Originally posted by OHS4life:
Hard to lose respect when it never existed. Keep riding the DB train. There's always one...
So basically you've always disliked Don Bosco, nttawwt. This just means that your animosity extends beyond this score and that you may or may not show the same outrage to other schools who produce a similar result in the future (or past, if you weren't aware....or cared, ya know).
Which also means that said outrage for another school scoring 100 pts may not last as long as your outrage at what Don Bosco has done........just trying to get a gauge on what kind of person you are, is all.
Me personally, I have absolutely very little vested interest in this matter. It's merely amusing to me, anymore, when there is public outcry. I like to find which people are actually insulted and which are just insulted because they think they need to be..........................................................just sayin.
P.S. I am actually against Don Bosco in 8-man but for the following reason. There are other schools of similar size, or smaller, with fewer kids out for football who tough it out or are too proud to drop to 8-man and would rather play in Class A.
I have no doubt that Don Bosco would be fine in 11-man with the numbers and talent they seem to have. They may not find success to be as easy, but it's not like some immensely daunting task, again considering the participation they have and the production they are getting from it.
But take Bishop Garrigan (Algona) for example. Here's a program with a strong history in football, even claiming a State title in 2A in 1985 and appearing in two other 1A title games in 1999 and 2005. Their BEDS is currently at 111 and will probably continue to slowly decline in the foreseeable future. They're well within their right to drop to 8-man, but until their program hits rock-bottom, I think their coaching staff (and the school) would rather be caught dead than stop playing 11-man. They have 37, including freshmen, on their team roster.
WACO, Wayland is the smallest Class A team I could find with a BEDS of 93. They have just 24 kids listed on their roster.
I have respect for those programs who are willing to tough it out even when their enrollment is on the decline. Or in Garrigan's case, they have too proud a tradition to make a change to 8-man.
Basically, what I'm saying is that I believe Don Bosco can (and probably should) challenge themselves, if they so choose. It's the same reason why Regina finds 3A teams to put on the schedule, even though they could also ask to play up a class if they felt 1A competition was not challenging enough.....................................................