, they shouldn't host. Or at the least, leave the opposing fans alone when they come sit on "your side" because you didn't take the time or effort to prepare properly to host the event.
The school get $800 to cover incidental costs and the rest gors to the state. Yes, there are the concessions, but at some schools, including New Hampton the money goes to other organizations. In the case of New Hampton the money goes to the music boosters. Should they have to give up their fundraising?

To host in 2a the host facility must be able to seat 2,000 people. New hampton's facilty definitely accommodates this.

This post was edited on 11/22 7:23 PM by smallcenter
Here is what the host site receives for gate revenues, from the IHSAA playoff manual:

9. The host schools shall receive a fee of $700 guaranteed for hosting football play-offs. The following schedule will be used
for determining whether the host school is to receive more than $700:
11% of gross gate receipts up to $15,000 gross receipts, plus 5% of gross receipts beyond $15,000, with a minimum
host allowance of $700.
Example 1) $18,000 Gross Gate Receipts:
11% of $15,000 = $1,650
5% of $3,000 = 150
Total Payment $1,800

Example 2) $6,000 Gross Gate Receipts:
11% of $6,000 = $660
Payment $700 Minimum

Expenses for security/police protection will be as follows: $35 per police officer with the following maximums:
Class 8-Player & Class A: 2 Class 1A & Class 2A: 3

Also, the same manual says 2-A schools must provide seating for 1,200.
Actually this is straight from the postseason manual.

The host school must meet the following minimum standards: 8-Player must provide seating for 500 people;
Class 1-A and A schools must provide seating for 800 people; Class 2-A schools must provide seating for 1200 people; Class 3-A schools must provide seating for 2000 people; Class 4-A schools must provide seating for 3200 people.
The host school must also provide adequate restroom facilities. If the member school cannot meet these minimum standards, they will select a site which meets these standards and which is no greater distance for the visitors than if the game had been played at the home school's own field. If the home school does not want to ask a member school to host a tournament, the IHSAA Office will select the site.

It doesn't mention anything about where the seating must be or how it is split up.
Really....the visitors tried to get away with sitting on the home side?
NH officials did the right thing. If they were to let it slide pretty soon the towns black population would be trying to drink out of the white water fountains.
Gotta love small town living...
If you did then you used the 3A requirement (2000) instead of the 2A requirement (1200). I was just setting the record straight as I've had a similar conversation earlier about it except it was about a couple from home crowd standing on visitor side because it was full on the home side and 2-3 deep all the way around the field. When we went to Albia there were Albia fans wrapped around on the Mepo side. There were no issues an no complaints as Mepo fans understand since it happens at Mepo home games.
Originally posted by smallcenter:
The school get $800 to cover incidental costs and the rest gors to the state. Yes, there are the concessions, but at some schools, including New Hampton the money goes to other organizations. In the case of New Hampton the money goes to the music boosters. Should they have to give up their fundraising?

To host in 2a the host facility must be able to seat 2,000 people. New hampton's facilty definitely accommodates this.

The unwritten code that I've always observed through my years is sit on your own side unless you're sitting with friends from the other town.

Did this go down the way letter writers say? I don't know. Is there more to it than they let on? Yes. Especially since they don't have names correct.
Specific to this question - "Should they [the music boosters] have to give up their fundraising?" - the answer is "Yes". This is a playoff game. A game they are lucky to be playing in and in addition to the regular season (planned) games that the music boosters should actually be counting on for fundraising.

This is the same as somebody going out and buying a new XBox One but then complaining they can't put food on the table. If you can't take care of the basic necessities (bleachers or basic hospitality of visitors), you shouldn't be able to "splurge".

Unwritten code is basically garbage. It is that "unwritten code" that is the poor sportsmanship in this situation.

To your point, the real question is whether it went down exactly as laid out. I agree we have only seen one side of this situation.
Originally posted by MepoDawg#:
If you did then you used the 3A requirement (2000) instead of the 2A requirement (1200). I was just setting the record straight as I've had a similar conversation earlier about it except it was about a couple from home crowd standing on visitor side because it was full on the home side and 2-3 deep all the way around the field. When we went to Albia there were Albia fans wrapped around on the Mepo side. There were no issues an no complaints as Mepo fans understand since it happens at Mepo home games.
Mepo- ****! Ya got me. I grabbed the wrong one. You were right.
People should not be harassed for "unwritten" codes. Yes, it is great for all fans to sit with each other but especially during playoffs this is not always the case. How about respecting each other and enjoying the game? I have been to a lot of high school basketball games where fans sit on opposite ends of the same side, what's the difference?
Been to New Hampton hundreds of times for sporting events and I was always treated very, very well! They have a very good reputation in this part of the state. Good town, great people! I'm guessing this is your typical "2 sides to every story" situation. I also sensed a "subtle brag" in that letter.

Was just there last year for a football game and they had plenty of seats with a big home team side and a nice visitor's side as well, which looked new. They also had one of the best public address announcers I have heard at a high school football game.
These two teams are in the same district. Have there been issues between these fanbases at regular season games? If there has been, I could understand keeping the sides separate.
Interesting - sounds similar to the set-up at Ankeny High School before the split. Security officers stood at the entrance to the home side and "screened" fans. Would assume they felt they had a similar "right" as to what is being shared here. Bottom line is, I assume, that there is no right answer.
If you pay to get in can sit were ever the hell you want as long as you are not making trouble end of story..............
I will side with the Waukon fans here as well if they weren't causing any problems, let them sit there. An in all honesty New Hampton's away bleachers are more than spacious enough to host. You do have to remember that these are NEIC rivals and I am sure that this isn't the 1st situation like this between these to schools.
Really don't like to see NH getting dragged through the mud here. Kind of think the Waukon fans should have found a spot to sit on their own side. Get their earlier next time. But...once on the NH side they also should not have been asked to move. Just want to say a Waukon mom told me that on the same night...after Waukon beat NH in the playoffs...the parents were feeding the Waukon kids before the kids got on the bus and a NH school official told them to move inside the NH school so parents and kids would not be standing around in the cold. Class move by New Hampton. And New Hampton-Waukon a good rivalry but I think the kids on both sides have respect for each other.
I find it hard to believe that they showed up an hour early to get good seating/parking and yet no seating was available on the visitors side...

Some part of that story is false...