$20? Where is it?


All District
Jun 21, 2009
What a game, two great teams laying it on the line. Not sure what happened post game, any insights?
Butch went after a Regina coach and Marv had to come over and cool him down.
Butch went after a Regina coach and Marv had to come over and cool him down.

More to it than that. A player had an issue with a coach, it bumped up from there. Some missed handshakes by a coach, class act by Drew and Ethan at the end. Great game by two great teams.
Coach Pederson from West Branch was quoted after the game saying "I was a little disappointed in some of the various activities that happened during the course of that game." What is he referring to here?
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Coach Pederson from West Branch was quoted after the game saying "I was a little disappointed in some of the various activities that happened during the course of that game." What is he referring to here?

Maybe it was a coach 20 yards out on the field or a coach not shaking all of the other coaches hands? There was some chippiness on both sides. I didn't see anything dirty or cheap. Any other thoughts on this?
WB player claimed a coach "hit" him when all he did was slap him on his chest saying "good game."

Chalk it up to kids and emotion.
WB player claimed a coach "hit" him when all he did was slap him on his chest saying "good game."

Chalk it up to kids and emotion.
very embarrassing for both sides when the PA announce says "Coaches, what a great football game, please do not dis-respect the game"
very embarrassing for both sides when the PA announce says "Coaches, what a great football game, please do not dis-respect the game"

That's not the PA announcer's job. Nor is it their job to say things like " that's ANOTHER Regina first down " or "tonight's game between the WB Bears and YOUR Regina Regals".

Announcers are to be unbiased in the playoffs.

Oh well, none of this decided the outcome of the game. Good luck RHS
That's not the PA announcer's job. Nor is it their job to say things like " that's ANOTHER Regina first down " or "tonight's game between the WB Bears and YOUR Regina Regals".

Announcers are to be unbiased in the playoffs.

Oh well, none of this decided the outcome of the game. Good luck RHS
totally agree on all accounts ..but I think it was good for them to say it in this case.....& was still embarrassing for both teams.
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That's not the PA announcer's job. Nor is it their job to say things like " that's ANOTHER Regina first down " or "tonight's game between the WB Bears and YOUR Regina Regals".

Announcers are to be unbiased in the playoffs.

Oh well, none of this decided the outcome of the game. Good luck RHS

We all want our money.
Announcer is employed by the state? I agree not a big fan of the 'another first down' I mentioned it to my oldest, he said quit giving up so many on the road is their plan in college. Has Luke compiled the names for the payout or is somebody hoping it goes away?
That's not the PA announcer's job. Nor is it their job to say things like " that's ANOTHER Regina first down " or "tonight's game between the WB Bears and YOUR Regina Regals".

Announcers are to be unbiased in the playoffs.

Oh well, none of this decided the outcome of the game. Good luck RHS

Every school in the country does this including WB.
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I can guarantee you the WB guy doesn't say "your.." Or "another.." during playoff time

And that is his personal choice. The only mention of announcer in the post season manual is the site manager shall:
. Arrange for a competent timer, scoreboard operator, announcer, four ball boys (junior high school age recommended), and the chain crew.

At high school sites, that is 99% likely to be the same announcer that has called that school's home game for years. It's part of home field advantage. Suck it up, Sally.
It is actually in the guidelines set down by both unions for all sports on what PA announcers and radio guys should say and how they should say it, this shouldn't be for just the playoffs for all games. Now, I would be that over 90% of announcers do not follow these, but there are guidelines.

I looked for them online but couldn't find a copy, I've just seen them in the press box when I have filled in to announce a few baseball games.
* agree with the factual nature of PNation post, guidelines exist and should be followed for both regular season and post-season games
* I very much enjoy the new guidelines; they make a much better fan experience. Thank you very much to to iahsaa for this wonderful improvement!
Not as lame coming on here and complaining about the volunteer PA announcer and his use of pronouns after such an outstanding game while trying to ignore the 'guarantee' that was made.

Should have gone with, 'great game, congrats to Regina, I was wrong, probably shouldn't have made a ridiculous guarantee when I didn't really know anything about the situation.'
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The AD gets a set of tournament manuals that outline how he, as the tournament manager, is to run the playoff games. It states in one of the manual that the PA is to remain neutral. I do agree that this is a little difficult for an announcer to announce his home games during the season, then change how they announce for 1 or 2 games.
This is close to the dumbest conversation I've seen on the message board. PA announcer? Really???? One thing I know about West Branch is they find something to cry about every year when they lose in the playoffs. Enjoy your kids success in the great season they had.
Give the PA announced a break. He was substituting that night and I personally think the comment he made when there was extra curricular activity after the game was warranted before it escalated.
And if the situation hadn't started and escalated then no comment is necessary. If the neutrality of the announcer is the gripe than the barrel must be getting empty. Is there a statute of limitations on delivering my $20 or is this one of those 'please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery' things?
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Not as lame coming on here and complaining about the volunteer PA announcer and his use of pronouns after such an outstanding game while trying to ignore the 'guarantee' that was made.

Should have gone with, 'great game, congrats to Regina, I was wrong, probably shouldn't have made a ridiculous guarantee when I didn't really know anything about the situation.'
What are you talking about? I haven't said one thing about the PA announcer.