Why does he do shit like this

Meanwhile Kamala is literally espousing communist ideals...when she isn't pretending to invent agenda straight from the Trump campaign. Often word for word from the Trump camp.

I've never seen so much ridiculous BS in my life. How are some Americans this stupid?
Ask Gator .
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Yeah I’m already voting for him….doesnt have to win me over

He can’t pull moderates with his dumbass personally
That’s the thing. How does he sway the middle so he wins.

Everyone on this board has made their decision already, just like most of the voters. The swing votes will decide this election. That’s who Trump needs to target with his campaign.

This isn’t about Rinos or anything of the sort. It’s about winning the election.
He's not going to lose... this current euphoria from the lamestream media / fake polls is the Hillary strategy in 2016. Only difference is she didn't hide from the press. AS SOON as Commiela does a presser and her word salad nonsense is on full display, this honeymoon is over.
Like I said... it's like someone told her to say 'return on investment' as many times as you can... you'll sound smart!'

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Saw this earlier today. Thought it said it well.

That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”
I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country and at least 400 terrorists have entered our country during the Biden/Harris term (confirmed by Homeland Security)
I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I'm voting to keep Men out of Women's sports. And BATHROOMS!!
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I'm not just voting for one person; I'm voting for the future of my Country.
I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
I’m voting to help protect the unborn and new born babies life. Your first choice was not to lay down with every man, if you don’t want a baby cross your legs.
Saw this earlier today. Thought it said it well.

That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”
I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country and at least 400 terrorists have entered our country during the Biden/Harris term (confirmed by Homeland Security)
I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I'm voting to keep Men out of Women's sports. And BATHROOMS!!
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I'm not just voting for one person; I'm voting for the future of my Country.
I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
I’m voting to help protect the unborn and new born babies life. Your first choice was not to lay down with every man, if you don’t want a baby cross your legs.
Seems like a lot to memorize when you can just say “go fck yourself” instead.
Seems like a lot to memorize when you can just say “go fck yourself” instead.


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