Who is Joe Biden?

Also the most racist, and that’s saying a lot considered we had that racist schmuck Obama in office.
Obama is straight up evil. He is more responsible for the deep state than anyone else. Joe is too stupid to get credit for anything at all. Complete retard. But Obama will go down in history as the guy who first tried to weponize the federal govt against his foes. A traitor of the first order.

Obama is straight up evil. He is more responsible for the deep state than anyone else. Joe is too stupid to get credit for anything at all. Complete retard. But Obama will go down in history as the guy who first tried to weponize the federal govt against his foes. A traitor of the first order.

He said he wanted to fundamentally change America. Seems like he succeeded.
He said he wanted to fundamentally change America. Seems like he succeeded.
Actually, it was “transform” and not “change” but either way, he buggered us up.

From an article by Paul Kengor in National Catholic Register:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
So declared Barack Obama in Columbia, Missouri, on Oct. 30, 2008, on the cusp of his historic presidential election.
It was a bold statement, revolutionary even, surpassed only by the response of those in attendance, who, rather than pausing to reflect upon such an audacious assertion, wildly applauded. To be sure, these Obama enthusiasts would have ecstatically cheered anything he said at that moment.

There was a full-fledged personality cult in motion at that time. The new president could have promised anything and received a giddy reaction. Obama himself admitted to serving as a kind of “blank screen” upon which Americans desiring some warm-and-fuzzy “hope and change” could project whatever they wanted.
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