Originally posted by yankees19:
top of 2nd inning
west lyon had runners on first and second with 1 out. batter hits slow roller to 3rd base. the 3rd baseman fields grounder never looks at runner going to 3rd or 2nd. he throws to 1st base late. bases would have been loaded with 1 out. jim scholten said runner going to 3rd base ran out of baseline to get to 3rd. he went around 3rd baseman who was standing in baseline. when coach asked scholten what runner was suppose to do run fielder. scholten replied he should go around fielder. when 3rd baseman fielded ball and threw to first the runner was only at shortstop position. west lyon would had opportunity to take early lead in game because next batter hit slow roller to 2nd. run could of scored.
top of 6th innings
west lyon had bases loaded 0 outs. batter hits line drive to shortstop. he then throws to 3rd base. 3rd baseman is searching out base and never gets within a foot of base. runner drives back. scholten calls him out to end game.
I'm sure this has probably been explained, but you should be more concerned with the game ending after the top of the 6th with two outs and not the 7th inning and three outs. Please, quit trying to make it Heelan's or the umpire's fault as well. I feel dumber for reading all of your posts. I can't even tell which game you are complaining about sometimes.