4A districts

Time will tell...but D6 could be as difficult as the "old" CIML Central Conference
Originally posted by MarionHawk:
The boys in Boone better not MAKE the 4A schools play schools in a lower class. If the 4A schools choose to add a 3A or lower team to their schedule, that's fine. For the state to force such a match-up is a crock in my opinion. The metro AD's have gotten together and come up with a common stance that they want to play other 4A teams, no Solon vs. CRP, no Marion vs. L-M, no Xavier vs. Kennedy. I think the state should respect the decisions made by these 4A schools and schedule them against only other 4A schools. It's been said a million times now but I'll say it again, if Xavier wanted to continue playing 4A schools, they should have stayed in 4A.

And for their AD to come crying to the Metro Sports Report and for MSR to write an article like they did in attempt to add community pressure to the 4A metro schools is a bunch of crap. You've made the CHOICE to go to 3A, live with the consequences of lower gates and lower concessions so that you conceivably don't have to work as hard to be a title contender year in and year out.
More proof that Winker and Ecker have formed a partnership and created an agenda. Time to change the name of the MSR to be the Come on Ecker, stop putting community pressure on the metro schools, they have decided to play a 4A schedule, RESPECT them for making that decision!

Great to see the comments from Tharp that unless a 3A and 4A team both have each other on their lists, they will not force a 4A team to play a 3A team.

Ecker's Agenda
I wish there were comment boxes on this site so I could tell him exactly what I think of this article.

IMO, the schools that benefited the most for moving to district play, were the Eastern schools. They added one team (back) and retained all 16 of their playoff slots. Furthermore districts #7 and #8 will benefit from 5 team alignments. I think there will be one team in each of those districts that will have the opportunity to play the first night of the 4A playoffs that have not been regulars in post season play.
The writer sure complains about the metro CR teams having to travel over 30 minutes for a game?

The Western teams handled it pretty well for over a decade...even Valley traveled quite a bit in the Iowa Conference to make sure that they could have Dowling in another CIML conference. If you throw in the travel that all the CIML teams provided for the MRAC until 2011, I don't see why the writer is complaining about some of the new districts Eastern members locations that are playing with Cedar Rapids teams in the new districts. There will only be 3 possible games maximum every other year that the CR teams be furnishing motor coaches for. It sounds like the rest of the games will be scheduled against cross town rivals in other districts.
Originally posted by MarionHawk:
More proof that Winker and Ecker have formed a partnership and created an agenda. Time to change the name of the MSR to be the
I don't know about that. The article sounds like pure Ecker. Remember two years ago when he was beating the drum and practically calling for a petition to "save the MVC" the first time 4A districts came up?

I personally would enjoy seeing Xavier continue to play some former MVC opponents. Heck, I think seeing Linn-Mar play Marion would be neat (and would probably pack in the fans). BUT - I recognize the eastern 4A schools, and particularly the CR metro ones, don't need to play any 3A teams to fill out their schedule. They have plenty of 4A opponents available. I certainly respect and understand their desire to play a full 4A schedule, as well as the fact that Xavier would have lots more to gain from continued play than Kennedy or Jefferson or Linn-Mar would.

I am fine with the 4A schools going their way and Xavier going theirs in 3A. Some members of the community (at Xavier, sure, but also others - coughEckercough) seem to be having a rougher time with that. Let's get through a year or two of how things are now, and everybody will get used to it. Or, at least, more used to it.
Meh... At least your sports journalists have a finger on any kind of pulse involving sports in your region... whether unpopular or not is irrelevant in my opinion just because of how poor ours are.

Some of the stories the coaches have told me about pre-season preview interviews has left me determining whether to laugh or cry at how out of touch they are, even with some of the best athletes in Sioux City.
There are 124 pages of information on LM on the MetroSportsReport site. LM has had lots of success in BB, WR, CC, Track, GS, had some resurgence in football and boys soccer does pretty well in most every sport. Also had a wheelchair athlete that was pretty gifted.
CRX has 116 pages of information on the MSR site. CRX has had state championship level success in BS, FB, GS, GB and does pretty well in many other sports. Trap shooting and bowling have garnered coverage as well.
CRW has 100 pages of information on the MSR site. Some of it was controversial, but they've dominated Swimming, have a strong GB history and are on/off in other sports, with BB seemingly strong for most of the time the MSR has been in operation.
CRP has 87 pages of information on the MSR site. CC and WR are state championship level programs, GB is strong, BB has some controversy hangover at the beginning of the MSR, football has advanced..,
Marion has 80 pages of information on the MSR site. Not too many state championship type runs, but solid teams in many sports.
CRK has 54 pages of information on the MSR site. They are probably getting shafted a bit, as Ecker is most associated with CRK and probably would never want to be perceived as unbalanced in their favor.
CRJ has 47 pages of information on the MSR site. They are probably getting shafted a bit, as Koolbeck is most associated with CRJ and probably would never want to be perceived as unbalanced in their favor.

Another way of looking at it would be the degree to which post-season activities are covered. LM and CRX would be neck and neck. CRP and CRK would probably be just behind, then Marion and CRJ.

As to the MSR and AD Winker, colluding, I don't think so. There is a change ongoing in the conversion to district football. Ecker and Koolbeck are sports writers...they like sports. Most all of the sportswriters I know like to right about the underdog or competitive sporting activities. CRX provides the underdog story (because of school size) and the competition level is high amongst the Metro schools. Oh well, that is not the case for the upcoming two years. We'll see what happens.

Maybe CRX and Marion will square off in some 3A football action and have competitive play.
Not to mention the Metro Sports Report's recent addition of covering the Kernels, the Roughriders, Kirkwood, Coe ... they started as a purely high-school sports site, but they're really expanding their reach. For better or worse.
Originally posted by loco60:
Maybe CRX and Marion will square off in some 3A football action and have competitive play.
Well, since they're in the same district, I think that's a certainty.
The competitive part, we'll have to see.
Listen guys, I enjoy the coverage provided by MSR as much as everyone does. This isn't about the coverage, they do a great job.

This IS about Winker going to Ecker and telling Ecker that nobody in the Metro wants to play them. Ecker did not come up with this on his own, it was brought to his attention by Winker, I know this to be fact! And then IMO (and yes, it's my opinion so others like you two are welcome to have a different opinion) Ecker decided to write an article in an attempt to put pressure on the metro schools to continue their series with Xavier. The school's AD's were asked to not publicly discuss their "list preferences" until after they were turned in and I just felt the pressure put on by Ecker was unprofessional in this case. That's it.

I, for one, have always enjoyed the games between the metro schools and I'm sorry to see some of these games go away.
I think this is the metro schools way of pressuring Xavier back into 4A football, pretty simple if they don't play them at all I would guess the difference in gate money of the next two year will be somewhere around 10-15K if not more, it'll being interesting to see what Xavier wants to do in 2 year, and if the state takes an honest look at a multiplier by then.
Originally posted by PNation:
I think this is the metro schools way of pressuring Xavier back into 4A football
I dont think they care anymore. They wanted to keep the MVC a football conference and that isnt happening. Whether Xavier comes back to 4A or not, they will be playing district football.

It seems to me the 3 former MVC schools made part of their decisions to move to their enrollment class in football, based on the possibility of a private school multipliers in Iowa in the future? It seems like it would be harder to force a school up a class if they are already qualified for a football class per the IHSAA bylaws. IMO they acted on their reclassifications, to protect their schools ability to compete, by moving down to 3A football. Just a theory....
Originally posted by PNation:
I think this is the metro schools way of pressuring Xavier back into 4A football, pretty simple if they don't play them at all I would guess the difference in gate money of the next two year will be somewhere around 10-15K if not more, it'll being interesting to see what Xavier wants to do in 2 year, and if the state takes an honest look at a multiplier by then.
I would agree with that amount, you have 3A schools that already know they don't stand a chance vs Xavier so their fans won't show up. It happens vs 3A competition too (even when it is at their own facility).

Prediction of scores for Xavier games in alphabetical order as schedules aren't out yet:

Vs DeWitt 42-6
Vs West Dub 55-0
Vs Maquoketa 50-7
Vs Marion 62-7
Vs Solon 35-14
VsWahlert 38-0

If non-district are Vs 3A schools then look for 50's to 0/7 in both.
Originally posted by PNation:
I think this is the metro schools way of pressuring Xavier back into 4A football.
I agree with this thought. And not that the state will allow them to go back to conference play, but when Iowa City North(or whatever it will be called) is built and all three of those Iowa City schools are 4A, maybe they'll ask for Xavier to come back up to try and reform the MVC then. Just a thought.
I do not think you will ever see MVC Conference Football again. I don't think you will ever see the State use any kind of multiplier, otherwise WD Dowling would be playing Div III football. Look at Waterloo Columbus, once a 3A school reduced to a 1A school. I'm pretty sure they would like to keep the multiplier out of their situation. There is no way they could compete in 2A football. There is a good chance Xavier and Wahlert will struggle this year, more so with Wahlert. They have been beat in the past and they will get beat in the future.
Originally posted by franky1967:
I do not think you will ever see MVC Conference Football again. I don't think you will ever see the State use any kind of multiplier, otherwise WD Dowling would be playing Div III football. Look at Waterloo Columbus, once a 3A school reduced to a 1A school. I'm pretty sure they would like to keep the multiplier out of their situation. There is no way they could compete in 2A football. There is a good chance Xavier and Wahlert will struggle this year, more so with Wahlert. They have been beat in the past and they will get beat in the future.
Xavier or Assumption will represent the East in the dome in 2014\2015 vs Heelan.
1. Mr. Ecker has been extremely interested in the 4A/3A interaction and had established routine contact with Metro ADs long ago. I don't think you can assert a fact MarionHawk, in regards to the nature of the origination of the exchange. Mr. Ecker writes what he wants to write and reports what he sees.
2. KidSilverHair...the construction of my sentence started with Maybe and included an "and" at the end. Since they will play, the sentence construction is clearly aimed at maybe they will be competitive.
3. The MVC is gone because of inaction on the part of the ADs, coupled with the relevant situations facing Dubuque Wahlert and the MAC. I doubt that it will come back, but all things are possible.
4. There are possibilities for many things after the passage of two years, but the abandonment of district football seems to be remote.

All of the Xavier games will start at 0-0 and proceed from there. The Xavier team would've been a strong team in 4A and will likely be a strong team in 3A.

Best wishes to all the schools, 4A and 3A alike.
If Ottumwa is seeking an all 4A non-district schedule, I would put these teams on their schedule...

Indianola, Marshalltown, Des Moines East, and Des Moines Lincoln. They are still participating with 3 of those teams in the CIML in other sports.

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