FB Classifications

So the only release or difference is that they put the classification next to the numbers that have apparently been up on the site for weeks now?? It took them all this time to do that? And then they need another week to release districts and more time after that to even begin non-district & playoff information.... what a joke.
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How in the world did you he get that link when their isn't a link at all. Yeah the 2019 and 2020 links are still there a. Unless he a coach or something
Here we go, folks - my world-famous maps. Well, message board-famous, anyway.

Obviously no districts yet, these are just the schools listed in the classifications from the IHSAA website. If you're a visual person, like me, you can use these to figure out your own districts! Although, good luck ... it doesn't seem like they're going to be that easy.

I still wonder if the state might do something different with 5A, like maybe that tier system they wanted to use last year before the pandemic screwed the schedules up. I'd assume the other classes will be districts as usual (they all work out: 6 districts of 6 in 4A/3A; 8 districts of 6 or 6 districts of 8 in 2A/1A; 7 districts of 8 in A; and then who knows in 8 Player ... I'd guess 8 districts of 8 and one district of 7, as long as you're able to make the non-district games work out while giving everybody 8 regular season games).

I don't think I've missed anybody, anyway.

Check it out!
Here we go, folks - my world-famous maps. Well, message board-famous,

I still wonder if the state might do something different with 5A, like maybe that tier system they wanted to use last year before the pandemic screwed the schedules up.

I don't think I've missed anybody, anyway.

Check it out!
Wow! Great work there Kid. I’m struck by poor, lonely 5A CBAL, their closest 5A opponent is 1 1/2 hrs away!
Perusing 4A with districts in mind, and it appears three of them look fairly obvious:

* Le Mars, Spencer, Storm Lake, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Boone
* CB Jefferson, Lewis Central, Glenwood, Denison-Schleswig, Perry, Winterset
* Dallas Center-Grimes, DM Hoover, Norwalk, Indianola, Carlisle, Bondurant-Farrar

Then it gets sticky. Mount Pleasant, Burlington, and Fort Madison will be together, but with whom? Do you run Oskaloosa and Pella, even Newton down there; or is it North Scott, Clinton, maybe Liberty or CCA? Likewise, Decorah, WSR, Mason City, Waterloo East, and Western Dubuque make sense ... but then you probably pull somebody from Xavier/CR Wash/Marion out for your 6th team.

I’d selfishly love a compact Xavier/Wash/Marion/Liberty/CCA/plus one district, but who’s the plus one? Not to mention, putting those five together really screw up districts to the north and east/south. I could actually see a scenario with Xavier, CR Wash, and Marion each in a different district, to be honest, although that would be kinda sucky (there’s always those four non-district games).

I wonder if Kennedy/Jefferson will stick to their “rule” of “we don’t play games outside of our class” now that Washington is involved instead of just Xavier ...
too many classes are far as i am concernerned..i would eliminate 8man, and maybe 1a.....consolidate....just my 2 cents worth...if they leave it as it is,,,5a and the remainder, harlan will benifit hugely from this....will eliminate all those larger schools from their competition, some allmost twice the size as harlan
Here we go, folks - my world-famous maps. Well, message board-famous, anyway.

Obviously no districts yet, these are just the schools listed in the classifications from the IHSAA website. If you're a visual person, like me, you can use these to figure out your own districts! Although, good luck ... it doesn't seem like they're going to be that easy.

I still wonder if the state might do something different with 5A, like maybe that tier system they wanted to use last year before the pandemic screwed the schedules up. I'd assume the other classes will be districts as usual (they all work out: 6 districts of 6 in 4A/3A; 8 districts of 6 or 6 districts of 8 in 2A/1A; 7 districts of 8 in A; and then who knows in 8 Player ... I'd guess 8 districts of 8 and one district of 7, as long as you're able to make the non-district games work out while giving everybody 8 regular season games).

I don't think I've missed anybody, anyway.

Check it out!

Great job on the maps. Class A will have 8 districts of 7, with the top 4 teams in each district advancing to the playoffs. No RPI. 2 non-district games followed by 6 district games. Thanks for your great work
Great job on the maps. Class A will have 8 districts of 7, with the top 4 teams in each district advancing to the playoffs. No RPI. 2 non-district games followed by 6 district games. Thanks for your great work

You can’t have districts of 7 with your scheduling plan - you need an even number of teams so everybody has a district game every week, if your plan is non-district the first 2 weeks and district play after that..

You can have an odd number if you distribute non-district games through the course of the season, though.
You can’t have districts of 7 with your scheduling plan - you need an even number of teams so everybody has a district game every week, if your plan is non-district the first 2 weeks and district play after that..

You can have an odd number if you distribute non-district games through the course of the season, though.

Great point
too many classes are far as i am concernerned..i would eliminate 8man, and maybe 1a.....consolidate....just my 2 cents worth...if they leave it as it is,,,5a and the remainder, harlan will benifit hugely from this....will eliminate all those larger schools from their competition, some allmost twice the size as harlan
You do realize that 8-man has the largest number of teams in any classification with 71? So you would tell 71 schools to consolidate? I can't imagine the amount of politics that would take.
You do realize that 8-man has the largest number of teams in any classification with 71? So you would tell 71 schools to consolidate? I can't imagine the amount of politics that would take.
It is probably impossible and also probably ignorant. The whole point of 8 man is to give those small schools a chance to compete for the pride of their community. Rural towns are dying off. Young people want to move to metro/immediate suburb areas. Even if it were possible, which it’s not, consolidation would just speed up the process of killing off a lot of those towns that some would argue are the backbone of our state.
I am sure that the state won't do this because they have shown over and over they may very few changes, but how about for class A you had 10- 5 team district and 1- 6 team district, with the top 2 from each making the playoffs and then 10 at large. For 1A and 2A you have 12- 4 team district with the top two making it with 8 at large. To me this cuts down on some of the travel, and allows schools to play traditional rivals that may not be in their district or class.
Just thinking through - I get the appeal of smaller districts, as it does open up possibilities to reduce travel by having more non-district games with nearby schools in a different class. But I think if you’re going to go to 4-team districts, you might at well go to RPI completely for playoff qualifying instead of district finish; certainly not the top two from each district.

With only 3 district games, it’s conceivable your district winner could be 2-1, with the runner-up at 1-2. Carrying it to its absurd conclusion, that opens the possibility of a 2-6 team and a 1-7 team in the playoffs automatically.

On the other hand, with 32 of 48 teams (67%) getting in the playoffs in 2A/1A, does that even make a difference? I dunno.
Personally I want a system where districts are used for the post season, you play who you want for a regular season schedule, your district coaches seed you then the 8 district winners qualify for state, essentially what every other team sport does. In 8 man there would be teams that didn't qualify for districts, but that is the way it is.

The other thing that I want see is the IHSAA making schools with an enrollment over 120 play 11 man football. Newell Fonda is at 136, there are at least 5 more above 120, if you aren't going to enforce it then why have it. I take that back, they made Sidney move up last year, even though Sidney now has a smaller enrollment than Newell Fonda, they are still in 11 man.
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I think that the state is going to whatever makes setting the playoff the easiest for them.
In 2A on down it will be the top four teams in each district more likely paired with a sister district in first round then set up in Pods like last year.
As we await the new districts, did anyone read the article in the 3/4/21 DSM Register by Matthew Bain, concerning is recruiting cheating in HS sports?
My brief take is it was rather obtuse in its focus on private vs public, as opposed to does it (recruiting) in fact take place and if so is it wrong. The obvious example in FB is the Dowling question (in the article), his defense is that the “kids” approach Dowling, not the other way around, which may very well be the case. The question then is, what does the student athlete get in return, other than an opportunity at a championship, excellent coaching...and of course education. Does the school have the ability to assist with tuition?...not sure. Anyway, interesting read.
As we await the new districts, did anyone read the article in the 3/4/21 DSM Register by Matthew Bain, concerning is recruiting cheating in HS sports?
My brief take is it was rather obtuse in its focus on private vs public, as opposed to does it (recruiting) in fact take place and if so is it wrong. The obvious example in FB is the Dowling question (in the article), his defense is that the “kids” approach Dowling, not the other way around, which may very well be the case. The question then is, what does the student athlete get in return, other than an opportunity at a championship, excellent coaching...and of course education. Does the school have the ability to assist with tuition?...not sure. Anyway, interesting read.

Tuition is only a barrier at private schools. Those exact same scenarios exist with transfers between public schools as well. But without the added complication of tuition.
I can tell you they don't forego tuition. They need the money to survive. But, would it be a problem if they did? Or, would that just put them on the same level playing field as transfers to tuition free public schools?
Tuition is only a barrier at private schools. Those exact same scenarios exist with transfers between public schools as well. But without the added complication of tuition.
I can tell you they don't forego tuition. They need the money to survive. But, would it be a problem if they did? Or, would that just put them on the same level playing field as transfers to tuition free public schools?
I guess it would be the schools decision whether or not to provide tuition assistance but if they do based on their athletic “need” vs a student’s financial need, then you would certainly have an ethical dilemma.
I guess it would be the schools decision whether or not to provide tuition assistance but if they do based on their athletic “need” vs a student’s financial need, then you would certainly have an ethical dilemma.
the shocker, class 2a has no one in southwest iowa .....harlan has sure lost a lot of enrollment over the years...odd to see them in 3a
too many classes are far as i am concernerned..i would eliminate 8man, and maybe 1a.....consolidate....just my 2 cents worth...if they leave it as it is,,,5a and the remainder, harlan will benifit hugely from this....will eliminate all those larger schools from their competition, some allmost twice the size as harlan

i am overrulled on the 8 man football, quess the popularity is there, and there are 30 states that play it....its just my personal 2 cents worth, i still would like to see them colidate into a 11 man is meant to be played 11 man , and i believe it would draw more interest from fans in the state
The pro and college game is turning into an 8 man mindset. If you watch an 8 man game you will see it. The old running base 11 game is getting passed by for read option and dual threat qbs. That is what the 8 man game is based on. The passing attack of spacing is also based on 8 man principles.
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Cant Eliminate 8man, but could certainly bump of the 8 largest enrollments into 11 man. Why is Newell Fonda continually allowed to play 8 man anyway? then you have 64 in class A 8 districts of 8.
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Cant Eliminate 8man, but could certainly bump of the 8 largest enrollments into 11 man. Why is Newell Fonda continually allowed to play 8 man anyway? then you have 64 in class A 8 districts of 8.
There are actually 8 teams with 120 or more playing 8 man this year. I think this is the last cycle that Newell Fonda can play up. I think there is a 4 year appeals rule you need to file. They have been over for at least 3 years in a row. This would be year 4. please correct me if I am wrong. I feel like Sidney had to move up last year due to this.
It is only supposed to be for one cycle, but with the last alignments only being 1 year I bet they bent the rules.
I don't think we should create a new game with new rules (i.e. 8 man football).
We don't let small schools play 3 v 3 basketball. 7 v 7 soccer. Whiffle ball instead of baseball.
Play the actual 11 v 11 game, or consolidate, or don't field a team.
Especially when we now see schools that could field an actual team, but are choosing not to because they think they are better with fewer kids seeing the field.
Especially when we now see schools that could field an actual team, but are choosing not to because they think they are better with fewer kids seeing the field.

This is my biggest thing with 8 man football, I don't think schools should be forced to consolidate to play 11 man, but I do think there are 8 man schools who have the numbers to play 11 man, and that they should have to do so.
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If the numbers the Gazette put are correct, and I will say I question CR Washington (because I think they may take in Metro High Students) and I question Dubuque Wahlert, this is what I came up with.

I tried to combine geography and previous success, my guess is that they won't have an east and west like I do, because there is more powers on the west, but this could work.

District 1
Cedar Falls
Waterloo West
CR Prairie
CR Jefferson

District 2
IC West
IC City
CR Kennedy
Davenport North

District 3
Pleasant Valley
Davenport Central
Davenport West

District 4
Southeast Polk
DSM Roosevelt
DSM North
SC North

District 5
Waukee NW
DSM East
SC West

District 6
SC East
DSM Lincoln
CB Lincoln

Again I took into account previous success a bit with these districts, but there are some outliers that make that difficult.

District 1
Fort Dodge
Webster City
Storm Lake
Denison Schelswig

District 2
Mason City
Waterloo East
CR Washington

District 3
Western Dubuque
North Scott
IC Liberty

District 4
Fort Madison
Mt Pleasant

District 5
Boundurant Farrar
DSM Hoover

District 6
CB Jefferson
Lewis Central

I split up a nice neat district around Des Moines because every corner around the state seems to need an extra team.

District 1
Sioux Center

District 2
Hampton Dumont
Charles City

District 3 (If Wahlert's number is wrong they would easily replace Mt Vernon)
Central DeWitt
Mt Vernon

District 4
West Burlington ND

District 5
West Delaware
Vinton Shellsburg
South Tama

District 6
North Polk


District 1
West Lyon
Unity Christian

District 2
Spirit Lake
Forest City
Clear Lake

District 3
New Hampton

District 4
Greene County
SE Valley
Red Oak

District 5
Clarion Goldfield Dows
Iowa Falls Alden
Roland Story
West Marshall
DSM Christian

District 6
Davis County

District 7
Central Lee
Mid Prairie
West Liberty

District 8 (If Wahlert's number is wrong, Mt Vernon easily fits in this district)
Northeast Goose Lake

District 1
West Sioux
Western Christian
Sibley O
Sioux Central
Ridge View

District 2
West Monona
East Sac

District 3
NW Webster
South Central Calhoun
Woodward Granger
West Central Valley

District 4
Nodway Valley
Van Meter
Central Decatur
East Marshall

District 5
Sigourney Keota
Van Buren
Louisa Muscatine
Pella Christian

District 6 (I broke a state rule here)
West Branch

District 7
Sumner Fredricksburg

District 8
South Hardin
South Hamilton
Eagle Grove
Belmond Klemme
Central Springs

Class A (I went with the assumption that the only 8 man team moving up was AGWSR, and the only one moving down was Garrigan because they said they are. That leaves 58 teams so I did 8, 6 team districts and 2, 5 team districts that are sister districts

District 1
Akron Westfield
Woodbury Central
Lawton Bronson

District 2
South O'Brien
Alta Aurelia

District 3
St Edmonds
North Union
West Hancock
Lake Mills
St. Ansgar

Disrict 4
West Fork
North Butler
Nashua Plainfield
South Winn

District 5
East Buc
Maq Valley
Clayton Ridge

District 6
North Linn
North Tama
Grundy Center

District 7
North Cedar

District 8
Belle Plaine
North Mahaska
Lynnville Sully
Colfax Mingo

District 9
Mount Ayr
Southwest Valley
St. Albert

District 10
IKM Manning
Tri Center
Missouri Valley

8 Man (70 teams, so 10 7 team districts that can be put into sister districts)
District 1
Siouxland Christian
River Valley
Kingsley Pierson
Newell Fonda
Remsen St Mary's
Harris Lake Park

District 2
Boyer Valley
Glidden Ralston
Coon Rapids Bayard
West Harrison

District 3
West Bend Mallard
North Iowa
Northwood Kennsett

District 4
West Central
Turkey Valley
Kee High
Central Elkader

District 5
Don Bosco
Iowa Valley
Central City
Easton Valley
Calamus Wheatland

District 6
Gladbrook Rienbeck
Colo Nesco
Collins- Maxwell

District 7
New London
Lone Tree
Tri County
English Valleys

District 8
Twin Cedars
Melcher Dallas
Southeast Warren
Martensdale St. Marys
Grandview Christian

District 9
Seymour Moulten Udell
Mormon Trail
East Union

District 10
Clarinda Academy
Fremont Mills
East Mills
Exira EHK

The 8 man districts were a struggle for me

Just for fun, this might be another way that 1A could look:
District 1:
West Sioux, Western Christian, Sibley-O, Emmetsburg, Sioux Central, Ridge View

District 2:
East Sac, SCC, Manson-NW, Eagle Grove, Belmond-Klemme, South Hamilton

District 3:
Central Springs, A-P, South Hardin, D-NH, Waterloo Columbus, East Marshall

District 4:
Denver, Sumner-F, Postville, MFL, Beckman, Cascade

District 5:
Regina, West Branch, Wilton, Durant, Mepo, L-M

District 6:
Van Buren, Cardinal, S-K, Pella Christian, Pleasantville, Central Decatur

District 7:
I-35, Nodaway Valley-OM, WCV, Van Meter, Panorama, W-G

District 8:
ACGC, Treynor, Underwood, Kuemper, MVAOCOU, West Monona
Here we go, folks - my world-famous maps. Well, message board-famous, anyway.

Obviously no districts yet, these are just the schools listed in the classifications from the IHSAA website. If you're a visual person, like me, you can use these to figure out your own districts! Although, good luck ... it doesn't seem like they're going to be that easy.

I still wonder if the state might do something different with 5A, like maybe that tier system they wanted to use last year before the pandemic screwed the schedules up. I'd assume the other classes will be districts as usual (they all work out: 6 districts of 6 in 4A/3A; 8 districts of 6 or 6 districts of 8 in 2A/1A; 7 districts of 8 in A; and then who knows in 8 Player ... I'd guess 8 districts of 8 and one district of 7, as long as you're able to make the non-district games work out while giving everybody 8 regular season games).

I don't think I've missed anybody, anyway.

Check it out!
Thanks that's really helpful. I tried something similar on my own and failed. All it takes is missing a couple schools and all my assumptions got thrown off. Thanks for the effort!
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I don't think we should create a new game with new rules (i.e. 8 man football).
We don't let small schools play 3 v 3 basketball. 7 v 7 soccer. Whiffle ball instead of baseball.
Play the actual 11 v 11 game, or consolidate, or don't field a team.
Especially when we now see schools that could field an actual team, but are choosing not to because they think they are better with fewer kids seeing the field.
Cat's already out of the bag on that one.

I do feel for the schools on the bump - obviously they can't go up 3 kids in enrollment and suddenly stop playing 8 man, then two year's later they lose 4 or the line moves and they're back in 8. That happens with other classes, but at least there they are having to pay an entirely different game.
Just for fun, this might be another way that 1A could look:
District 1:
West Sioux, Western Christian, Sibley-O, Emmetsburg, Sioux Central, Ridge View

District 2:
East Sac, SCC, Manson-NW, Eagle Grove, Belmond-Klemme, South Hamilton

District 3:
Central Springs, A-P, South Hardin, D-NH, Waterloo Columbus, East Marshall

District 4:
Denver, Sumner-F, Postville, MFL, Beckman, Cascade

District 5:
Regina, West Branch, Wilton, Durant, Mepo, L-M

District 6:
Van Buren, Cardinal, S-K, Pella Christian, Pleasantville, Central Decatur

District 7:
I-35, Nodaway Valley-OM, WCV, Van Meter, Panorama, W-G

District 8:
ACGC, Treynor, Underwood, Kuemper, MVAOCOU, West Monona
Looks good to me!
I guess it would be the schools decision whether or not to provide tuition assistance but if they do based on their athletic “need” vs a student’s financial need, then you would certainly have an ethical dilemma.
Typically, tuition assistance is run through a third party who determines need and allocates scholarships rather than the school administering any kind of tuition waiver. That being said, I'm not naive enough to say it's never happened. Likewise I don't know if there's ever been a situation where someone or a group of people got together and paid someone's tuition. Not sure how you'd ever know or trace something like that.

Another thing to remember in the parochial debate, is that the door swings both ways for smaller private schools. You get a kid who develops into a legit prospect, and suddenly his family needs to transfer him to a 4A/5A school who happens to excel at his sport. The main point there is that kids and families make those kind of decisions all the time and it's not just an advantage to the private schools. Money, program support, training access are bigger factors private or public and I'm not really sure how you address that in terms of fairness. Using free and reduced lunch as an indicator of financially disadvantaged schools (and maybe dropout rates) seems like a decent indicator. Maybe instead of pushing "advantaged schools" up, you consider letting disadvantaged school play down.

I really do wonder if The Boy$ ever come read these pages - besides criticism of them, there are some pretty good ideas sometimes, from people with lot of experience in HS sports.
Typically, tuition assistance is run through a third party who determines need and allocates scholarships rather than the school administering any kind of tuition waiver. That being said, I'm not naive enough to say it's never happened. Likewise I don't know if there's ever been a situation where someone or a group of people got together and paid someone's tuition. Not sure how you'd ever know or trace something like that.

Another thing to remember in the parochial debate, is that the door swings both ways for smaller private schools. You get a kid who develops into a legit prospect, and suddenly his family needs to transfer him to a 4A/5A school who happens to excel at his sport. The main point there is that kids and families make those kind of decisions all the time and it's not just an advantage to the private schools. Money, program support, training access are bigger factors private or public and I'm not really sure how you address that in terms of fairness. Using free and reduced lunch as an indicator of financially disadvantaged schools (and maybe dropout rates) seems like a decent indicator. Maybe instead of pushing "advantaged schools" up, you consider letting disadvantaged school play down.

I really do wonder if The Boy$ ever come read these pages - besides criticism of them, there are some pretty good ideas sometimes, from people with lot of experience in HS sports.
What about the private schools that are small in a large population area? how do you fix that issue. St Alberts in CB, they are A in football and have a HUGE area to cast a net too. and play against population basis that are far smaller than theirs. So say they lose a kid, well there are plenty more for them to choose from. Take for instance their basketball squad. have 15 suited up with only 2 sophmores on the roster. When they lose a solid senior class, like this years actually, they continue to be competitive to the point of pushing a state tournament appearance every year. teams they have to compete against to get to state do not have that luxury. They go through cycles. Private schools like Grandview, St Alberts etc, do not.
I don't think we should create a new game with new rules (i.e. 8 man football).
We don't let small schools play 3 v 3 basketball. 7 v 7 soccer. Whiffle ball instead of baseball.
Play the actual 11 v 11 game, or consolidate, or don't field a team.
Especially when we now see schools that could field an actual team, but are choosing not to because they think they are better with fewer kids seeing the field.
Says the guy that has no experience trying to field a team because kids go to that school to play sports.
Private schools absolutely go through cycles too. But, they often have a solid youth program to help smooth out those ups and downs somewhat.
And, the point above about bigger schools poaching the best players from the smaller private schools near large population areas absolutely happens. And, it costs those teams state tournament appearances and maybe even titles. I can think of two examples off the top of my head right now.

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