Right now, how do you feel about the association controlling the pairings?

I don't really mind it! The one thing I would like to see is teams that
don't finish over 500 overall on the season should not make the
playoffs. I know they may have a tough non district schedule or tough
district but to have 2,3, even 4 win teams in instead of some 5 win
teams seems somewhat wrong. It may be mean some districts don't get the
same amount of teams but to me you should have to have a winning record.
It is the postseason for a reason and I think you need to earn it (Good
Life Lesson). May mean odd number of teams but then reward the teams
that go undefeated and so forth. It could be done! I also think it
should be the same in all other sports as well such as basketball and
baseball. I know the one thing that people in Boone would say is that
will lower ticket sales but if you are putting the better and best teams
in you would think you would get bigger crowds and gather more
interest. Just my thoughts.
Not going to happen. The only changes I have heard seriously discussed is going to a Friday Friday Friday. Playoff schedule. Possibly starting the season a week earlier or going to an 8 game schedule. But I think the wednesday Monday playoff schedule is on its way out. Possibly starting next year. The expanded playoff is not going away any time soon.
Friday playoff schedules seem to work just fine in Nebraska and they finish with their championship games prior to Thanksgiving. I would think/hope that perhaps the boys in Boone can look outside the box. As for the 125 mile one way trips...hmmmm Sioux City 4A schools travel to DSM or vice versa for Wed playoff games and let me tell you it is longer that 125 miles from Sioux City to Des Moines. I think Smokey and the boys need to quit talking out of both sides of their mouths. It also simply amazes me how this year their seems to be a major bias against 3A,2A,1A and A teams in Northwest Iowa with so many district rematches.

If you read the post season manual on the IAHSAA website the 125 mile limit is not in effect for class 4A schools. It also says they will make attempts to match teams up with teams outside their district, but they don't guarantee it. I don't see where there is any bias. I think they just tried to stay within 125 miles for the classes they stated, but couldn't therefore they had to have some district rematches.
Originally posted by brewcrewman1:
their seems to be a major bias against 3A,2A,1A and A teams in Northwest Iowa with so many district rematches.
Look at a map. There aren't any non-district playoff teams within 125 miles of a lot of those schools.
I don't mind the new 125 mile rule so far. I am curious to see how they will pair the next rounds if a 4 seed is to upset a 1 since there is no longer a bracket. How will they decide who plays the lower seeds? Would the 4 play a 1 again or the 2-3?
Thepooc...point well taken from what is in the manual. I get it...but if that mileage can be stretched(or not in effect) for 4A than the same can and should be said for all of the other classes. I do like the idea of no "sister" districts anymore. I truly believe that the intent(I hope) is to see that the best two teams from the state make it to the championship game rather than have this east/west mentality that has been so prevalent over the years. My wish is that there is never a district rematch in the first round of the playoffs. If the first round does cause a non-district rematch so be it. If the girl's athletic union can gerrymander districts for various sports around so the presumed BEST teams make it to the state tournament than the boys in Boone can do it in the various sports it sponsors also.
This year in Nebraska the top 4 classes accepted only 16 teams which was cut back from the 32 it had in past seasons. The Top 16 teams in the state made it and did not care if only 1 or 3 teams made it from a district. They determine this by using a formula based on points given for wins and losses. The number of points given was based on a win or loss against the team you played and what division (aka 4 divisions with div 1 teams with best records and division 4 worst) that team was in. after this they avg the points out to get your avg points. So with this, as season goes along the top 16 can change week to week. They still have districts but no sister districts that you play non-district games against. Because of this you can play 2 games against district 2 and 1 against district 3 and then 1 against a class above or below possible. Getting to my point they don't care how far teams have to travel to get to their opponent as the #1 team based on avg points played #16. Because of this they play the playoff games on Friday's as Brewcrewman1 mentioned. Wasn't fan of this my first years living in the state and first year of coaching in Nebraska but I have come to see some of the positives to it this year while coaching.
I think we all can agree, no matter what class you follow, the first round this year was just something Luke says, here's your participation ribbon, make sure everyone gets one!

I personally miss the days when every single regular season game was important to the overall record, because record is what got you in! Remember when it was odd to see a team with the #3 in their loss column and still making the playoffs? HA! Those were the days...I just miss hard fought football every single round of the playoffs. Too many cake walks. The mile rule has never bothered me, that is, if only good deserving teams are in the playoffs to begin with. Cause what exactly is the playoff goal for every single team? Oh yeah, be the best in the entire state! To be the best, you gotta play and beat the rest.