Trump is taking a YUGE


All Conference
Jul 20, 2006
shite on Biden’s head. How humiliating!
Luckily for Joe, he’s too stupid to realize it. CamelToe and the rest of the dems look pissed.
Biden probably should have skipped out on the inauguration.

He can be a DA and has been rightly criticized in many quarters for some of his policies, but he has too much respect for the institution to do that.
Biden probably should have skipped out on the inauguration.

He can be a DA and has been rightly criticized in many quarters for some of his policies, but he has too much respect for the institution to do that.

All the democrats have left is to attend and act like they give a damn. They have not given a damn for the last 4 years but they showed up today.... probably for the free meal.

remember "white supremacy" is the greatest threat to America.... yea that and a bad case of jock itch
He wasn’t sure where he was or why he was there till Baron reminded him…

I’d give real money to know what Barron said to him.

My best guess? Dad gave him some good dirt to whisper in the perverts ear. Something Joe wants to keep quiet. Hopes DJT doesn’t know. And BDD had his 18 year old son go over there and drop it gangsta style.

Because Joe was very unhappy with whatever he was told. Looked like someone ran over his dog.