Serious question for MAGA Republicans (sane Republicans and Democrats need not answer)

Menace Sockeyes

Apr 7, 2021
If Vice President Harris is dumb and incapable of being President, but she successfully baited him to go off the rails on the simplest of debate questions over and over again (playing him like a fiddle as one Republican pundit put it), what could an intelligent adversary of the United States be able to do by baiting or manipulating Trump? And why is this risk acceptable to you? Please help me understand this “logic”.
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If Vice President Harris is dumb and incapable of being President, but she successfully baited him to go off the rails on the simplest of debate questions over and over again (playing him like a fiddle as one Republican pundit put it), what could an intelligent adversary of the United States be able to do by baiting or manipulating Trump? And why is this risk acceptable to you? Please help me understand this “logic”.
First of all, the “she baited him” rhetoric is only there to give MSM something to cheer about so they can manipulate simpletons into overlooking her zero substance campaign, and your post proves it’s obviously working. The problem still exists with the swing voters. They are turned off by her aloof strategy and copycat/flip-flop policy.
Secondly, there is no risk with Trump’s foreign policy. We’ve seen him in action before and he ruled the world as a true American president should. There also nothing to worry about with Trump’s economic and domestic policy. He gave us a wonderful economy, tried his damndest to clean up the swamp and wall off the border and - most importantly - gave his country all he could while taking nothing in return, unlike the Clinton Foundation, Obama and his reported $600 million worth (how did he do that) and the drooling fool and his corrupt family. How stupid you must feel after sucking him off for the past 3.5 years only to realize that everything we told you about him was true. You cried yourself to sleep after MSNBC and CNN finally told you the truth while throwing him under the bus, didn’t you?
But back to your laughable (and predictable) premise that “she baited him” and “she won the debate”….
In short, to give you an analogy you will certainly understand, the male cheerleaders can prance around and do cartwheels with the girls all they want. It doesn’t matter to the fans watching the game. They aren’t paying the phagz any attention anyway. All they care about is what happens on the field.
Sux for you but that’s the way it is.
And welcome back!😎

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Thank you for at least attempting to spin the unspinnable. I’ll address your points:

-While the entire debate was light on policy. Kamala was the only one to even attempt to scratch the surface, giving real numbers to her first time home buyer plan, her small business grant plan, and her increase in the child tax credit. Trump talked about the fake news of eating cats, how America is a third world country, citing Maduro’s crime numbers (lol) about how Venezuela is safer than America, along with 33 other complete falsehoods to Kamala’s 1 (she said he left us the worst job numbers since The Great Depression. It was the worst since the Great Recession).

-Yes, no risk and yet he thumbed his nose at the emoluments clause so he’s economically susceptible to manipulation, he told this country that Xi of China had everything under control and was doing great all because he flattered Trump (Vice President Harris nailed this in the debate), and he was extraordinarily careless with military secrets while cozying up to the Saudis. Undercover operatives cover were blown and American military deaths surged overseas under Trump. Not mention an even more massive surge in our killing of civilians. In just one bloody term he bombed the Middkr East more than Bush and Obama combined.

- Trump inherited Obama’s excellent economy and turned it to crap. We were already in a recession by February of 2020, Almost two months before shutdowns really took effect. Manufacturing numbers were terrible. No less than Fox Business was reporting this when Covid came and distracted everyone. Then Trump had a convenient excuse. Only he LIED to us about Covid because he’s truly dumb. After he blew up the pandemic response team just because it was created by Obama he said “30 to 40 thousand dying is media hysteria” and he called the deadliness of the virus a “Democrat hoax”. A liar, a moron, and a failure. That’s why voters fired him.

-Trump was the swamp. The most felon associates in an administration since Reagan. Corruption rampant from the EPA to the campaign staff. Trump’s charity was a scam to enrich the family he had to shut down. His school was a fraudulent scam. His daughter was mysteriously getting approved for Chinese patents. His son in law made 2 billion off the Saudis. What were they given in return. And you simp for this guy because you’ve been brainwashed. Plain and simple.

-Biden was old, Period. In fact, the very moment he was elected I was on the Iowa boards saying he’s good for one term but should step down before the primaries. He made the right decision, though later than I would have liked.

Finally, and this one is going to hurt:



And his absolute kindest true poll, from Fox:

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OMG, she's moved to the center over the last 4 years!?!?!?! No way! You guys are geniuses! You've got her now!

Now do a timeline of Trump's abortion stances alone, please. 😆

And @Reasoned. Come on, man. You’re not highlighting the educational level of our state when you can’t understand the definition of “propaganda”. Here it is…

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Ironically, the only propaganda here was that which I countered. Honk’s post was simply his feelings and his own precious opinions. I countered with takes supported by the facts, indisputable facts, throughout. Absolutely none of you here seem to be able to debate on facts but immediately resort to strawmen and ad hominems. It really highlights the complete lack of substance, the vacuousness, of MAGA. America only survives if the Republican Party listens to the minority that are sane.
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lol, in the last 4 years Kamala said, "they will not stop, they should not stop" referring to the rioters burning cities and attacking police. She also helped set up a fund for getting them out of jail.

Yes...she "moderated" in the last 4 years. 😂
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OMG, she's moved to the center over the last 4 years!?!?!?! No way! You guys are geniuses! You've got her now!

Now do a timeline of Trump's abortion stances alone, please. 😆

And @Reasoned. Come on, man. You’re not highlighting the educational level of our state when you can’t understand the definition of “propaganda”. Here it is…

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Ironically, the only propaganda here was that which I countered. Honk’s post was simply his feelings and his own precious opinions. I countered with takes supported by the facts, indisputable facts, throughout. Absolutely none of you here seem to be able to debate on facts but immediately resort to strawmen and ad hominems. It really highlights the complete lack of substance, the vacuousness, of MAGA. America only survives if the Republican Party listens to the minority that are sane.

Poor penace…..the facts are she’s lied over and over.

Let’s play….lying or flip flop 😂😂


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