Is that a tear in my eye…….nope!

In which drug-induced alternate reality of yours am I doing this? 😆
Well not this guy's heart. I LOVE stories like these, because of the perfect kicker in bold at the end!...

William Hartmann, one of two Republican election officials from Michigan who initially refused to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election in Wayne County, where Joseph R. Biden Jr. had trounced Donald J. Trump, died on Nov. 30 at a hospital in Wyandotte, Mich., near Detroit. He was 63.
About two weeks before his death, which was confirmed by the Michigan Republican Party, his sister, Elizabeth Hartmann, wrote on Facebook that Mr. Hartmann was “in ICU with Covid pneumonia and currently on a ventilator.” He had been outspoken in his opposition to Covid vaccines.
Mr. Hartmann drew national attention after he and another Republican member of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, Monica Palmer, refused to certify the election results. Mr. Biden had won the county, which includes the city of Detroit, with 68 percent of the vote, compared with 31 percent for Mr. Trump.
The two election officials pointed to minor recording discrepancies involving a few hundred votes, though the discrepancies had no effect on the outcome: Mr. Biden won the county by more than 330,000 votes. But their refusal to certify the results left the Wayne County board, made up of two Republicans and two Democrats, deadlocked. It also threatened to hold up the certification of Michigan’s entire vote.
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Their action, The New York Times wrote, “was a stunningly partisan move that would have potentially disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of voters from a predominantly Black city.”
It also contributed to the chaos and confusion that spread across the nation as Mr. Trump became increasingly adamant in falsely asserting that he had actually won the election.
The two officials’ stance prompted hundreds of outraged Michigan voters and civil rights activists to immediately hold a Zoom call and accuse the two of trying to subvert the election. A few hours later, Mr. Hartmann and Ms. Palmer certified the results and approved the official tallies.
But that led Mr. Trump to personally call them, The Associated Press reported, and shortly thereafter, the officials tried to rescind their votes certifying the results, saying they had been bullied into doing so. They were unable to change their votes back, however, and the Board of State Canvassers went on to certify Michigan’s statewide results. Mr. Biden won the state’s 16 electoral votes with 50.6 percent of the vote to Mr. Trump’s 47.8 percent.
Mr. Hartmann was born on Aug. 30, 1958, but little other information about his background is publicly available, and attempts to reach his family were unsuccessful.

On his Facebook page, he indicated a long involvement with the Republican Party. He listed his alias as “Taxed Enough Already” and called himself an “international man of mystery.”
Mr. Hartmann described himself as the owner of the All In One Campaign, a collaboration of consultants who advise candidates on election strategy; the chief executive and technical engineer at Synergy Services, which calls itself a consulting firm “with a focus on federal and state contracting, along with political consultation”; and the owner and chief executive of Custom Renovation, a building renovation service, in Wyandotte.
As The Times reported during the election dispute, Mr. Hartmann had filled his Facebook page with false allegations and conspiracy theories that the 2020 results had been manipulated against Mr. Trump. He said that he was harassed after the Nov. 17 episode, that law enforcement officers had to escort him away from his home to safety, and that he did not emerge for a week.
“I was afraid that somebody might recognize me when I was out and want to beat me up,” he told the right-wing news organization The Epoch Times last December. He said he had been pursued by the news media and had received more than 1,500 hate emails.
His sister began posting updates regarding his health on Facebook last month after he had contracted Covid. But she said she stopped once the news brought unwanted attention to her family.
“Bill is fighting for his life and why someone would want to use this time for their political vomit is disgusting and sad,” she wrote. “My brother is a kind, giving, honest, outstanding man.”
Online tributes called him a patriot and a true conservative.
Mr. Hartmann made it clear on his own social media accounts that he did not believe in Covid vaccines. He suggested that vaccine passports, showing proof of vaccination, were something out of Nazi Germany.


Cheering the death of a person because he is (1) white (2) conservative (3) republican and (4) did not care for the COVID vaccines. He made his choice and paid the price for it but to openly cheer his death is what you liberals are all about in reality.

You are one sad individual but I bet your friends think you are a shining example of liberalism.
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You've done it no less than two times on this board genius.

Cheering the death of a person because he is (1) white (2) conservative (3) republican and (4) did not care for the COVID vaccines. He made his choice and paid the price for it but to openly cheer his death is what you liberals are all about in reality.

You are one sad individual but I bet your friends think you are a shining example of liberalism.
Try #4 only. Perpetual victims in your own mind, you people.
Try #4 only. Perpetual victims in your own mind, you people.
Then why did you include his bio? You wanted to prove to the board that your pussy ass is a hard core lib and if someone doesn't believe as you do then they should die.

Now go flitter around with the rest of lib fairy army and tell us some other
"twitter facts" about how bad whitey is for America.
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Reading isn't your strong suit.

And I too celebrated the hero that killed the terrorist, because she was a terrorist. Try again.
And I too celebrated the hero that killed the terrorist, because she was a terrorist. Try again.

You said that you only celebrated when people died of covid if they were anti-vax. By your own admission, you lied.

Celebrating her death, or calling her a terrorist, is ridiculous.

Listen, before your dumbass came on here, I told the board that I probably would have taken that shot as well...assuming that we know everything that we think we know (and that isn't a sure thing because there has been some cover-up in this case).

That said, celebrating the death of a veteran under those circumstances is freaking disgusting. Taking a life is not something that one should take lightly. Now if she had a bomb vest on and the clacker was in her hand, defining her more clearly as the terrorist that you're framing her as, I'd be more likely to cheer right along with you. Those weren't the circumstances, however.

What we believe happened is that a group tried to force entry. That group may have been a threat to the safety of our elected officials on the other side of the glass. Given that, if that is indeed how it went down, I'm good with it. But there's no fvcking way I would celebrate her death given what we know, period.

And you are a giant POS for celebrating it. That's not an opinion; it's a fact.
You said that you only celebrated when people died of covid if they were anti-vax. By your own admission, you lied.

Celebrating her death, or calling her a terrorist, is ridiculous.

Listen, before your dumbass came on here, I told the board that I probably would have taken that shot as well...assuming that we know everything that we think we know (and that isn't a sure thing because there has been some cover-up in this case).

That said, celebrating the death of a veteran under those circumstances is freaking disgusting. Taking a life is not something that one should take lightly. Now if she had a bomb vest on and the clacker was in her hand, defining her more clearly as the terrorist that you're framing her as, I'd be more likely to cheer right along with you. Those weren't the circumstances, however.

What we believe happened is that a group tried to force entry. That group may have been a threat to the safety of our elected officials on the other side of the glass. Given that, if that is indeed how it went down, I'm good with it. But there's no fvcking way I would celebrate her death given what we know, period.

And you are a giant POS for celebrating it. That's not an opinion; it's a fact.
Yes, this was unarguably a homicide but the real question is if it was justified. Questioning an officer’s split second response is fraught with peril (I suspect BF1137 will attest to that) but anytime a human being is lost to a discharged police weapon it must be investigated……hopefully fairly for both parties. In this case, well…..
Questioning an officer’s split second response is fraught with peril (I suspect BF1137 will attest to that)

Absolutely. The standard for something like this is "the totality of the circumstances." That includes things like what the officer knew or what he reasonably believed to be true even if it turns out that it wasn't true.

Given what we know, or what we've been led to believe, the shooting seems justified. However, there should absolutely be a full review of ALL of the facts and those facts should be presented to a grand jury. That's the standard.
Absolutely. The standard for something like this is "the totality of the circumstances." That includes things like what the officer knew or what he reasonably believed to be true even if it turns out that it wasn't true.

Given what we know, or what we've been led to believe, the shooting seems justified. However, there should absolutely be a full review of ALL of the facts and those facts should be presented to a grand jury. That's the standard.
i think we should eliminate police forces and just hire social workers and mental health workers to diffuse criminal situations.
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i think we should eliminate police forces and just hire social workers and mental health workers to diffuse criminal situations.
Great idea. Maybe hold hands and bake s’mores while singing give peace a chance during a violent crime. Because that’ll show em!
You said that you only celebrated when people died of covid if they were anti-vax. By your own admission, you lied.

Celebrating her death, or calling her a terrorist, is ridiculous.

Listen, before your dumbass came on here, I told the board that I probably would have taken that shot as well...assuming that we know everything that we think we know (and that isn't a sure thing because there has been some cover-up in this case).

That said, celebrating the death of a veteran under those circumstances is freaking disgusting. Taking a life is not something that one should take lightly. Now if she had a bomb vest on and the clacker was in her hand, defining her more clearly as the terrorist that you're framing her as, I'd be more likely to cheer right along with you. Those weren't the circumstances, however.

What we believe happened is that a group tried to force entry. That group may have been a threat to the safety of our elected officials on the other side of the glass. Given that, if that is indeed how it went down, I'm good with it. But there's no fvcking way I would celebrate her death given what we know, period.

And you are a giant POS for celebrating it. That's not an opinion; it's a fact.
Her and their goal was to terrorize, detain, or even kill legislators into caving to their demands. Textbook terrorism. Her being a yet another batshit crazy political bedfellow, or that she was white like you and I, doesn't change that fact.
Yes, this was unarguably a homicide but the real question is if it was justified. Questioning an officer’s split second response is fraught with peril (I suspect BF1137 will attest to that) but anytime a human being is lost to a discharged police weapon it must be investigated……hopefully fairly for both parties. In this case, well…..
Weird how investigations are so quick to be called for by your ilk when a white conservative terrorist is killed. Eric Garner, or Philando Castille, or George Floyd, and its excuse after excuse. Wonder white that is?
Absolutely. The standard for something like this is "the totality of the circumstances." That includes things like what the officer knew or what he reasonably believed to be true even if it turns out that it wasn't true.

Given what we know, or what we've been led to believe, the shooting seems justified. However, there should absolutely be a full review of ALL of the facts and those facts should be presented to a grand jury. That's the standard.
It was a chaotic situation, and shite happens. Officer should be exonerated, unless there’s more info I’ve not yet seen

the moral is thus: if folk start storming a government defended facility, no matter how potentially “peaceful”, they are subject to being potentially shot….
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Her and their goal was to terrorize, detain, or even kill legislators into caving to their demands. Textbook terrorism. Her being a yet another batshit crazy political bedfellow, or that she was white like you and I, doesn't change that fact.

I really wish that I could help you read. I cannot.

You have no idea what her goal was.

Again, dumbass, my white ass is ok with her white ass being shot in this situation. My white ass has said so a few times already ITT. So you can take the race baiting shit and shove it up your white ass.

Hope that helps.
Weird how investigations are so quick to be called for by your ilk when a white conservative terrorist is killed. Eric Garner, or Philando Castille, or George Floyd, and its excuse after excuse. Wonder white that is?

All police shootings are investigated. All of them. There's no need to call for one, it's just part of the process.

Afterwards, the results are presented to a grand jury. I thought you knew crap like this through osmosis...since grandaddy was a criminal trial attorney???
All police shootings are investigated. All of them. There's no need to call for one, it's just part of the process.

Afterwards, the results are presented to a grand jury. I thought you knew crap like this through osmosis...since grandaddy was a criminal trial attorney???
Busted. Lolololololol
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All police shootings are investigated. All of them. There's no need to call for one, it's just part of the process.

Afterwards, the results are presented to a grand jury. I thought you knew crap like this through osmosis...since grandaddy was a criminal trial attorney???

Busted. Lolololololol
You guys aren't as good at "gotchas" as you are in your own minds. There are very different standards in different states. Some states only require the officer to give a written account to the DA, and that is it. For others that "investigation" is completely up to the chief of police, and still yet more have an internal department investigation without much in the way of oversight.
You guys aren't as good at "gotchas" as you are in your own minds. There are very different standards in different states. Some states only require the officer to give a written account to the DA, and that is it. For others that "investigation" is completely up to the chief of police, and still yet more have an internal department investigation without much in the way of oversight.
Did you consult with the "lawyers in your family" on this one?

You already have people for that- fat photographers and puny, white apologist liberal arts majors like @Menace Sockeyes that always want to be close to the action but too big of a pussy to get involved.

Yes but an interaction between a social worker and a 6'5" butt naked high AF tweaker with a raging hard-on would be comedy gold and may require multiple camera angles.
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You guys aren't as good at "gotchas" as you are in your own minds. There are very different standards in different states. Some states only require the officer to give a written account to the DA, and that is it. For others that "investigation" is completely up to the chief of police, and still yet more have an internal department investigation without much in the way of oversight.

Alabama isn't exactly a mecca for liberal leaning policies. That said in Alabama all LE involved shootings go as follows...

An outside agency investigates (usually SBI which is the State Bureau of Investigation, sort of like the state FBI) and then the findings of that investigation are ALWAYS presented to a grand jury.

From there the DA has the authority to accept or reject the findings from the grand jury or he may impanel a special grand jury to review the case.

I've never heard of a jurisdiction that doesn't follow that process especially in today's climate.

However, I feel entirely confident in saying that EVERY officer involved shooting is indeed investigated and I would be stunned if it wasn't investigated by an outside agency.

Your grandaddy should have told you this.
Alabama isn't exactly a mecca for liberal leaning policies. That said in Alabama all LE involved shootings go as follows...

An outside agency investigates (usually SBI which is the State Bureau of Investigation, sort of like the state FBI) and then the findings of that investigation are ALWAYS presented to a grand jury.

From there the DA has the authority to accept or reject the findings from the grand jury or he may impanel a special grand jury to review the case.

I've never heard of a jurisdiction that doesn't follow that process especially in today's climate.

However, I feel entirely confident in saying that EVERY officer involved shooting is indeed investigated and I would be stunned if it wasn't investigated by an outside agency.

Your grandaddy should have told you this.
Also, I’m willing to wager if BF1137 were involved in a fatal shooting, in public, in front of many witnesses (let alone in the Capital building) not only would we have known your identity, there would have been clips all over the media and screams for your immediate arrest…..unless of course you capped one of those (as Sockpuppet calls them) “MAGAt’s”, then not only would it be justified (without investigating) it would be celebrated, as little punks like him opined, why didn’t other Capital Hill police join in the slaughter. Sorry, but I think before we all accept or even condone the decision to fatally shoot an unarmed woman, we owe it to a veteran like Ms Babbitt.
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Also, I’m willing to wager if BF1137 were involved in a fatal shooting, in public, in front of many witnesses (let alone in the Capital building) not only would we have known your identity, there would have been clips all over the media and screams for your immediate arrest…..unless of course you capped one of those (as Sockpuppet calls them) “MAGAt’s”, then not only would it be justified (without investigating) it would be celebrated, as little punks like him opined, why didn’t other Capital Hill police join in the slaughter. Sorry, but I think before we all accept or even condone the decision to fatally shoot an unarmed woman, we owe it to a veteran like Ms Babbitt.
Like he knew she was unarmed. The defense of a terrorist is pretty sickening. The Capital Police got it right, both in the height of the terrorist attack and in finding the officer justified.