• hokiemokie
    hokiemokie replied to the thread Poor Joey Freshwater.
    Napier was giving him every opportunity he could . 7 point lead late and snapping ball with almost 20 seconds left.
  • BKHusky
    BKHusky replied to the thread Any of you hiring?.
    Ha. I’m actually hiring somebody for my previous job (got a promotion this month), but in my industry, we only hire qualified...
  • BKHusky
    BKHusky replied to the thread Poor Joey Freshwater.
    Napier is trying to derp the end of this one up.
  • B
    Not gonna make it out of the swamp with a playoff spot.
  • GwinnettDawg
    That Bama’s D was going to suck. I didn’t realize it would cause Georgia’s to suck. Schumann just might not be the wonder kid after...
  • B
    Kamala needs a job!
  • B
    billywayneluck replied to the thread Don’t cry!.
    That would be awesome 🤣
  • B
    BamaFan1137 replied to the thread Don’t cry!.
    How fcking funny would this be?
  • B
    BamaFan1137 replied to the thread Dear SEC Network.
  • Pinehawk
    Pinehawk replied to the thread Class 1A Season Outlook.
    Looks like a pretty mistake free system you’ve got there.
  • Pinehawk
    Pinehawk replied to the thread Order/Timeline of Events.
    Yeah, I suspected he was trying to obscure the truth. Summit school district has 122 total kids and almost nobody has ever heard of...
    HONKifUvCOACHED4BAMA replied to the thread Dear SEC Network.
    Did grit ever get out of rehab?
  • C
    cidhawkeye replied to the thread Order/Timeline of Events.
    So more than 6K?
  • B
    BamaFan1137 replied to the thread Dear SEC Network.
    I haven't either.
  • B
    billywayneluck replied to the thread Dear SEC Network.
    Where is grit? I haven’t seen him in ages!
  • B
  • GwinnettDawg
    GwinnettDawg replied to the thread Did I ever mention how much.
    Well yeah. Maybe. I don’t know. I’m conflicted.
  • B
    bcmoore87 replied to the thread Class A Season Outlook.
    BCMoore Rankings Notes: 1. Rankings are unbiased. 2. Data source:, 2024-11-22 15:48 3. Congratulations to...
  • B
    BamaFan1137 replied to the thread Dear SEC Network.
    @grit too...though I think he justs rests like the rest of us do.
  • B
    BamaFan1137 replied to the thread Shooters shoot.
  • B
    bcmoore87 replied to the thread Class 1A Season Outlook.
    BCMoore Rankings Notes: 1. Rankings are unbiased. 2. Data source:, 2024-11-22 15:48 3. Congratulations to Grundy...
  • P
    Pops Masterson replied to the thread Dear SEC Network.
    Reminds me of @scriggs may he RIP in peace
  • P
    Pops Masterson replied to the thread Shooters shoot.
    Pic of horse?
    Have you ever stuffed excess data up your virtual asss?
