What to make of this…


All District
Oct 25, 2017

So how exactly do we “get along” when over half of a political party are either okay or indifferent about the assassination of an innocent man?
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So how exactly do we “get along” when over half of a political party are either okay or indifferent about the assassination an innocent man?
They have been told he is not innocent. He is evil, etc etc etc.

It is simply amazing that Trump was loved by the establishment until he ran for POTUS. Then, suddenly, he became evil, racist, and who knows what all else. I've said it before - the man is not a saint. He has his own faults and issues. But he is no more evil in 2024 than he was in 2014. It's just now he is challenging the power structure.

What people like this don't understand is the effects of a political leader being assassinated. The older folks in our group remember the 1960s - JFK, RFK, George Wallace, MLK...only Wallace lived from that group. Whether you agreed or disagreed with them, there is something deeply disturbing about a leader getting taken out like that. At least it is with normal people. I can't stand Biden or Harris, but if the same happened to them it would bother me a lot. These people don't understand what they are supporting by hoping for an assassination. It is a bridge too far for normal, rational people in a free society.
They have been told he is not innocent. He is evil, etc etc etc.
It is simply amazing that Trump was loved by the establishment until he ran for POTUS. Then, suddenly, he became evil, racist, and who knows what all else.
because he ran as a Republican
I’ve said it before - the man is not a saint. He has his own faults and issues.
As all human beings do.
But he is no more evil in 2024 than he was in 2014. It's just now he is challenging the power structure.
And there’s the rub, he’s promising to upset the “deep state” or more accurately, the fourth branch of government, the bureaucratic branch.
What people like this don't understand is the effects of a political leader being assassinated. The older folks in our group remember the 1960s - JFK, RFK, George Wallace, MLK...only Wallace lived from that group. Whether you agreed or disagreed with them, there is something deeply disturbing about a leader getting taken out like that. At least it is with normal people. I can't stand Biden or Harris, but if the same happened to them it would bother me a lot. These people don't understand what they are supporting by hoping for an assassination. It is a bridge too far for normal, rational people in a free society.
Agreed, no one should wish this to happen… NO ONE!
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So how exactly do we “get along” when over half of a political party are either okay or indifferent about the assassination of an innocent man?
The MSM has led them to believe that he will destroy the country. Why didn't he destroy it his first term is my question to them .