Best goalkeeper in the state

Devin Blohm from Iowa Falls-Alden is awesome. He is probably the best goalkeeper in the nation. There are rumors that he is going pro right out of high school.
Zobeck was the ALL STATE keeper, last year and is back at West this year.
He is much more athletic than Kadlec, so Frosty is right, once again.
More athletic doesn't make him a better goalie, and Kadlec didn't play high school he was to busy plaing on the regional team and super 20's with chicago magic which has much better competition compared to Iowa high school soccer
Oh,..........I like the logic. He didn't play, so that makes him better.

Zobeck has played a TON of ODP as well. And yes, in athletics, being more athletic is generally a very good thing.
ok considering that his logic is logical.. he didn't play highschool but he DID PLAY for the super 20's, CRSA, and the Regional Team.. he also went to Louisville before transfering to Drake. Not only do i think he is better than Zobeck, but a lot of Division 1 coaches think that as well.
Originally posted by Hawk31Eye:
Stu is a good high school keeper, but he isn't as good as those in this conversation.

You mean Soorholtz?
Yea....I have seen him play on several occasions, and he is above average for an Iowa High School keeper, but he isn't as good as the two being mentioned above.
Sure i know that kadlec is good, also i know that zobeck is good they are both going to good division one schools, kadlec:louisville then drake ( anyone know why the switch) Zobeck to Valpo but i believe that it is pretty hard to argue the fact that Zobeck isnt better when he was the 2A all state keeper

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