Should the semifinals be re-seeded?

Why or why not?
They probably should be, but how do you fairly re-seed them?

In the case of teams with same record, do you have a point system for non-district games like basketball had where you get a certain amount of points for beating a team depending on class?

Some are more clear cut than others, but when it comes to tiebreakers, what should the criteria be that most fairly determines who plays who? That'd be the biggest issue to re-seeding.
I'm not sure there's much you can do. The Western side of the state is THAT much better than the Eastern side this year. Particularly District 1. 3 different teams out of District 1 would have had a real chance of getting to the Dome if they would have been on the other side of the bracket.

I don't mean to be disrespectful towards Hudson and Saint Ansgar, they are both very solid teams, but I think both those teams would lose to Westwood and LeMars Gehlen (2nd and 3rd best teams in District 1). Westwood and Gehlen are just faster and more physical (put the film on).

And that is just unfortunate. There's nothing you can do about it though.

West Sioux will win a lot to a little next week.
I guarantee you are wrong lol. Quit blowing district 1 like ppl do every year omg I’m so over that Every year.
Every year we hear how great that district is and how great the west side is, let’s go back 10 years and I bet without looking it’s pry 5-5 on titles of east vs west
Lol. The eye in the sky don’t lie. Have not watched a ton of east because i didn’t care. But district 2 and 7 are not even close to district 1. CBSA is a good team and would fit right in didn’t take a lot of tape to realize they were by far the best. The bottom of the districts is were it is very apparent. Wins ,losses and SCORES don’t tell the whole story.
Just to throw a monkey in - I'm extremely disappointed in that IHSAA sold out on the TV rights for semis and finals. The girls kept it local and FREE for we the parent taxpayers (to our local schools) while the boys of Boone sold us out. We received an email from our school district's AD as to how to watch the semis and finals on the internet. It only works if you have certain connections, like DISH, etc. It just plain stinks. Who in heavens name has any connection with Chicago? This is Iowa and for the money we spend on our schools, we should be able to watch it for FREE like we used to on IPTV. Every Iowan should email, write, text, call to the boys of Boone and let them know that they screwed up and need to correct it, and stop filling their coffers. I'd wager that the Boone boys / IHSAA doesn't buy the trophies, but they are most likely bought by people like Farm Bureau or Fareway, etc. So they don't need TV rights money for that.
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The rights were sold to a local guy, who then turned around and farmed it out to Comcast.

This is year 2 of a 3-year deal, and I assume there will be discussions once year 3 is over.

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