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These people were getting in the military for over 20 yrs. Under the Felon rapist. And Obama

Get over it
These people were getting in the military for over 20 yrs. Under the Felon rapist. And Obama

Get over it

The extremist environmentalist were? Explain...because I'm pretty sure they'd run from said opportunity with maximum haste.

Or are you referring to mean/bad people on Instagram? FTR I'm sure many of those types do make it into the military. Frankly I'm OK with that.

Sexual freaks, the ones you're referring to, were welcome to join the military...provided that they STFU about their perversions. Why not allow them in if their perversions didn't hinder the military from its duty.

But today those perversions and the general woke fvckery from the left IS hindering our military from its duty. And that's precisely because of people like the dipshit you helped put in the Oval. He's appointing these freaks into positions where they can hinder our military over woke bullshit.

Great job Gator. You claim to hate this shit and yet you empower it.
people were getting in the military for over 20 yrs. Under the Felon rapist. And Obama

Get over it

Don’t ask,
Don’t tell..

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