Please know this is not an argument. Discussions like this help me learn and give me better perspective. I do not wish this to be anything other than informative. Let me give you my thoughts on the differences as they pertain to the field itself. This will help you better understand my thinking and in turn you feed back will most likely teach me something.
8 and 11 man offensive execution is very similar and without enough differences to be a factor between the two games. It is, in my opinion, all about the defenses. Based on that thinking, logic would dictate that it is all about the square feet of responsibility per defensive player on the field.
The 8 man field is 120 feet wide while the 11 man field is 160 feet wide. Length is actually not a factor. In other words if you are on your own 35 yard line in 8 man you are also on your own 35 yard line in 11 man as well. All the yards that exist behind the offense are inconsequential to you as a defensive player and are not factored in.
Now to drill down even further, once you line up on an opponent you are, in effect, only working with an area that is the width of the field times 15 yards in depth (45 feet). The logic behind this is that if you line up more than 15 yards deep on any offensive formation you automatically are giving up yards to your opponent. A depth of more than 15 yards would only be proper in punt return and prevent defense situations.
So now that we have established actual playing area for defenses on the field lets do the math for each and compare the results. All dimensions are displayed in feet rather than yards since an 11 man field width doesn’t break down evenly in using yards. (the field is 53.333 yards wide)
11 man field
160 ft. wide x 45 feet of operational concern for the Defense = 7,200 square feet.
7,200 square feet divided by 11 gives each player 655 (rounded up) square feet of area to cover.
That equates to 218 square yards per player.
8 man field
120 ft. wide x 45 feet of operational concern for the Defense = 5,400 square feet.
5,400 square feet divided by 8 gives each player 675 square feet of area to cover.
That equates to 225 square yards per player.
As a result, for each player that is out of position in relationship to the offensive formation in the 8 man game it handicaps his team by an addition 13% as compared to that same player being out of position in the 11 man version.
In 8 man, the defense being 3 players short in general is far more detrimental than being 3 players short on offense. On defense you eliminate one Defensive lineman and both corner backs. You generally go with a 3 and sometimes 4 man front with the outside linebackers pulling double duty of pass coverage and run stopper. As a result their margin for error is increased and in my opinion they are responsible for the entire additional 20 square foot discrepancy all by themselves.
In the 11 man game you can hide your weakest link in the 8 man game, your weakest link is out there for the whole world to see.
This is why I think a decent 11 man team would not by default dominate a decent 8 man team on an 8 man field.
What are your thoughts?