Alabama is # 1 again

On the Israeli data, you would expect to see some level of difference in the infection rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Unfortunately, the data from the last month isn't showing that. Here's what last week's data showed by age range, % of that age range that is vaccinated, and % of new cases in that age range occurring in vaccinated individuals.

My doctor mentioned similar findings to me a few weeks ago. Obviously he wasn't going off the Emory study so clearly there are others with similar findings.

Mind you, he took the vaccine. He isn't anti-vaccine...but truth is more valuable to him than this political carnival.
What the political carnival vaccine / masking bias in other countries? Same genome globally?
On the Israeli data, you would expect to see some level of difference in the infection rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Unfortunately, the data from the last month isn't showing that. Here's what last week's data showed by age range, % of that age range that is vaccinated, and % of new cases in that age range occurring in vaccinated individuals.

If this pattern holds true globally , what’s the point of injecting yourself with a trial drug? Seems like you have a 50-50 chance of getting it , vaccinated or not
If this pattern holds true globally , what’s the point of injecting yourself with a trial drug? Seems like you have a 50-50 chance of getting it , vaccinated or not

So far in Israel it has still shown a significant reduction in severe disease and death. It's still a no brainer for the elderly and those that aren't healthy to get it. However if that pattern holds, it completely eliminates any arguments for vaccine passports or vaccine mandates.
So far in Israel it has still shown a significant reduction in severe disease and death. It's still a no brainer for the elderly and those that aren't healthy to get it. However if that pattern holds, it completely eliminates any arguments for vaccine passports or vaccine mandates.

Agree completely.
I have no idea which studies you are referencing, so I think it is safe to say those aren't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the current COVID waves ongoing in Israel and England. Israel's Ministry of Health released data last week that suggests the Pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective against the Delta variant in stopping transmission. The numbers are still good there, up around 80-90%, in reducing severe illness, but it is performing very poorly in stopping transmission.
I believe that’s the the study I was talking about. It was based on a testing for antibodies. This testing found antibodies in people who the vaccine and it was concluded that they had gotten the virus after the vaccination. But it wasn’t series so much so that it was considered most of the cases are asymptotic. Because the people who tasted to have the antibodies were not tested before they had the vaccine the US eople think the conclusion was invalid.

Who the heck knows what’s right or wrong, but one sure thing about it. As long as people are unvaccinated there will be people who will get infected and the virus will continue to evolve. Heck we may even get where it can attack children effectively.
C This. Nobody can give me a satisfactory answer for either.
Any thoughts on your picking a result and refusing to admit the unvaccinated people who continue to get the disease and allowing it evolve is not a problem. We have evolved one that is way more transmissible than the original. It could get strong enough to get past the children’s current near immunity to it. Or you could evolve one that is also more dangerous to people and cause an increase in deaths.
I believe that’s the the study I was talking about. It was based on a testing for antibodies. This testing found antibodies in people who the vaccine and it was concluded that they had gotten the virus after the vaccination. But it wasn’t series so much so that it was considered most of the cases are asymptotic. Because the people who tasted to have the antibodies were not tested before they had the vaccine the US eople think the conclusion was invalid.

Who the heck knows what’s right or wrong, but one sure thing about it. As long as people are unvaccinated there will be people who will get infected and the virus will continue to evolve. Heck we may even get where it can attack children effectively.

The current Israeli data I'm referencing is not based on antibody testing.

It's more likely to mutate to a less severe disease than a more severe disease, as that is what just about every other virus throughout history has eventually done. The good thing about children and COVID is that a ton of them have already been infected, so many of them are already better than vaccinated.
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On the Israeli data, you would expect to see some level of difference in the infection rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Unfortunately, the data from the last month isn't showing that. Here's what last week's data showed by age range, % of that age range that is vaccinated, and % of new cases in that age range occurring in vaccinated individuals.


Just as a follow up to the case data, you can see the vaccine working in the hospitalization data in Israel. This is what the case data should look like if the vaccine was as effective against transmission as advertised.

So another comment on the Israeli data, supposedly this wave started in high vaccination areas with rates at or above 95% vaccinated, and slowly spread from there. If that is indeed the case, it better explains the case numbers and would lend to the efficacy being higher than the 40% number for symptomatic infection. It wouldn't be at the 95% level, but still in the 70-80% range.

If that is indeed what has happened, the Israeli data, as the virus is moving into more unvaccinated regions, should start to show those cases among vaccinated/unvaccinated diverge. So in say two weeks from today (because Israel updates their weekly data on Wednesdays), we can test and see if that is indeed the case.
The current Israeli data I'm referencing is not based on antibody testing.

It's more likely to mutate to a less severe disease than a more severe disease, as that is what just about every other virus throughout history has eventually done. The good thing about children and COVID is that a ton of them have already been infected, so many of them are already better than vaccinated.
Not better than vaccinated. But why argue with people who selected the result they wanted and then hunts stuff to vindicate it.
Not better than vaccinated. But why argue with people who selected the result they wanted and then hunts stuff to vindicate it.

There are studies from Emory, The Cleveland Clinic and others that disagree with your expert opinion Bill.

What do they know, right? You can see how I could say to you..."but why argue with people who selected the result they wanted and then hunts stuff to vindicate it," can't you?
Bill, give this a read...and then tell us the good people from Emory University are FOS.

After you do that, I'll link The Cleveland Clinic study and you can tell them they're FOS too.

The NIH helped fund this study...they're FOS too apparently.

You're right, you have a long history in this group of being able to reasonably look at facts and alter your opinion if something presents differently than how you perceive it..
You know I’m right. You guys didn’t want to wear masks or social distance. You don’t want to get vaccinated. But masks are a great help. It is now becoming clear that the “ load of virus” that a person gets determines how bad the person is effected. The mask dramatically decreased the load though it could not entirely stop it. It virtually stopped the flu, too. But you guys go on your way. And look at it only how it effects you and not how you cause it to effect other people. Stay part of the problem.
There are studies from Emory, The Cleveland Clinic and others that disagree with your expert opinion Bill.

What do they know, right? You can see how I could say to you..."but why argue with people who selected the result they wanted and then hunts stuff to vindicate it," can't you?
Nothing disagrees with what I say. By the way there is an article in the Atlantic based on a epidemiologist from U of Cal Davis that I tried to copy for you about reasons you should get the vaccination even if you had the disease. You might want to try and find it.
You know I’m right. You guys didn’t want to wear masks or social distance. You don’t want to get vaccinated. But masks are a great help. It is now becoming clear that the “ load of virus” that a person gets determines how bad the person is effected. The mask dramatically decreased the load though it could not entirely stop it. It virtually stopped the flu, too. But you guys go on your way. And look at it only how it effects you and not how you cause it to effect other people. Stay part of the problem.

LOL at you still thinking masks make a significant difference. Giving masks the credit for the non-flu season is just icing on the cake.

Who said "you don't want to get vaccinated"? I'm sure multiple here have already had the vaccine, or are like me and have had a previous infection thus don't need it.

You don't think "masks and social distancing" have negatively affected millions in this country? Guess you couldnt think about how many lives lockdowns and restrictions have ruined because you were too worried about yourself.
Nothing disagrees with what I say. By the way there is an article in the Atlantic based on a epidemiologist from U of Cal Davis that I tried to copy for you about reasons you should get the vaccination even if you had the disease. You might want to try and find it.
You are dumber on this topic than you are on LSU football, and that says a lot.
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Nothing disagrees with what I say. By the way there is an article in the Atlantic based on a epidemiologist from U of Cal Davis that I tried to copy for you about reasons you should get the vaccination even if you had the disease. You might want to try and find it.

Yes it does.

The Atlantic article states that people with natural antibodies should vaccinate because it's "not entirely clear" how long natural antibodies will last or how robust those antibodies will be.

The studies at Emory and the Cleveland Clinic, and others, answer those questions more definitively than any other studies have...but if it's not the answer that some want to hear, they ignore those results.

Follow the science...sometimes. Meaning follow the narrative, obviously.

You won't listen so I have no idea why I bothered to type this out but there you have it.

Vaccination alone won't stop the rise of variants and in fact could push the evolution of strains that evade their protection, researchers warned.

They said people need to wear masks and take other preventative steps until almost everyone is vaccinated.

Vaccinations won't stop the rise in variants and may in fact cause the rise in vaccine resistant people should mask up and wait until everyone is vaccinated. I'm i the only one who sees the conflict here? WTF?
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Feels good to know I’m right in the thick of it and continue to slaughter the germs into submission.

As for you, I’m sure you’re riding around in your Prius with 63 bumper stickers, sporting two masks and listening to Greta Thornberg’s latest speech.
I love Greta! She ticks off almost all the boxes MAGAs hate: young, intelligent, idealistic, moral, popular, from a country that has its crap together, and able to discern truth from BS. If she was a minority she’d trigger the right even harder.
You know I’m right. You guys didn’t want to wear masks or social distance. You don’t want to get vaccinated. But masks are a great help. It is now becoming clear that the “ load of virus” that a person gets determines how bad the person is effected. The mask dramatically decreased the load though it could not entirely stop it. It virtually stopped the flu, too. But you guys go on your way. And look at it only how it effects you and not how you cause it to effect other people. Stay part of the problem.
Give it up Bill. Most of these folks are far more likely to believe a failed corrupt reality show host over the world leading experts in virology.

Sadly, I know a local MAGA guy here ( my plumber) who was screaming that it was a hoax as the Dr was about to put him on a ventilator. He declined treatment and died miserably. That’s how powerful this mind fvck has become.
I love Greta! She ticks off almost all the boxes MAGAs hate: young, intelligent, idealistic, moral, popular, from a country that has its crap together, and able to discern truth from BS. If she was a minority she’d trigger the right even harder.
^^^didn’t admit that she drives a Prius^^^
LOL at you still thinking masks make a significant difference. Giving masks the credit for the non-flu season is just icing on the cake.

Who said "you don't want to get vaccinated"? I'm sure multiple here have already had the vaccine, or are like me and have had a previous infection thus don't need it.

You don't think "masks and social distancing" have negatively affected millions in this country? Guess you couldnt think about how many lives lockdowns and restrictions have ruined because you were too worried about yourselfrus .
You are dead wrong. Masks and social distancing kept the country going. They significantly lowered the “ Load” of Corona Virus” available to infect. They also significantly lowered the load of flu virus. You answers about the flu are laughable. The vaccine will also protect you better than the antibodies over the long haul and you should get vaccinated.

I don’t give a rat’s ass whether you people get vaccinated or wear a mask or not. Be part of the problem and not the solution. This is my last answer on the subject. I’ll be back to talk football if that happens.
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