Travelling Trophies


Oct 11, 2014
Just curious how many high schools have a rivalry out there with a travelling trophy.
My alma mater, St. Ansgar, has one with the neighboring town Osage. Osage is a class up so always non district. Makes for an exciting start to the season.

It's The L.R. Falk Memorial Trophy.
Jk. I like that idea. I think rivalries have become a lesser art with traveling increasing by many teams.
Yes, probably few teams would have the need or a reason too, let alone a rivalry that would justify it. The trophy I speak of started in 1977. They played four straight years then not again until 1996 and 1997. Then another break until 2004. Since then the game has been played annually.
Osage won the first 6 times. Since 2004 St. Ansgar has owned it 8 times and Osage 7.
It's a pretty cool trophy. If you search the l.r. Falk memorial trophy there are some images on twitter.
Cant seem to link the images on here.
Grundy Center and G-R played for a bell until G-R went 8 man
South Tama and Grinnell play for the Steve Kriegel trophy
Davis County and Centerville play for some sort of flag I believe
Fort Madison and Keokuk have a chair of some sort
City High and West play for the boot
Wish (i know they wont) but could open up bordering states for border trophies. nw iowa plays SD. SW iowa play Nebraska. NE iowa Plays illinois, etc.
I think you’ll see more out of state games the next round of districts, the reason I don’t think you saw too many was because of the short notice ADs had to find out of state opponents
but in the new rating system and format how do you rank a team from out of state? I don' t believe it's possible
I believe they take the record of the team as it is, and assume their opponents have a .500 record.