Urbandale Results

Carton and Clark both lose their first HS match in 3 day span, wow...curious to know how the Laux/Stroker and Miklus/Shaw matches were going before Inj Def's..?? BubsDad or anyone have feedback..?? Looks like some great matches..!!
Those two matches never started. Inj Def came after the semis. Laux hurt his rib and was taken to hospital is what I was told. Shaw hurt his neck in semis match vs. Scanlan.

I was really looking for the rematch at 113. Stroker has been on a roll since he lost to Laux 5-4 the 2nd week of the season. has full brackets
Sorenson lost last year to Meeks at Urbandale as well. 3 losses on his career. 2x to Meeks bumping up to face him and to Trom. Got give the kid his props for wanting the big challenge.
My bad on Sorenson - I thought someone I read he was two time undefeated State Champion. Thanks for info.