Yo Peenace

The idea is to throw up so many barriers that someone with less means of transportation and less free time from their job (the poor and the urban mostly) have so many barriers to voting they give up. It’s why Republicans create huge lines at fewer, over-crowded voting locations in black areas.
That’s crap, many states (including Iowa) have weeks of early voting and trust me, regardless of color or economic status, if people truly “want” to get to the polling station (or anywhere else for that matter), they’ll find a way….. and they most certainly have a photo ID.
Oh, so we’re just taking your word or The University of Your Ass. No evidence. Got it.

Evidence of what dumbass? What do you doubt specifically? I said a lot of things in that post and I don't know which part you're struggling with.

In this lone example, ask, and I will be happy to do your homework for you. Just know, that's lazy and said behavior won't help you in the long run but as you intellectual superior it's the least I can do this time.

The idea is to throw up so many barriers that someone with less means of transportation and less free time from their job (the poor and the urban mostly) have so many barriers to voting they give up. It’s why Republicans create huge lines at fewer, over-crowded voting locations in black areas.

So IOW's....exactly what I said. Those poor MF'ers just can't get it done like white people can.

You truly are a racist POS. Just stop arguing on this point. Your words and your thought process out you EVERY time.
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It’s why Republicans create huge lines at fewer, over-crowded voting locations in black areas.

We do that, eh? And you're certain of that because some liberal talking head or newspaper told you so.

I live around the people you are referring to. You don't. You are FOS on this point and happy to be so.

There are FAR more polling places in urban areas as compared to rural areas. They're also better staffed, better equipped and typically not in an old AF post office annex or church gymnasium like they are in rural areas.

Getting an ID, which the vast majority of black people already have, is not some undo hardship you freaking bigot.
The idea is to throw up so many barriers that someone with less means of transportation and less free time from their job (the poor and the urban mostly) have so many barriers to voting they give up. It’s why Republicans create huge lines at fewer, over-crowded voting locations in black areas.

And btw, it's a lot easier to walk two blocks to a polling station in an urban area than it would be for me to walk 10 or so miles to mine.
Evidence of what dumbass? What do you doubt specifically? I said a lot of things in that post and I don't know which part you're struggling with.

In this lone example, ask, and I will be happy to do your homework for you. Just know, that's lazy and said behavior won't help you in the long run but as you intellectual superior it's the least I can do this time.

So IOW's....exactly what I said. Those poor MF'ers just can't get it done like white people can.

You truly are a racist POS. Just stop arguing on this point. Your words and your thought process out you EVERY time.
You’ve given up debating facts. No you’re showing us all that famous “intelligence” of the American Conservative ideology. Nice work!
I don’t need to debate anything with a scavengeresque IQ that is both deplorable in thought and in action.

You are the worst kind of scum. You’re a racist, you’re a nancyboy, and you have no ability to think independently. It’s fun crushing your feeble thoughts and feelings on a daily basis. 😂
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Evidence of this being via liberal policy

I think I see your question now. You're asking if liberal policies can have the effect of limiting potential as I stated.

Instead of a link (I'm certain we can both find dozens that support our preference) let's just try common sense.

If you're poor, and I just pay you enough to "get by" and remain poor and dependent on my good nature, do you think my well meaning act might have the unforseen and unintended consequence of facilitating your long-term financial situation? Is it possible that, by not expecting you to fish for yourself, that I'm making you a slave to my "good nature?"

Is it also possible, given the above, that I now have power over you? After all, it's only my good nature that's keeping you fed. Without me those mean, heartless, racist Republicans will let you you better vote for me. Or, if you prefer, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black!!! That iteration might speak more clearly to you.

You're welcome.

So because NPR tells you that voters in Union, GA had to wait 9 hours to vote, you smell a conspiracy?

Any chance the wait was long anywhere else? Of course not...because you are 100% certain that NPR would have told you so. Sheep.

FTR, the first time I ever voted, I was in line for 3.5 hours. It was in an affluent area and yep, we were pissed about it. It was ridiculous. That's bureaucracy and honestly I'm more surprised when it doesn't kick me in the nuts.

Back to my point it easier to walk 2 blocks to the polls in urban areas for poor people or 10 miles in rural areas for poor people? I feel like I'm close to an answer on this one...and I'm pretty sure that I should know it. Can you help me?
I think I see your question now. You're asking if liberal policies can have the effect of limiting potential as I stated.

Instead of a link (I'm certain we can both find dozens that support our preference) let's just try common sense.

If you're poor, and I just pay you enough to "get by" and remain poor and dependent on my good nature, do you think my well meaning act might have the unforseen and unintended consequence of facilitating your long-term financial situation? Is it possible that, by not expecting you to fish for yourself, that I'm making you a slave to my "good nature?"

Is it also possible, given the above, that I now have power over you? After all, it's only my good nature that's keeping you fed. Without me those mean, heartless, racist Republicans will let you you better vote for me. Or, if you prefer, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black!!! That iteration might speak more clearly to you.

You're welcome.
Ah, yes. The good ol’ government dependence fairy tale. Tell this myth to my wife, who went from kicked out by abusive parents at 18 as a teen mom, to surviving due to a number of government programs, to school and feeding her kids because of those programs, to losing her professional job in the 2007-08 financial collapse, to retraining due to government programs, to a few years later operating a thriving business we launched, that has afforded a well into six figure take home profit and the opportunity to more than pay back into it all via taxes and economic spending power. Or tell it to Harvard...

So because NPR tells you that voters in Union, GA had to wait 9 hours to vote, you smell a conspiracy?

Any chance the wait was long anywhere else? Of course not...because you are 100% certain that NPR would have told you so. Sheep.

FTR, the first time I ever voted, I was in line for 3.5 hours. It was in an affluent area and yep, we were pissed about it. It was ridiculous. That's bureaucracy and honestly I'm more surprised when it doesn't kick me in the nuts.

Back to my point it easier to walk 2 blocks to the polls in urban areas for poor people or 10 miles in rural areas for poor people? I feel like I'm close to an answer on this one...and I'm pretty sure that I should know it. Can you help me?
It’s harder to walk two blocks and wait in line 3 hours than drive 10 minutes and vote in 3 minutes. Yeah, real tough logic there.

PS -It was a ProPublica study they reported on.

Again, a ProPublica. Shocked a MAGAt can’t tell the difference between the source of the article vs the source of a study.
Ah, yes. The good ol’ government dependence fairy tale. Tell this myth to my wife,

It's not a myth goofball. This ramped up under LBJ and has grown exponentially since. Math doesn't lie.

I'm very happy to hear about your anecdotal experience with your wife. Math still doesn't lie. Paying people to remain poor is cruel and it's simply another form of the old plantations.

If all parents followed the model that the government uses then children would never grow up, move out and become self-sufficient. We know this because that too is happening more and more today.

If you don't expect that people can become self-sufficient and productive members of society and you pay them not to be, you just might be part of the problem. That's human nature and you damn well know I'm right.
Ah, yes. The good ol’ government dependence fairy tale. Tell this myth to my wife, who went from kicked out by abusive parents at 18 as a teen mom, to surviving due to a number of government programs, to school and feeding her kids because of those programs, to losing her professional job in the 2007-08 financial collapse, to retraining due to government programs, to a few years later operating a thriving business we launched, that has afforded a well into six figure take home profit and the opportunity to more than pay back into it all via taxes and economic spending power. Or tell it to Harvard...

It’s harder to walk two blocks and wait in line 3 hours than drive 10 minutes and vote in 3 minutes. Yeah, real tough logic there.

PS -It was a ProPublica study they reported on.

Again, a ProPublica. Shocked a MAGAt can’t tell the difference between the source of the article vs the source of a study.
First plot hole is you don’t have a wife. So the rest of your fable is moot.

Very compelling though. Nice work, John Grisham.
Have you ever wondered why such a high percentage of millionaires in this country do not have college degrees? Or even high school degrees in many cases? It's because sometimes those options have the overall effect of actually limiting potential...much like liberal policies do. Your side, the democratic plantation, is more responsible than anyone for urban blight...especially in the black community and especially since LBJ.

BTW peenace, because I'm not at all certain that you got the inference, the option here that is limiting the actual potential is the entitlement program itself.

Much like a job out of college (steady paycheck and some stability) can hinder a person from becoming an entrepreneur, the entitlements programs have the same impact.

That is human nature. Necessity is a motherfvcker. I don't particularly care for hunting...but if I get hungry, you can bet your ass I will become a proficient hunter.

To deny the above is to deny the entirety of the human experience. And I'm sure you will.
It's not a myth goofball. This ramped up under LBJ and has grown exponentially since. Math doesn't lie.

I'm very happy to hear about your anecdotal experience with your wife. Math still doesn't lie. Paying people to remain poor is cruel and it's simply another form of the old plantations.

If all parents followed the model that the government uses then children would never grow up, move out and become self-sufficient. We know this because that too is happening more and more today.

If you don't expect that people can become self-sufficient and productive members of society and you pay them not to be, you just might be part of the problem. That's human nature and you damn well know I'm right.
Sounds all well and good until you realize no study actually backs up this hypothesis. Literally not one. In fact, a strong social safety net actually encourages entrepreneurship in countries that have one, because they feel more free to take risks and not worry about becoming destitute. Time and again, it’s these nations that actually show the most entrepreneurial innovation and have the best business climate. Social programs don’t make one Venezuela. They make capitalism work better. Because the poor aren’t the lazy leeches Conservative believe they are.
BTW peenace, because I'm not at all certain that you got the inference, the option here that is limiting the actual potential is the entitlement program itself.

Much like a job out of college (steady paycheck and some stability) can hinder a person from becoming an entrepreneur, the entitlements programs have the same impact.

That is human nature. Necessity is a motherfvcker. I don't particularly care for hunting...but if I get hungry, you can bet your ass I will become a proficient hunter.

To deny the above is to deny the entirety of the human experience. And I'm sure you will.

a strong social safety net actually encourages entrepreneurship in countries that have one,

No one said having a safety net is a bad idea. However, when 3 or 4 generations of your family have existed entirely in that system, it isn't an actual safety's an entitlement program.

Safety nets and entitlement programs are two very different things. You get that, right? Here's a shocker for you...I'm pro safety net. Provided that the safety net is a temporary solution.

And yet you typed this intellectually dishonest bullshit anyway. You are stupid because you choose to be. You could just as easily choose not to be.
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And while you're refuting the above, explain how so many of our countries most successful business owners do not have a college degree and MANY don't even have high school degrees.

We both agree that the vast majority of our best and brightest go to college and get a degree, right?

How are people like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Jay-Z, Zuckerberg,, John Mackey,, Branson, Dell, Jobs and the twitter bitch able to kick the asses of so many learned men of letters?

The vast majority of small business owners that I know do not have a college degree. Anecdotal, I know...but it's become a subject of interest to me. It's actually pretty freaking amazing imho.
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Sounds all well and good until you realize no study actually backs up this hypothesis. Literally not one. In fact, a strong social safety net actually encourages entrepreneurship in countries that have one, because they feel more free to take risks and not worry about becoming destitute. Time and again, it’s these nations that actually show the most entrepreneurial innovation and have the best business climate. Social programs don’t make one Venezuela. They make capitalism work better. Because the poor aren’t the lazy leeches Conservative believe they are.

Do you need me to send you some money?
No one said having a safety net is a bad idea. However, when 3 or 4 generations of your family have existed entirely in that system, it isn't an actual safety's an entitlement program.

Safety nets and entitlement programs are two very different things. You get that, right? Here's a shocker for you...I'm pro safety net. Provided that the safety net is a temporary solution.

And yet you typed this intellectually dishonest bullshit anyway. You are stupid because you choose to be. You could just as easily choose not to be.
Where is your dependency data, besides the Bureau of Your Ass? Facts here, not your feelings.
Refute what i said then sport.

Do you disagree with human nature or the entirety of the human experience?

Early man decided to hunt food because they thought the available entitlement programs were ghey? GTFO
This was an interesting read...

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Peenace…please look up the Party of the Mayors and Aldermen of the below cities and get back to me.

do you never tire of looking like a dumbass?


The twenty cities in the United States with the highest murder rates (murders per 100,000 people) are:

  1. St. Louis, MO (69.4)
  2. Baltimore, MD (51.1)
  3. New Orleans, LA (40.6)
  4. Detroit, MI (39.7)
  5. Cleveland, OH (33.7)
  6. Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
  7. Kansas City, MO (31.2)
  8. Memphis, TN (27.1)
  9. Newark, NJ (25.6)
  10. Chicago, IL (24)
  11. Cincinnati, OH (23.8)
  12. Philadelphia, PA (20.2)
  13. Milwaukee, WI (20.0)
  14. Tulsa, OK (18.6)
  15. Pittsburgh, PA (18.4)
  16. Indianapolis, IN (17.7)
  17. Louisville, KY (17.5)
  18. Oakland, CA (17.1)
  19. Washington D.C. (17.0)
  20. Atlanta,GA(16.7)
Poor, stooooopid SockMonkey......
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