Why does he do shit like this

He says stupid shit but in fairness his comments are always taken out of context. Every single time.

He does struggle to effectively communicate his POV's, however. I generally agree with him...when I can understand WTF he means.
He’s an arrogant dumbass who, when reviewed by historians, will be remembered as bringing down the Republican Party

I think this depends on which historians get to record history. He will no doubt be remembered as a guy who said a lot of shit without thinking but the Republican party of W, Romney and McCain needed to be brought down.

Personally I'd prefer to elect leftists who calls themselves Democrats over leftists who pretend to be Republican. That way, when their unsustainable bullshit blows up in their face, the correct political ideology takes the blame.
I think this depends on which historians get to record history. He will no doubt be remembered as a guy who said a lot of shit without thinking but the Republican party of W, Romney and McCain needed to be brought down.

Personally I'd prefer to elect leftists who calls themselves Democrats over leftists who pretend to be Republican. That way, when their unsustainable bullshit blows up in their face, the correct political ideology takes the blame.

Me?…I’d rather win elections and preserve the scotus

But he will lose and we all pay the price
Trump had great policies and did fantasy things. Instead of talking about that, dumbass decides to talk about Kamala’s ethnicity and Medal of Honor winners. He is an idiot that takes no counsel and can’t talk about policy.
He's not going to lose... this current euphoria from the lamestream media / fake polls is the Hillary strategy in 2016. Only difference is she didn't hide from the press. AS SOON as Commiela does a presser and her word salad nonsense is on full display, this honeymoon is over.
He's not going to lose... this current euphoria from the lamestream media / fake polls is the Hillary strategy in 2016. Only difference is she didn't hide from the press. AS SOON as Commiela does a presser and her word salad nonsense is on full display, this honeymoon is over.

He’s not done saying and doing stupid things Derek

He talks about stupid shit rather than great policy
He's not going to lose... this current euphoria from the lamestream media / fake polls is the Hillary strategy in 2016. Only difference is she didn't hide from the press. AS SOON as Commiela does a presser and her word salad nonsense is on full display, this honeymoon is over.

It's already ending.
He’s not done saying and doing stupid things Derek

He talks about stupid shit rather than great policy

He never will be on this side of the dirt.

Still, I think he will win. He might even be allowed to assume the office after said win this time.
I never said or even implied that. I said that the Republican party needed to become conservative again.

Nah that wasn’t directed towards you, my bad if it came off that way.

That’s the general consensus among hardcore trumpies on Twitter and other places. If you don’t agree with everything Trump does, you are a RINO.
Nah that wasn’t directed towards you, my bad if it came off that way.

That’s the general consensus among hardcore trumpies on Twitter and other places. If you don’t agree with everything Trump does, you are a RINO.

We have sheep on our side as well.

It's past time that we return to our roots but if that's not possible, it's time to water the tree of liberty. It seems inevitable at this point TBH.

Sorry for the super cheerful post. 😂

Yes, Trump inspires loons. But he also inspires a return to American exceptionalism and an end to all the bullshit we're putting up with to placate the 3-5% of our population that are absolutely outside of their fvcking heads.
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Nah that wasn’t directed towards you, my bad if it came off that way.

That’s the general consensus among hardcore trumpies on Twitter and other places. If you don’t agree with everything Trump does, you are a RINO.
That’s part of the problem. That’s why nobody else could get the nomination this year.

Any decent candidate could beat the brain dead buffoons on the other side. The Trump hate is a tough mountain to climb no matter what happens. Trumps campaign has to play it smart or it’s over.
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That’s part of the problem. That’s why nobody else could get the nomination this year.
It’s Trump’s party now…at least for this election cycle. I must say voting for squishy county club Republicans for years was getting tiresome and frustrating. Thing is, (and I’ve said this many times before), when elected in 2016 Trump was NOT a conservative…in fact, he’s not one now. Case in point, his stance on abortion, although some may argue he’s just being pragmatic.
Any decent candidate could beat the brain dead buffoons on the other side.
Perhaps, but they (the Marxists and allies in media) would villainize no matter who the R candidate is (e.g., remember what was being said of DeSantis when he was being seriously considered?)
The Trump hate is a tough mountain to climb no matter what happens. Trumps campaign has to play it smart or it’s over.
TDS is a real mental disorder…period. Yet another reason to vote for Trump, just to see them :

It’s Trump’s party now…at least for this election cycle. I must say voting for squishy county club Republicans for years was getting tiresome and frustrating. Thing is, (and I’ve said this many times before), when elected in 2016 Trump was NOT a conservative…in fact, he’s not one now. Case in point, his stance on abortion, although some may argue he’s just being pragmatic.

Perhaps, but they (the Marxists and allies in media) would villainize no matter who the R candidate is (e.g., remember what was being said of DeSantis when he was being seriously considered?)

TDS is a real mental disorder…period. Yet another reason to vote for Trump, just to see them :

Agreed. My point is the moderates will have too many swayed due to their scorching case of TDS. It could be enough to swing the election to Commallah.

Hopefully I am wrong. It would make me very happy.
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It’s Trump’s party now…at least for this election cycle. I must say voting for squishy county club Republicans for years was getting tiresome and frustrating. Thing is, (and I’ve said this many times before), when elected in 2016 Trump was NOT a conservative…in fact, he’s not one now. Case in point, his stance on abortion, although some may argue he’s just being pragmatic.

Perhaps, but they (the Marxists and allies in media) would villainize no matter who the R candidate is (e.g., remember what was being said of DeSantis when he was being seriously considered?)

TDS is a real mental disorder…period. Yet another reason to vote for Trump, just to see them :

I love watching Reason’d run circles around this forum’s Rhinos!
Meanwhile Kamala is literally espousing communist ideals...when she isn't pretending to invent agenda straight from the Trump campaign. Often word for word from the Trump camp.

I've never seen so much ridiculous BS in my life. How are some Americans this stupid?
I like his policies and actions as president….i wish he’d talk about that …. Not commallah’s blackness or Medal of Honor winners. He can’t pull moderates with that.
Very true, he’s often his own worst enemy and indicative of his lack of discipline. However, he’s a VASTLY better alternative to another Marxist leaning regime…VASTLY!
Very true, he’s often his own worst enemy and indicative of his lack of discipline. However, he’s a VASTLY better alternative to another Marxist leaning regime…VASTLY!

Yeah I’m already voting for him….doesnt have to win me over

He can’t pull moderates with his dumbass personally

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