Well, in Hospital……


Jun 26, 2001
But nobody can figure out what’s wrong with me. I told them to check with Doc on this board. 😇

I have Type 2 Diabetes and got an infection in the lower leg and the swelling woukd not go down. I was taking glipicide to lower my blood sugar. Last Friday I had a Doppler survey to check fo a blood clot as a precaution. I didn’t eat supper Friday or much of anything Saturday (coffee and a piece of toast). Sunday morning I couldn’t stand up. I finally got help and they took me to the emergency room at a branch of St Luke’s Hospital where they admitted me for observation.

They gave me an antibiotic thru an IV for 2 days and the swelling went down. They were fixing to release me and a blood test showed my white corpuscle count started up again after being almost normal. The leg is fine. The high white corpuscles count still continues high and they keep giving me an antibiotic IV for infection. I feel pretty good. No pain anywhere but obviously I have an infection somewhere. They have given me a number of tests but nothing has shown up. They thought it might be a touch of pneumonia but the IV I’m taking is good for that. I took a chest and stomach C-scan this morning but results not back.

I have 4 in house Docs check me each day and one outside consultant trying to help Docs on this site and they haven’t figured it out yet. I would appreciate any suggestions or I may have to live here. I don’t think they can release me with this infection. 😇
But nobody can figure out what’s wrong with me. I told them to check with Doc on this board. 😇

I have Type 2 Diabetes and got an infection in the lower leg and the swelling woukd not go down. I was taking glipicide to lower my blood sugar. Last Friday I had a Doppler survey to check fo a blood clot as a precaution. I didn’t eat supper Friday or much of anything Saturday (coffee and a piece of toast). Sunday morning I couldn’t stand up. I finally got help and they took me to the emergency room at a branch of St Luke’s Hospital where they admitted me for observation.

They gave me an antibiotic thru an IV for 2 days and the swelling went down. They were fixing to release me and a blood test showed my white corpuscle count started up again after being almost normal. The leg is fine. The high white corpuscles count still continues high and they keep giving me an antibiotic IV for infection. I feel pretty good. No pain anywhere but obviously I have an infection somewhere. They have given me a number of tests but nothing has shown up. They thought it might be a touch of pneumonia but the IV I’m taking is good for that. I took a chest and stomach C-scan this morning but results not back.

I have 4 in house Docs check me each day and one outside consultant trying to help Docs on this site and they haven’t figured it out yet. I would appreciate any suggestions or I may have to live here. I don’t think they can release me with this infection. 😇
Depends on the type of white blood cell it is. If my memory serves me correctly, there are five different types. That needs to be identified first to point the doctors in the right direction. It could be anything, from an allergy situation to a parasitic situation even leukemia. They really need to narrow down the type of white blood cell they are dealing with. Whatever the case may be, hope you get it identified and knocked out soon.
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But nobody can figure out what’s wrong with me. I told them to check with Doc on this board. 😇

I have Type 2 Diabetes and got an infection in the lower leg and the swelling woukd not go down. I was taking glipicide to lower my blood sugar. Last Friday I had a Doppler survey to check fo a blood clot as a precaution. I didn’t eat supper Friday or much of anything Saturday (coffee and a piece of toast). Sunday morning I couldn’t stand up. I finally got help and they took me to the emergency room at a branch of St Luke’s Hospital where they admitted me for observation.

They gave me an antibiotic thru an IV for 2 days and the swelling went down. They were fixing to release me and a blood test showed my white corpuscle count started up again after being almost normal. The leg is fine. The high white corpuscles count still continues high and they keep giving me an antibiotic IV for infection. I feel pretty good. No pain anywhere but obviously I have an infection somewhere. They have given me a number of tests but nothing has shown up. They thought it might be a touch of pneumonia but the IV I’m taking is good for that. I took a chest and stomach C-scan this morning but results not back.

I have 4 in house Docs check me each day and one outside consultant trying to help Docs on this site and they haven’t figured it out yet. I would appreciate any suggestions or I may have to live here. I don’t think they can release me with this infection. 😇
Get better Bill! We need you to kick the Bammers in the balls.
But nobody can figure out what’s wrong with me. I told them to check with Doc on this board. 😇

I have Type 2 Diabetes and got an infection in the lower leg and the swelling woukd not go down. I was taking glipicide to lower my blood sugar. Last Friday I had a Doppler survey to check fo a blood clot as a precaution. I didn’t eat supper Friday or much of anything Saturday (coffee and a piece of toast). Sunday morning I couldn’t stand up. I finally got help and they took me to the emergency room at a branch of St Luke’s Hospital where they admitted me for observation.

They gave me an antibiotic thru an IV for 2 days and the swelling went down. They were fixing to release me and a blood test showed my white corpuscle count started up again after being almost normal. The leg is fine. The high white corpuscles count still continues high and they keep giving me an antibiotic IV for infection. I feel pretty good. No pain anywhere but obviously I have an infection somewhere. They have given me a number of tests but nothing has shown up. They thought it might be a touch of pneumonia but the IV I’m taking is good for that. I took a chest and stomach C-scan this morning but results not back.

I have 4 in house Docs check me each day and one outside consultant trying to help Docs on this site and they haven’t figured it out yet. I would appreciate any suggestions or I may have to live here. I don’t think they can release me with this infection. 😇
Hope you get well soon you old swamp rat. They can’t kill off us olde farts ($ Moby)…. They just replace us one piece at a time. Hang in there till till the next part ..

Cataract replacement is next for me.
You’re getting a new cataract?
Guy I work with has an older one.


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