Semi-Final Results, Championship Picks, and Current Standings


Oct 16, 2010
Semi-Final Results, Championship Picks, and Current Standings

Semi-Final Results:
Waukon vs. Albia - WAUKON
Kuemper Catholic vs. Sioux Center - KUEMPER CATHOLIC

Pick Standings After Round 2:
UnionFootballFan: 28-2 (15-1, 8-0, 3-1, 2-0)
TD-BOMBS: 27-3 (16-0, 8-0, 2-2, 1-1)
maxstabs13: 27-3 (15-1, 6-2, 4-0, 2-0)
MepoDawg#: 27-3 (16-0, 7-1, 2-2, 2-0)
Iron Doc: 24-6 (15-1, 5-3, 2-2, 2-0)
*ORSKY1: 23-5 (16-0, 6-2, 1-3, No Semi-Final Picks)
*Sioux_Per_Cy: 25-3 (15-1, 7-1, 3-1, No Semi-Final Picks)
*docf: 18-6 (13-3, 5-3, No Quarterfinal Picks)
*OtherWiseGinger: (16-0, No 2nd Round Picks)
*Rage57: (12-4, No 2nd Round Picks)
*Jen44: (2-2, No 1st or 2nd Round Picks)

Championship Game to Pick:
Waukon vs. Kuemper Catholic
The good news is that by picking Waukon I secured another pick'em title based on those behind me in the rankings picking Waukon.

The bad news is that Waukon is not looking good in this game. Had a feeling the long ball and turnovers would hurt them, and so far in the first half that is definitely the case.
Championship Game to Pick:
Waukon vs. Kuemper Catholic - KUEMPER CATHOLIC

Final Pick Standings:
UnionFootballFan: 28-3 (15-1, 8-0, 3-1, 2-0, 0-1)
TD-BOMBS: 27-4 (16-0, 8-0, 2-2, 1-1, 0-1)
maxstabs13: 27-4 (15-1, 6-2, 4-0, 2-0, 0-1)
Iron Doc: 25-6 (15-1, 5-3, 2-2, 2-0, 1-0)
*MepoDawg#: 27-3 (16-0, 7-1, 2-2, 2-0, No Championship Pick)
*ORSKY1: 23-5 (16-0, 6-2, 1-3, No Semi-Final Picks)
*Sioux_Per_Cy: 25-3 (15-1, 7-1, 3-1, No Semi-Final Picks)
*docf: 18-6 (13-3, 5-3, No Quarterfinal Picks)
*OtherWiseGinger: (16-0, No 2nd Round Picks)
*Rage57: (12-4, No 2nd Round Picks)
*Jen44: (2-2, No 1st or 2nd Round Picks)

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